Difference between revisions of "Team:BNU-CHINA/Team"

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{{BNU-CHINA/partials/nav | TEAM=active}}
{{BNU-CHINA/partials/nav | TEAM=active}}
{{BNU-CHINA/article | TEAM | WE ARE SIREN }}
{{BNU-CHINA/article | Team | Share with you|9/95/Bnubgl}}
.row {
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                $people = $('.people').isotope({
                    // options
                    itemSelector: '.people-figure',
                    layoutMode: 'fitRows'
                $('.filter-button-group').on( 'click', 'li', function() {
                    $('.filter-button-group li').removeClass('checked');
                    var filterValue = $(this).attr('data-filter');
                    $people.isotope({ filter: filterValue });
<h2>Members <small>- WE ARE SIRENS</small></h2>
<div class="row">
<ul class="filter-button-group col-md-12">
    <li class="checked" data-filter="*"><a class="btn-filter btn">All</a></li>
    <li data-filter=".lab"><a class="btn-filter btn">Wet Lab</a></li>
    <li data-filter=".modeling"><a class="btn-filter btn">Modeling</a></li>
    <li data-filter=".wiki"><a class="btn-filter btn">Wiki Construction</a></li>
    <li data-filter=".art"><a class="btn-filter btn">Graphic Design</a></li>
    <li data-filter=".hp"><a class="btn-filter btn">Human Practice</a></li>
<div class="people row">
<div class="people container">
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Mao Peng|info=SETI's Jill Tarter has devoted her career to hunting for signs of sentient beings elsewhere, and almost all aspects of this field have been affected by her work.|type=test|photo=b/bf/Bnubgh}}
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Lao Kejing|info=A sophomore majoring in biology. Her work includes  plasmid purification, SDS-PAGE and nematodes synchronization. She also tried to help BIT-China with extracting membrane proteins, NhaA and NhaB.|type=lab|photo=1/14/BNU-LAOKEJING}}
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Mao Peng|info=SETI's Jill Tarter has devoted her career to hunting for signs of sentient beings elsewhere, and almost all aspects of this field have been affected by her work.|type=test|photo=b/bf/Bnubgh}}
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Liu Longping|info=A sophomore student who has worked on how to promote the expression rate of rMpL as well as designed the toxic test on nematodes.|type=lab|photo=8/8e/BNU-LIULONGPING}}
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Chen Zhiyao|info=The only freshman in our team, majoring in physics. Developed the toxic and attractant database with Peng Chengfei. Also designed the UI of the database website, and took part in HP activities too!|type=modeling wiki|photo=0/09/BNU-zaixia}}
                <h2 id="attribution">Attribution</h2>
                <div class="panel-group" id="accordion">
                    <div class="panel panel-default">
                        <div class="panel-heading">
                            <h4 class="panel-title"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne">Project Design and Wet Lab Experiments</a></h4>
                        <div id="collapseOne" class="panel-collapse collapse in">
                            <div class="panel-body">
                                Under the supervision of Prof. Zhu Xudong, Prof. Yang Dong, and Prof. Xiang Benqiong etc, nearly all team members have taken part in the project designing process, especially those of wet lab group.Beichen Gao , Yuanyi Dai , Yufei Cao and Jia Li are the group leaders who mainly design the experimental patterns and guide the different parts of the experiments.
                    <div class="panel panel-default">
                        <div class="panel-heading">
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Wang Yingbing|info=A junior biotech student of BNU. Mainly did some paper work for the team, and also took part in the “bace16” group work.|type=lab|photo=a/ac/BNU-FENGXIAOFEI}}
                            <h4 class="panel-title"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo">Modeling</a></h4>
                        <div id="collapseTwo" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                            <div class="panel-body">
                                Cheng Li is the leader of modeling group, who mainly enrolled in designing the device 2.0. Yuan Yin , Qiuyue Yuan and Xueting Zhao also do a great many works in the modeling group, such as information searching, paper writing and equipment appilication.
                    <div class="panel panel-default">
                        <div class="panel-heading">
                            <h4 class="panel-title"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseThree">Wiki Construction</a></h4>
                        <div id="collapseThree" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                            <div class="panel-body">
                                Jiajun Zhang , who has led the web design group to build the wiki, together with group members Zhiyao Chen and Chengfei Peng complete the main work in database construction and maintenance.
                    <div class="panel panel-default">
                        <div class="panel-heading">
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Siren|info=In Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous yet beautiful creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and eat them. We call our machine Sirens as it can attract nematodes and kill them just like the Sirens do to their meals.|type=test|photo=3/31/BNU-team-siren}}
                            <h4 class="panel-title"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseFour">Graphic design</a></h4>
                        <div id="collapseFour" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                            <div class="panel-body">
                                Lu Xu( group leader), Lee and Yalei Cao really do a fantastic work in graphic and web design. They all make great efforts in designing our team logo, website, poster, souvenir, T-shirt and so on.
                    <div class="panel panel-default">
                        <div class="panel-heading">
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Cao Yufei|info=A junior student in Liyun College of BNU, biology major. She is responsible for the parts design for expressing limonene in <em>E. coli</em> and coresponding experiments.|type=lab|photo=1/16/BNU-CAOYUFEI}}
                            <h4 class="panel-title"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseFive">Human practice</a></h4>
                        <div id="collapseFive" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                            <div class="panel-body">
                                Meng Tang , the leader of human practice group, has organized a series of activities for Policy and Practice, like survey and publicize in some middle schools etc. Some group members as Yuanyi Dai,Jia Li , Jiajun Zhang , Beichen Gao , Zhiyao Chen , Jingyu Zhao , Xiaofei Feng also play a significant role in planning and organizing the activities . Other group members also take an active part in some other activities of human practice.
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Li Jia|info=A junior bioscience student, wants to learn more about synthetic biology and makes more friends in iGEM.  Mainly worked on testifying the chemical attractants. Besides she expressed limonene and GPP synthase, and cultivated <em>C.elegans</em>.  |type=lab|photo=7/7a/BNU-LIJIA}}
<table  class="table table-condensed ">
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Yin Yuan|info=A sophomore majoring in mathematics. Helped set up the model in proposingthe solving ideas and searching the data.|type=modeling|photo=3/37/BNU-team-YINYUAN}}
<th>Team Member</th><th>Attributions</th>
<td>Cao Yalei</td><td>Graphic Design(Design of logo, banner, poster, jersey and souvenir)</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Zhao Xueting|info=A sophomore in mathematics. Did work of modeling section like finding out how to put equipment on farmland, writing modeling paper, doing some translation and so on.|type=modeling|photo=b/ba/BNU-ZHAOXUETING}}
<td>Cao Yufei</td><td>Wet lab group leader(parts design for expressing lemonene in E. coli and coresponding experiments)</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Liu Xinyu|info=A sophomore biology student. Is a member of the limonene group of this project, and also took part in human practice and other parts' experiments. |type=lab|photo=0/02/BNU-LIUXINYU}}
<td>Chen Zhiyao</td><td>Wiki construction(database construction; UI design)<br>Human practice</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Li Yuehuan|info=A sophomore bioscience student. She helped design and verify parts of the module.|type=lab |photo=c/cc/BNU-LIYUEHUAN}}
<td>Dai Yuanyi</td><td>Daily activities arrangement and personnel management<br>Wet lab group leader(biobricks construction, Bace16 expression and testification)<br>Human practice</td>
<td>Feng Xiaofei</td><td>Wet lab experiments(limonene synthesis)<br>Human practice</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Wu Zekai|info=A sophomore biology student. Designed a part of biobrick of photoinduction system, and took part in some experiments of verifing the toxicity of Bace 16.|type=lab |photo=2/29/BNU-WUZEKAI}}
<td>Gao Beichen</td><td>Team leader<br>Wet lab group leader(biobricks construction, nematocidal protein expression, rMpL's toxicity identification<br>Human practice</td>
<td>Lao Kejing</td><td>Wet lab experiments(plasmid purification; SDS-PAGE; nematodes synchronization)<br>Helping Beijing Institute of Technology with extracting membrane proteins, NhaA and NhaB</td>
<td>Lee</td><td>Graphic Design( website design, logo of the team and T-shirt)</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Yuan Qiuyue|info=A junior majoring in mathematics. Simulated the movement of nematodes, and established the model of diffusion of the attraction.|type=modeling|photo=9/96/BNU-team-YUANQIUYUE}}
<td>Li Cheng</td><td>Modeling leader(design of the device 2.0 ; parts improving)<br>Wiki<br>Graphic design</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Lee |info=Junior biology student. Participated in graphic design of our team, such as website designing,logo of the team and T-shirt.|type=art|photo=5/5a/BNU-LIKELAI}}
<td>Li Jia</td><td>Wet lab group leader(chemical attractants' function testification, limonene and GPPs expression, C.elegans cultivation )<br>Human practice</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Zhang Jiajun|info=A junior biotech student in BNU, he has contributed to team works and wiki building. |type=wiki|photo=6/6a/BNU-ZHANGJIAJUN}}
<td>Li Yuehuan</td><td>Wet lab experiments(rMpL verification)</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Feng Xiaofei|info=A sophomore student who has worked on how to promote the expression rate of rMpL as well as designed the toxic test on nematodes.|type=hp|photo=7/70/BNU-WANGYINGBING}}
<td>Liu Longping</td><td>Wet lab experiments(exploraton of how to promote the expression rate of protein rMpL; design of the toxic test)</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Cao Yalei|info=From school of Geography in BNU, is a member of graphic design group who designed our team logo, banner and poster. The jerseys and souvenirs were also her masterpieces.|type=art|photo=1/18/BNU-CAOYALEI}}
<td>Liu Xinyu</td><td>Wet lab experiments(limonene group and other parts' experiments)<br>Human practice</td>
<td>Ma Hongfei</td><td>Wet lab experiments(GC-MS of limonene )<br>Modeling(device 1.0 design and creation)</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Xu Lu|info=A junior bioscience student who is the leader of graphic design group. Did the design work for BNU-CHINA, particularly on poster and PPT design. In addition, she made a batch of uniform shirts for our team. |type=art|photo=9/9d/BNU-XULU}}
<td>Peng Chengfei</td><td>Wiki construction(database construction, deployment and operation, Wiki frame construction)</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Gao Beichen|info=The leader of our team, a junior biotech student of Beijing Normal University. Mainly worked for the wet lab part including constructing parts, expressing nematocidal proteins and testifying the toxicity of rMpL. |type=lab|photo=d/de/BNU-GAOBEICHEN}}
<td>Tang Meng</td><td>Human practice project leader(activities planning and organization)<br>Wet lab experiments</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Tang Meng|info=A junior Bioscience BNU student. The HP project leader who organized most activities for Policy and Practice, such as surveys, publicity and voluntary education. She also took part in nematodes cultivating. |type=hp|photo=6/68/BNU-TANGMENG}}
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Dai Yuanyi|info=A junior BNU student majoring in Biotech. Devoted all her energy and time in iGEM, making her a multitasking girl. Her work involves of many aspects, mainly the construction of biobricks and expriments on Bace16. |type=lab|photo=6/66/BNU-DAIYUANYI}}
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Li Cheng|info=A junior bioscience student.  The leader of modeling part, designed the device 2.0. Also proposes many useful ideas in this team, such as the online database and the design to improve parts. Also enrolled in Wiki and Art work. |type=modeling|photo=3/33/BNU-LICHENG}}
<td>Wang Ran</td><td>Translation<br>Human practice</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Zhao Jingyu|info=A sophomore majoring in biology. Took part in experiments such as the expression of the toxin rMpL, and also did some work in human practice. |type=lab|photo=a/a2/BNU-ZHAOJINGYU}}
<td>Wang Yingbing</td><td>Wet lab experiments(Bace16 group work)</td>
{{BNU-CHINA/gird/item |name=Peng Chengfei|info=A sophomore student of Computer Science. Is responsible for the some technical work like constructing the database and the corresponding website and the deployment and operation of the database. |type=wiki modeling|photo=0/09/BNU-PENGMAO}}
<td>Wu Zekai</td><td>Wet lab experiments(photoinduced system design; Bace 16 functional verification)</td>
<td>Xiao Shusheng</td><td>Literature reading<br>Human practice</td>
<hr />
<td>Xu Lu</td><td>Graphic design leader(mainly on poster and PPT design)</td>
                <div class="panel-group" id="accordion">
<div class="panel panel-info">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Project Design and Wet Lab Experiments</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<td>Yin Yuan</td><td>Modeling(proposing the solving ideas; searching the data)</td>
Under the supervision of <strong>Prof. Zhu Xudong</strong>, <strong>Prof. Yang Dong</strong>, and <strong>Prof. Xiang Benqiong</strong> etc, nearly all team members have taken part in the project designing process, especially those of wet lab group.<strong>Beichen Gao</strong> , <strong>Yuanyi Dai</strong> , <strong>Yufei Cao</strong> and <strong>Jia Li</strong> are the group leaders who mainly design the experimental patterns and guide the different parts of the experiments.
<td>Yuan Qiuyue</td><td>Modeling(nematode movement simulation;model of diffusion of the attraction)<br>Human practice</td>
<div class="panel panel-info">
<td>Zhang Jiajun</td><td>Wiki leader<br>Rear services<br>Human practice</td>
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Modeling</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<td>Zhang Tianqi</td><td>Rear services<br>Wet lab experiments(validating limonene's attracting effects on nematodes)</td>
<strong>Cheng Li</strong> is the leader of modeling group, who mainly enrolled in designing the device 2.0. <strong>Yuan Yin</strong> , <strong>Qiuyue Yuan</strong> and <strong>Xueting Zhao</strong> also do a great many works in the modeling group, such as information searching, paper writing and equipment appilication.
<div class="panel panel-info">
<td>Zhao Jingyu</td><td>Wet lab experiments(rMPL expression)</td>
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Wiki Construction</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<strong>Jiajun Zhang</strong> , who has led the web design group to build the wiki, together with group members <strong>Zhiyao Chen</strong> and <strong>Chengfei Peng</strong> complete the main work in database construction and maintenance.
<div class="panel panel-info">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Graphic design</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<td>Zhao Xueting</td><td>Modeling(solving problems like how to put equipment on farmland; paper writing; translation)</td>
<strong>Lu Xu</strong>( group leader), <strong>Lee</strong> and <strong>Yalei Cao</strong> really do a fantastic work in graphic and web design. They all make great efforts in designing our team logo, website, poster, souvenir, T-shirt and so on.
<div class="panel panel-info">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Human practice</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<strong>Meng Tang</strong> , the leader of human practice group, has organized a series of activities for Policy and Practice, like survey and publicize in some middle schools etc. Some group members as <strong>Yuanyi Dai</strong>, <strong>Jia Li</strong> , <strong>Jiajun Zhang</strong> , <strong>Beichen Gao</strong> , <strong>Zhiyao Chen</strong> , <strong>Jingyu Zhao</strong> , <strong>Xiaofei Feng</strong> also play a significant role in planning and organizing the activities . Other group members also take an active part in some other activities of human practice.
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
<dt style="color: #258D79;">Team Member</dt>
<dd style="color: #258D79;font-weight: bold;">Attributions</dd>
<dt>Cao Yalei</dt>
<dd>Graphic Design(Design of logo, banner, poster, jersey and souvenir)</dd>
                <h2 id="collaboration">Collaboration</h2>
<dt>Cao Yufei</dt>
                <p>Our modeling can be divided into four parts. Firstly, in order to enable our project to be applied in life, we design a device placed in soil, which can attract and kill nematodes by modified engineering bacteria inside. Secondly, assuming there is a farmland, we take advantage of nematodes’ movement analogue simulation to find the best position where the device should be placed and the best concentration of attracting substance. Thirdly, according to this concentration, we obtain the best size of the device by calculating. At last, we establish a database to enlarge applied range of our method to kill other pests. We would appreciate that new synthetic biological and environment-friendly methods can be shared and improved with the science researchers all over the world.</p>
<dd>Wet lab group leader(parts design for expressing lemonene in <em>E. coli</em> and coresponding experiments)</dd>
                    <h3 class="text-center">Thanks:</h3>
<dt>Chen Zhiyao</dt>
<dd>Wiki construction(database construction; UI design)<br>Human practice</dd>
                        <h5>Prof. Zhu Xudong, Prof. Yang Dong and Prof. Xiang Benqiong
<dt>Dai Yuanyi</dt>
<dd>Daily activities arrangement and personnel management<br>Wet lab group leader(biobricks construction, Bace16 expression and testification)<br>Human practice</dd>
                        <p>Offered us much precious advice on the project.
                        <h5>Hao Xiaoran, Chi Xiaodong, Huo Liang, Ai Ying and Wang Xuan</h5>
<dt>Feng Xiaofei</dt>
                        <p>Offered us advice on our experiments and helped us solve problems.</p>
<dd>Wet lab experiments(limonene synthesis)<br>Human practice</dd>
                        <h5>The College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University
<dt>Gao Beichen</dt>
<dd>Team leader<br>Wet lab group leader(biobricks construction, nematocidal protein expression, rMpL's toxicity identification<br>Human practice</dd>
                        <p>Helped us do GC-MS.
                        <h5>Prof. Yang Chonglin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
                        <p>Offered us C.elegens and taught us how to cultivate them.
                        <h5>Prof. Li Hongmei of Department of Plant Pathology,Nanjing Agricultural University
                        <p>Helped us to do Species identification of nematodes.
                        <h5>BIT-China & ZJU-China & FAFU-CHINA
                        <p>Offered us some helpful advice and we also had a collaboration together.
                        <h5>Agricultural Service Center of Ceyu, Hebei Province
                        <p>Helped us learn more information about the damage caused by local nematodes and villager’s attitude towards agricultural insecticide.
                        <h5>Shang Zhong National Middle School of Guizhou Province
                        <p>Supported us in our voluntary education.
                        <h5>National Chiao Tung University &Peking University
                        <p>Provided us opportunities to communicate with other teams.
                        <h5>Feng Xiaofei and her family in Hebei Province
                        <p>Helped us get soybeans samples and did a survey in the locality.
                        <h5>Prof. Wang Yingdian
                        <p>Discussed the bright future of our project with us.
                    <h3 class="text-center">Sponsors</h3>
                    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/e/ec/TEAM-BNU.png">
                    <p>Beijing Normal University (BNU), is a public research university located in Beijing with strong emphasis on basic disciplines of humanities and sciences. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in China. Our school supported us to our iGEM Journey and provided us adequate resources to complete the competition. Students of different colleges in our school took part in our team, and all these colleges supported us very much.</p>
<dt>Lao Kejing</dt>
<dd>Wet lab experiments(plasmid purification; SDS-PAGE; nematodes synchronization)<br>Helping Beijing Institute of Technology with extracting membrane proteins, NhaA and NhaB</dd>
<div class="row">
                        <img class="col-md-3" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/df/TEAM-LIFE.png">
<dd>Graphic Design( website design, logo of the team and T-shirt)</dd>
                        <img class="col-md-3" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/3/36/TEAM-PHY.png">
                        <img class="col-md-3" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/3/34/TEAM-CS.png">
<dt>Li Cheng</dt>
                        <img class="col-md-3" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/8/85/TEAM-MATH.png">
<dd>Modeling leader(design of the device 2.0 ; parts improving)<br>Wiki<br>Graphic design</dd>
<div class="row">
<dt>Li Jia</dt>
                        <img class="col-md-4" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/e/e3/TEAM-CHE.png">
<dd>Wet lab group leader(chemical attractants' function testification, LS and GPPS expression, <em>C.elegans</em> cultivation )<br>Human practice</dd>
                        <img class="col-md-4" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/df/TEAM-Geo.png">
                        <img class="col-md-4" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/d/da/TEAM-LIYUN.png" margin="64px 0 0 0">
<dt>Li Yuehuan</dt>
<dd>Wet lab experiments(rMpL verification)</dd>
<dt>Liu Longping</dt>
<dd>Wet lab experiments(exploraton of how to promote the expression rate of protein rMpL; design of the toxic test)</dd>
<dt>Liu Xinyu</dt>
<dd>Wet lab experiments(limonene group and other parts' experiments)<br>Human practice</dd>
<dt>Ma Hongfei</dt>
<dd>Wet lab experiments(GC-MS of limonene )<br>Modeling(device 1.0 design and creation)</dd>
<dt>Peng Chengfei</dt>
<dd>Wiki construction(database construction, deployment and operation, Wiki frame construction)</dd>
<dt>Tang Meng</dt>
<dd>Human practice project leader(activities planning and organization)<br>Wet lab experiments</dd>
<dt>Wang Ran</dt>
<dd>Translation<br>Human practice</dd>
<dt>Wang Yingbing</dt>
<dd>Wet lab experiments(Bace16 group work)</dd>
<dt>Wu Zekai</dt>
<dd>Wet lab experiments(photoinduced system design; Bace 16 functional verification)</dd>
<dt>Xiao Shusheng</dt>
<dd>Literature reading<br>Human practice</dd>
<dt>Xu Lu</dt>
<dd>Graphic design leader(mainly on poster and PPT design)</dd>
<dt>Yin Yuan</dt>
<dd>Modeling(proposing the solving ideas; searching the data)</dd>
<dt>Yuan Qiuyue</dt>
<dd>Modeling(nematode movement simulation;model of diffusion of the attraction)<br>Human practice</dd>
<dt>Zhang Jiajun</dt>
<dd>Wiki leader<br>Rear services<br>Human practice</dd>
<dt>Zhang Tianqi</dt>
<dd>Rear services<br>Wet lab experiments(validating limonene's attracting effects on nematodes)</dd>
<dt>Zhao Jingyu</dt>
<dd>Wet lab experiments(rMpL expression)</dd>
<dt>Zhao Xueting</dt>
<dd>Modeling(solving problems like how to put equipment on farmland; paper writing; translation)</dd>
<hr />
<a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:BNU-CHINA/Collaboration" class="pull-right">VIEW OUR COLLABORATIONS›</a>

Latest revision as of 19:42, 18 September 2015

Team:BNU-CHINA - 2015.igem.org


Lao Kejing

A sophomore majoring in biology. Her work includes plasmid purification, SDS-PAGE and nematodes synchronization. She also tried to help BIT-China with extracting membrane proteins, NhaA and NhaB.

Liu Longping

A sophomore student who has worked on how to promote the expression rate of rMpL as well as designed the toxic test on nematodes.

Chen Zhiyao

The only freshman in our team, majoring in physics. Developed the toxic and attractant database with Peng Chengfei. Also designed the UI of the database website, and took part in HP activities too!

Wang Yingbing

A junior biotech student of BNU. Mainly did some paper work for the team, and also took part in the “bace16” group work.


In Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous yet beautiful creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and eat them. We call our machine Sirens as it can attract nematodes and kill them just like the Sirens do to their meals.

Cao Yufei

A junior student in Liyun College of BNU, biology major. She is responsible for the parts design for expressing limonene in E. coli and coresponding experiments.

Li Jia

A junior bioscience student, wants to learn more about synthetic biology and makes more friends in iGEM. Mainly worked on testifying the chemical attractants. Besides she expressed limonene and GPP synthase, and cultivated C.elegans.

Yin Yuan

A sophomore majoring in mathematics. Helped set up the model in proposingthe solving ideas and searching the data.

Zhao Xueting

A sophomore in mathematics. Did work of modeling section like finding out how to put equipment on farmland, writing modeling paper, doing some translation and so on.

Liu Xinyu

A sophomore biology student. Is a member of the limonene group of this project, and also took part in human practice and other parts' experiments.

Li Yuehuan

A sophomore bioscience student. She helped design and verify parts of the module.

Wu Zekai

A sophomore biology student. Designed a part of biobrick of photoinduction system, and took part in some experiments of verifing the toxicity of Bace 16.

Yuan Qiuyue

A junior majoring in mathematics. Simulated the movement of nematodes, and established the model of diffusion of the attraction.


Junior biology student. Participated in graphic design of our team, such as website designing,logo of the team and T-shirt.

Zhang Jiajun

A junior biotech student in BNU, he has contributed to team works and wiki building.

Feng Xiaofei

A sophomore student who has worked on how to promote the expression rate of rMpL as well as designed the toxic test on nematodes.

Cao Yalei

From school of Geography in BNU, is a member of graphic design group who designed our team logo, banner and poster. The jerseys and souvenirs were also her masterpieces.

Xu Lu

A junior bioscience student who is the leader of graphic design group. Did the design work for BNU-CHINA, particularly on poster and PPT design. In addition, she made a batch of uniform shirts for our team.

Gao Beichen

The leader of our team, a junior biotech student of Beijing Normal University. Mainly worked for the wet lab part including constructing parts, expressing nematocidal proteins and testifying the toxicity of rMpL.

Tang Meng

A junior Bioscience BNU student. The HP project leader who organized most activities for Policy and Practice, such as surveys, publicity and voluntary education. She also took part in nematodes cultivating.

Dai Yuanyi

A junior BNU student majoring in Biotech. Devoted all her energy and time in iGEM, making her a multitasking girl. Her work involves of many aspects, mainly the construction of biobricks and expriments on Bace16.

Li Cheng

A junior bioscience student. The leader of modeling part, designed the device 2.0. Also proposes many useful ideas in this team, such as the online database and the design to improve parts. Also enrolled in Wiki and Art work.

Zhao Jingyu

A sophomore majoring in biology. Took part in experiments such as the expression of the toxin rMpL, and also did some work in human practice.

Peng Chengfei

A sophomore student of Computer Science. Is responsible for the some technical work like constructing the database and the corresponding website and the deployment and operation of the database.

Project Design and Wet Lab Experiments

Under the supervision of Prof. Zhu Xudong, Prof. Yang Dong, and Prof. Xiang Benqiong etc, nearly all team members have taken part in the project designing process, especially those of wet lab group.Beichen Gao , Yuanyi Dai , Yufei Cao and Jia Li are the group leaders who mainly design the experimental patterns and guide the different parts of the experiments.


Cheng Li is the leader of modeling group, who mainly enrolled in designing the device 2.0. Yuan Yin , Qiuyue Yuan and Xueting Zhao also do a great many works in the modeling group, such as information searching, paper writing and equipment appilication.

Wiki Construction

Jiajun Zhang , who has led the web design group to build the wiki, together with group members Zhiyao Chen and Chengfei Peng complete the main work in database construction and maintenance.

Graphic design

Lu Xu( group leader), Lee and Yalei Cao really do a fantastic work in graphic and web design. They all make great efforts in designing our team logo, website, poster, souvenir, T-shirt and so on.

Human practice

Meng Tang , the leader of human practice group, has organized a series of activities for Policy and Practice, like survey and publicize in some middle schools etc. Some group members as Yuanyi Dai, Jia Li , Jiajun Zhang , Beichen Gao , Zhiyao Chen , Jingyu Zhao , Xiaofei Feng also play a significant role in planning and organizing the activities . Other group members also take an active part in some other activities of human practice.


Team Member
Cao Yalei
Graphic Design(Design of logo, banner, poster, jersey and souvenir)
Cao Yufei
Wet lab group leader(parts design for expressing lemonene in E. coli and coresponding experiments)
Chen Zhiyao
Wiki construction(database construction; UI design)
Human practice
Dai Yuanyi
Daily activities arrangement and personnel management
Wet lab group leader(biobricks construction, Bace16 expression and testification)
Human practice
Feng Xiaofei
Wet lab experiments(limonene synthesis)
Human practice
Gao Beichen
Team leader
Wet lab group leader(biobricks construction, nematocidal protein expression, rMpL's toxicity identification
Human practice
Lao Kejing
Wet lab experiments(plasmid purification; SDS-PAGE; nematodes synchronization)
Helping Beijing Institute of Technology with extracting membrane proteins, NhaA and NhaB
Graphic Design( website design, logo of the team and T-shirt)
Li Cheng
Modeling leader(design of the device 2.0 ; parts improving)
Graphic design
Li Jia
Wet lab group leader(chemical attractants' function testification, LS and GPPS expression, C.elegans cultivation )
Human practice
Li Yuehuan
Wet lab experiments(rMpL verification)
Liu Longping
Wet lab experiments(exploraton of how to promote the expression rate of protein rMpL; design of the toxic test)
Liu Xinyu
Wet lab experiments(limonene group and other parts' experiments)
Human practice
Ma Hongfei
Wet lab experiments(GC-MS of limonene )
Modeling(device 1.0 design and creation)
Peng Chengfei
Wiki construction(database construction, deployment and operation, Wiki frame construction)
Tang Meng
Human practice project leader(activities planning and organization)
Wet lab experiments
Wang Ran
Human practice
Wang Yingbing
Wet lab experiments(Bace16 group work)
Wu Zekai
Wet lab experiments(photoinduced system design; Bace 16 functional verification)
Xiao Shusheng
Literature reading
Human practice
Xu Lu
Graphic design leader(mainly on poster and PPT design)
Yin Yuan
Modeling(proposing the solving ideas; searching the data)
Yuan Qiuyue
Modeling(nematode movement simulation;model of diffusion of the attraction)
Human practice
Zhang Jiajun
Wiki leader
Rear services
Human practice
Zhang Tianqi
Rear services
Wet lab experiments(validating limonene's attracting effects on nematodes)
Zhao Jingyu
Wet lab experiments(rMpL expression)
Zhao Xueting
Modeling(solving problems like how to put equipment on farmland; paper writing; translation)