Difference between revisions of "Team:TrinityCollegeDublin/Attributions"

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<b>STUDENTS CONTRIBUTIONS</b><br><br><br>  
<b>STUDENTS CONTRIBUTIONS</b><br><br><br>  
<b>Anya Aleshko</b><br><br>  
<b>Anya Aleshko</b><br><br>  
Involved in making the videos for iGEM Academy. <br><br>   
Editing of Human Practises and writing on the ‘future’.<br><br>   
<li>Involved in making the videos for iGEM Academy.</li>   
General help around the wet lab.  <br><br>
<li>Editing of Human Practises and writing on the ‘future’.</li>   
Writing up on iGEM Academy for the wiki as well as for the newsletter.  <br><br>
<li>General help around the wet lab.  </li>
Writing up about the Cork Meet up. <br><br>
<li>Writing up on iGEM Academy for the wiki as well as for the newsletter.  </li>
Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation. <br><br><br>
<li>Writing up about the Cork Meet up.</li>
<li>Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation. </li></ul><br><br><br>
<b>Arnas Petrauskas</b><br><br>  
<b>Arnas Petrauskas</b><br><br>  
Involved in making 7 Polymerase positive XL1-Blue cell line.  <br><br>  
Aldh1 expression and "Alpha" plasmid construction protocol.  <br><br>
<li>Involved in making 7 Polymerase positive XL1-Blue cell line.  </li>  
Aldh1 expression and "Alpha" plasmids (as part of the assembly team). <br><br>
<li>Aldh1 expression and "Alpha" plasmid construction protocol.  </li>
Design of the Project logo, iGEM Academy logo.   <br><br>
<li>Aldh1 expression and "Alpha" plasmids (as part of the assembly team).</li>  
Design of the team banner and selected wiki illustrations.<br><br>
<li>Design of the Project logo, iGEM Academy logo. </li>
Documentation of the parts to be sent to iGEM HQ. <br><br>
<li>Design of the team banner and selected wiki illustrations.</li>  
Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.<br><br> <br>
<li>Documentation of the parts to be sent to iGEM HQ. </li>
<li>Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.</li></ul><br><br> <br>
<b>Ben Wilson</b> <br><br>
<b>Ben Wilson</b> <br><br>
Founder of the Trinity College Dublin iGEM Team.<br><br>  
Inventor of the full project design including BioBricks and general protocol.<br><br>  
<li>Founder of the Trinity College Dublin iGEM Team.</li>
Responsible for all the administrative tasks e.g. securing funding, the lab, recruiting members of the team, finding supervisors and communicating.<br><br>  
<li>Inventor of the full project design including BioBricks and general protocol.</li>
Founder of iGEM Academy channel  on YouTube<br><br>  
<li>Responsible for all the administrative tasks e.g. securing funding, the lab, recruiting members of the team, finding supervisors and communicating.</li>
Making 3D animations for the website and iGEM Academy<br><br>  
<li>Founder of iGEM Academy channel  on YouTube </li>
Contacting the collaborators  <br><br>
<li>Making 3D animations for the website and iGEM Academy</li>  
Contacting Zagaya, Amyris and interviewees<br><br>  
<li>Contacting the collaborators  </li>
Responsible for coding the website and general design.<br><br>  
<li>Contacting Zagaya, Amyris and interviewees</li>
Sample preparations and  GC/MS  <br><br>
<li>Responsible for coding the website and general design.</li>
Supervising the team and deciding on everything<br><br>  
<li>Sample preparations and  GC/MS  </li>
Distributing tasks to the members of the team <br><br><br>
<li>Supervising the team and deciding on everything</li>
<li>Distributing tasks to the members of the team </li>
<li>Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.</li></ul><br><br><br>
<b>Dáire Gannon</b> <br><br>
<b>Dáire Gannon</b> <br><br>
Helped to write iGEM Academy tutorial video scripts. <br><br>  
Directed iGEM Academy videos.  <br><br>
<li>Helped to write iGEM Academy tutorial video scripts. </li>
Cameraman for iGEM Academy videos  <br><br>
<li>Directed iGEM Academy videos.  </li>
Recorded audio for iGEM Academy.  <br><br>
<li>Cameraman for iGEM Academy videos  </li>
Edited iGEM Academy videos.  <br><br>
<li>Recorded audio for iGEM Academy.  </li>
Responsible for iGEM Academy public relations. <br><br>
<li>Edited iGEM Academy videos.  </li>
Team photographer along with Marlena.  <br><br>
<li>Responsible for iGEM Academy public relations.</li>  
Documented protocols for team Wiki.  <br><br>
<li>Team photographer along with Marlena.  </li>
Member  of  wet  lab  team  for  main  project:  helped  to  design  and  plan experiments;  Carried  out  3A  assemblies;  transformations;  PCR;  MiniPrep; Collected  samples  from  the  fermenter;  Prepared  solutions,  gels,  broths  and competent cells. <br><br>
<li>Documented protocols for team Wiki.  </li>
Edited interview videos. <br><br>   
<li>Member  of  wet  lab  team  for  main  project:  helped  to  design  and  plan experiments;  Carried  out  3A  assemblies;  transformations;  PCR;  MiniPrep; Collected  samples  from  the  fermenter;  Prepared  solutions,  gels,  broths  and competent cells. </li>
Helped in Preparing parts for submission to iGEM HQ. <br><br>  
<li>Edited interview videos.</li>   
Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation. <br><br> <br>
<li>Helped in Preparing parts for submission to iGEM HQ. </li>
<li>Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation. </li></ul><br><br> <br>
<b>Marlena Mucha</b> <br><br>
<b>Marlena Mucha</b> <br><br>
Led Interlab Study along with Remsha; worked on constructing the devices.<br><br>  
Done research on gender inequality in malaria (Human Practices). <br><br>
<li>Led Interlab Study along with Remsha; worked on constructing the devices. </li>  
Responsible for wiki design – general layout, detailed sample pages. <br><br>
<li>Done research on gender inequality in malaria (Human Practices).</li>
Designed selected illustrations.   <br><br>
<li>Responsible for wiki design – general layout, detailed sample pages. </li>
Team’s photographer along with Daire.   <br><br>
<li>Designed selected illustrations. </li>
Wrote on general attributions, achievements, part of Interlab Study. <br><br>
<li>Team’s photographer along with Daire.</li>
General help around the lab, e.g. making LB, stock solutions, antibiotic plates. <br><br>  
<li>Wrote on general attributions, achievements, part of Interlab Study. </li>  
Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation. <br><br><br>
<li>General help around the lab, e.g. making LB, stock solutions, antibiotic plates.</li>  
<li>Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.</li></ul> <br><br><br>
<b>Remsha Afzal </b><br><br>
<b>Remsha Afzal </b><br><br>
Conducted the Interlab Study by constructing the devices as well as analysing and documenting the final data.   <br><br>
Researched literature  reviews and wrote on human practises (Global Health, Malaria, Gender inequality and children) as well as conducted interviews with individuals involved in working with Malaria and Artemisinin. <br><br>  
<li>Conducted the Interlab Study by constructing the devices as well as analysing and documenting the final data. </li>
General help around the lab for the main project e.g. making LB broths, agar plates, competent cells, transformations, fermenter broths etc. <br><br>
<li>Researched literature  reviews and wrote on human practises (Global Health, Malaria, Gender inequality and children) as well as conducted interviews with individuals involved in working with Malaria and Artemisinin.</li>
Wrote on safety practises in the lab.<br><br>  
<li>General help around the lab for the main project e.g. making LB broths, agar plates, competent cells, transformations, fermenter broths etc. </li>
Wrote about history of artemisinin for the main project.<br><br>   
<li>Wrote on safety practises in the lab.   </li>
Involved in documenting and sending description of parts/constructs to iGEM.<br><br>  
<li>Wrote about history of artemisinin for the main project.</li>   
Tested out the Basehunter system for Team Cork as part of collaboration and documented the resulting data to send back to them.<br><br>
<li>Involved in documenting and sending description of parts/constructs to iGEM.   </li>
Responsible for writing out and amalgamating personal logs of team members to construct a general timeline of our iGEM period as well as our team profile page. <br><br>
<li>Tested out the Basehunter system for Team Cork as part of collaboration and documented the resulting data to send back to them.</li>
Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation. <br><br><br>
<li>Responsible for writing out and amalgamating personal logs of team members to construct a general timeline of our iGEM period as well as our team profile page. </li>
<li>Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.</li></ul> <br><br><br>
<b>Zaneta Najda </b><br><br>
<b>Zaneta Najda </b><br><br>
Involved in Human Practices:  researched  gender  inequality  with  respect  to malaria and the world of science <br><br>
Helped at the start with the videos for iGEM Academy   <br><br>
<li>Involved in Human Practices:  researched  gender  inequality  with  respect  to malaria and the world of science</li>  
Public outreach: (kid’s presentation) and questionnaire   <br><br>
<li>Helped at the start with the videos for iGEM Academy </li>
Part of the wet lab team; general help around the lab e.g. preparing broths, LB medium, plates <br><br>  
<li>Public outreach: (kid’s presentation) and questionnaire</li>
Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation <br><br>
<li>Part of the wet lab team; general help around the lab e.g. preparing broths, LB medium, plates </li>
<li>Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation </li></ul>

Revision as of 22:59, 18 September 2015


Trinity College Dublin iGEM 2015 team would like to thank everyone involved in our project. Contributions might have been bigger or smaller, nonetheless without your help none of what we have achieved would have been possible.

Loud applause for our supervisors Matthew Carrigan and Killian Hanlon who despite their own work on the 3rd floor of Smurfit Institute found time to teach us basic and more advanced laboratory techniques, advised us on safety procedures, and assisted us in designing our DNA constructs throughout the course of summer. Your sharing of experience proved to be extremely helpful and provided us with the necessary knowledge that enabled us to start off work on our own in a separate laboratory.

Our academic supervisor, Prof. Mani Ramaswami, research Professor of Neuroscience in Genetics Department at Trinity College Dublin for help in administrative aspects of our project.

Mr. Barry Moran, the Manager of the Flow Cytometry facility in the School of Biochemistry and Immunology who provided us with useful background information on flow cytometry technique as well as helped process data for Interlab Study.

Amyris for providing us with the cell lines B569.

Integrated DNA Technologies for sending the biobrick parts.

Vanya Eccles for providing the voice overs for the tutorial videos on iGEM Academy youtube channel.

Special thanks to people who agreed and found time to talked to us about problem of malaria in the developing world that contributed greatly to our Human Practices project:
Chris Paddon and Kathleen Monroe from Zagaya for the interview.
Ingrid Chen from Malaria Elimination Initiative for the interview.

Lab assistants, Lorraine and Tracy, for providing basic materials and equipment necessary to conduct our wet lab work, as well as for general assistance around the lab.

Leona and Clodagh for helping with GC/MS.

Thank you all for making this summer an enjoyable learning experience.


Anya Aleshko

  • Involved in making the videos for iGEM Academy.
  • Editing of Human Practises and writing on the ‘future’.
  • General help around the wet lab.
  • Writing up on iGEM Academy for the wiki as well as for the newsletter.
  • Writing up about the Cork Meet up.
  • Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.

Arnas Petrauskas

  • Involved in making 7 Polymerase positive XL1-Blue cell line.
  • Aldh1 expression and "Alpha" plasmid construction protocol.
  • Aldh1 expression and "Alpha" plasmids (as part of the assembly team).
  • Design of the Project logo, iGEM Academy logo.
  • Design of the team banner and selected wiki illustrations.
  • Documentation of the parts to be sent to iGEM HQ.
  • Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.

Ben Wilson

  • Founder of the Trinity College Dublin iGEM Team.
  • Inventor of the full project design including BioBricks and general protocol.
  • Responsible for all the administrative tasks e.g. securing funding, the lab, recruiting members of the team, finding supervisors and communicating.
  • Founder of iGEM Academy channel on YouTube
  • Making 3D animations for the website and iGEM Academy
  • Contacting the collaborators
  • Contacting Zagaya, Amyris and interviewees
  • Responsible for coding the website and general design.
  • Sample preparations and GC/MS
  • Supervising the team and deciding on everything
  • Distributing tasks to the members of the team
  • Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.

Dáire Gannon

  • Helped to write iGEM Academy tutorial video scripts.
  • Directed iGEM Academy videos.
  • Cameraman for iGEM Academy videos
  • Recorded audio for iGEM Academy.
  • Edited iGEM Academy videos.
  • Responsible for iGEM Academy public relations.
  • Team photographer along with Marlena.
  • Documented protocols for team Wiki.
  • Member of wet lab team for main project: helped to design and plan experiments; Carried out 3A assemblies; transformations; PCR; MiniPrep; Collected samples from the fermenter; Prepared solutions, gels, broths and competent cells.
  • Edited interview videos.
  • Helped in Preparing parts for submission to iGEM HQ.
  • Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.

Marlena Mucha

  • Led Interlab Study along with Remsha; worked on constructing the devices.
  • Done research on gender inequality in malaria (Human Practices).
  • Responsible for wiki design – general layout, detailed sample pages.
  • Designed selected illustrations.
  • Team’s photographer along with Daire.
  • Wrote on general attributions, achievements, part of Interlab Study.
  • General help around the lab, e.g. making LB, stock solutions, antibiotic plates.
  • Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.

Remsha Afzal

  • Conducted the Interlab Study by constructing the devices as well as analysing and documenting the final data.
  • Researched literature reviews and wrote on human practises (Global Health, Malaria, Gender inequality and children) as well as conducted interviews with individuals involved in working with Malaria and Artemisinin.
  • General help around the lab for the main project e.g. making LB broths, agar plates, competent cells, transformations, fermenter broths etc.
  • Wrote on safety practises in the lab.
  • Wrote about history of artemisinin for the main project.
  • Involved in documenting and sending description of parts/constructs to iGEM.
  • Tested out the Basehunter system for Team Cork as part of collaboration and documented the resulting data to send back to them.
  • Responsible for writing out and amalgamating personal logs of team members to construct a general timeline of our iGEM period as well as our team profile page.
  • Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation.

Zaneta Najda

  • Involved in Human Practices: researched gender inequality with respect to malaria and the world of science
  • Helped at the start with the videos for iGEM Academy
  • Public outreach: (kid’s presentation) and questionnaire
  • Part of the wet lab team; general help around the lab e.g. preparing broths, LB medium, plates
  • Contributed to designing the poster and preparing presentation