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      <p class = "ayr1">Risk Assessment</br>
        Our database is based on the IGEM official database which is opened for everyone, and our own database doesn’t come down to the tort.
The idea and software are original works, we never copy others work.
Our project is no isolated with any violence, eroticism and other opposite forces.
      <p class = "ayr2">Feasibility Assessment
Our project reforms the database which is provided by the IGEM official website.
The algorithm is associated with the latest paper and the former experience. And it has been associated with lots of lab testification.
We did the User Survey (From the amateurs to the Professors)for three times to make sure the satisfaction and convenience of our project.
All the icon on UI is designed by ourselves from a researcher view, thus our project is more competitive than others.
      <p class = "ayr3">End-User Considerations
Our software is aimed to the IGEMers and all the researchers who are interested in the synthetic biology.
It’s free
Web application
UI is designed user-friendly
      <p class = "ayr4">铭姐没有给
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      <p class = "hpce1">铭姐没给
      <p class = "hpce2">铭姐没给
      <p class = "hpce3">Security
Our software is free to everyone but we will do the users survey by e-mail to collect the main purpose and satisficing information
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    <div class = "peContent">暂时没有
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    <div class = "cwwContent">暂时没有
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Latest revision as of 23:39, 18 September 2015