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          512.65,5038.05 513.878,5051.091 515.594,5102.473 569.57,5281.368 600.737,5285.721 592.756,5357.758 620.515,5441.034  
        601.588,5565.945 569.414,5560.268 546.297,5574.724 509.723,5642.437 535.347,5654.899 493.079,5709.154 460.641,5719.423  
          601.588,5565.945 569.414,5560.268 546.297,5574.724 509.723,5642.437 535.347,5654.899 493.079,5709.154 460.641,5719.423  
        426.837,5775.396 802.025,5861.194 774.446,6054.873 760.349,6047.731 752.997,6076.952 342.931,6002.508 332.691,6062.798  
          426.837,5775.396 802.025,5861.194 774.446,6054.873 760.349,6047.731 752.997,6076.952 342.931,6002.508 332.691,6062.798  
        449.211,6090.245 438.824,6138.777 577.306,6164.57 568.549,6194.556 343.9,6151.356 316.74,6136.085 171.902,6108.429  
          449.211,6090.245 438.824,6138.777 577.306,6164.57 568.549,6194.556 343.9,6151.356 316.74,6136.085 171.902,6108.429  
        170.908,6119.659 168.523,6119.56 168.027,6135.955 175.777,6137.742 178.46,6142.512 176.351,6149.064 137.711,6142.236  
          170.908,6119.659 168.523,6119.56 168.027,6135.955 175.777,6137.742 178.46,6142.512 176.351,6149.064 137.711,6142.236  
        134.871,6152.172 331.679,6193.484 330.862,6197.315 362.983,6204.418 357.441,6244.132 494.976,6270.601 502.465,6233.147  
          134.871,6152.172 331.679,6193.484 330.862,6197.315 362.983,6204.418 357.441,6244.132 494.976,6270.601 502.465,6233.147  
        522.099,6237.192 520.837,6241.608 569.854,6251.748 572.358,6248.547 604.111,6254.224 600.327,6285.769 359.334,6251.072  
          522.099,6237.192 520.837,6241.608 569.854,6251.748 572.358,6248.547 604.111,6254.224 600.327,6285.769 359.334,6251.072  
        347.348,6298.453 426.472,6310.932 410.077,6385.752 128.977,6339.251 73.83,6385.752 47.221,6432.31 42.828,6476.969  
          347.348,6298.453 426.472,6310.932 410.077,6385.752 128.977,6339.251 73.83,6385.752 47.221,6432.31 42.828,6476.969  
        51.53,6501.103 374.306,6584.877 359.401,6662.083 10.634,6662.083 -53.157,6646.88 -53.157,5747.243 -13.596,5725.269  
          51.53,6501.103 374.306,6584.877 359.401,6662.083 10.634,6662.083 -53.157,6646.88 -53.157,5747.243 -13.596,5725.269  
        11.827,5898.672 26.135,5895.692 -0.692,5718.625 22.559,5708.492 -4.866,5408.612 50.579,5400.86 128.765,5970.499  
          11.827,5898.672 26.135,5895.692 -0.692,5718.625 22.559,5708.492 -4.866,5408.612 50.579,5400.86 128.765,5970.499  
        140.986,5969.008 109.688,5740.982 383.938,5697.866 373.214,5532.51 445.81,5522.914 435.039,5449.234 517.683,5434.093  
          140.986,5969.008 109.688,5740.982 383.938,5697.866 373.214,5532.51 445.81,5522.914 435.039,5449.234 517.683,5434.093  
        487.401,5249.248 484.131,5240.62 487.133,5234.261 480.39,5174.233 485.311,5173.904 471.435,5075.453 485.731,5076.116  
          487.401,5249.248 484.131,5240.62 487.133,5234.261 480.39,5174.233 485.311,5173.904 471.435,5075.453 485.731,5076.116  
        488.675,5019.333 476.478,5004.191 484.75,4957.977 483.604,4954.558 486.151,4950.145 514.752,4679.069 506.341,4670.867  
          488.675,5019.333 476.478,5004.191 484.75,4957.977 483.604,4954.558 486.151,4950.145 514.752,4679.069 506.341,4670.867  
        511.331,4665.313 528.422,4544.056 531.997,4510.618 550.503,4460.146 565.646,4436.381 573.427,4426.708 590.04,4407.57  
          511.331,4665.313 528.422,4544.056 531.997,4510.618 550.503,4460.146 565.646,4436.381 573.427,4426.708 590.04,4407.57  
        607.829,4391.805 613.111,4391.973 628.792,4382.263 644.718,4373.712 669.113,4361.515 690.985,4351.419 828.126,4310.067  
          607.829,4391.805 613.111,4391.973 628.792,4382.263 644.718,4373.712 669.113,4361.515 690.985,4351.419 828.126,4310.067  
        830.423,4312.03 897.254,4295.187 915.585,4085.6 870.581,3976.245 872.684,3519.471 902.546,3519.471 902.125,3972.459  
          830.423,4312.03 897.254,4295.187 915.585,4085.6 870.581,3976.245 872.684,3519.471 902.546,3519.471 902.125,3972.459  
        950.915,4078.871 927.782,4310.201 970.263,4356.888 1132.615,4371.189 1130.091,4395.583 1125.044,4395.164 "/>
          950.915,4078.871 927.782,4310.201 970.263,4356.888 1132.615,4371.189 1130.091,4395.583 1125.044,4395.164 "/>
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Line 145: Line 157:
     "name":"David Apterman",
     "name":"David Apterman",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"David Apterman is a rising sophomore at Stuyvesant High School. He has been passionate about science from a young age and thus was overjoyed when he discovered iGem. He is very interested in molecular biology and genetic engineering and the synthetic biology found in iGem was exactly what he wanted to do over the summer. He would like to pursue a career in research and would love to one day lead a pioneering study."
     "desc":"David Apterman is a rising sophomore at Stuyvesant High School. He has been passionate about science from a young age and thus was overjoyed when he discovered iGem. He is very interested in molecular biology and genetic engineering and the synthetic biology found in iGem was exactly what he wanted to do over the summer. He would like to pursue a career in research and would love to one day lead a pioneering study."
Line 151: Line 163:
     "name":"Kyle Chen",
     "name":"Kyle Chen",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Kyle is an atypical who likes most things ranging from insects to Lamborghinis. He has an affinity for tech, biology, and making cool (but odd) stuff, and iGEM combines this all into one competition."
     "desc":"Kyle is an atypical who likes most things ranging from insects to Lamborghinis. He has an affinity for tech, biology, and making cool (but odd) stuff, and iGEM combines this all into one competition."
Line 157: Line 169:
     "name":"Quinn Fahey",
     "name":"Quinn Fahey",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Quinn has been intrigued by genes since he read about their impact on our lives in Matt Ridley’s Genome, and he’s excited to finally tinker with genetic circuits in the lab. In school, Quinn learns about the brain in his Science Research class. Both iGem and Science Research have given him interesting insights into how biology operates. Quinn is a fan of many things, but for some reason food, Game of Thrones, and reading figure prominently while he’s writing this."
     "desc":"Quinn has been intrigued by genes since he read about their impact on our lives in Matt Ridley’s Genome, and he’s excited to finally tinker with genetic circuits in the lab. In school, Quinn learns about the brain in his Science Research class. Both iGem and Science Research have given him interesting insights into how biology operates. Quinn is a fan of many things, but for some reason food, Game of Thrones, and reading figure prominently while he’s writing this."
Line 163: Line 175:
     "name":"Kathryn Flanagan",
     "name":"Kathryn Flanagan",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Kathryn will be going into Freshman year at Mendham High School in New Jersey. Kathryn decided to join iGEM because hearing her Dad talking about synthetic bioengineering fascinated her and she wanted to try it herself. Kathryn plays volleyball and is currently working on her Girl Scout Silver Award. She also enjoys volunteering for her local library and church."
     "desc":"Kathryn will be going into Freshman year at Mendham High School in New Jersey. Kathryn decided to join iGEM because hearing her Dad talking about synthetic bioengineering fascinated her and she wanted to try it herself. Kathryn plays volleyball and is currently working on her Girl Scout Silver Award. She also enjoys volunteering for her local library and church."
Line 169: Line 181:
     "name":"Dr. Mike Flanagan",
     "name":"Dr. Mike Flanagan",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Mike has been a member of Genspace since 2014 and is excited to be participating in his first iGEM.  Mike has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Caltech and has spent more than a few years working at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Bell Labs and entrepreneurial companies (including Arieso where he was CTO).  When he is not working in Brooklyn, Mike is either at home in Chester NJ or trying to return to London."
     "desc":"Mike has been a member of Genspace since 2014 and is excited to be participating in his first iGEM.  Mike has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Caltech and has spent more than a few years working at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Bell Labs and entrepreneurial companies (including Arieso where he was CTO).  When he is not working in Brooklyn, Mike is either at home in Chester NJ or trying to return to London."
Line 175: Line 187:
     "name":"Marley Giddins",
     "name":"Marley Giddins",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Marley is a rising senior at Amherst College majoring in Biology. After college, Marley hopes to pursue a graduate degree in biomedical engineering, and is eager to learn more about the potential applications of synthetic biology. When she’s not studying or watching Netflix, Marley spends much of her time on the basketball court as a member of the Amherst College Women’s Basketball team. "
     "desc":"Marley is a rising senior at Amherst College majoring in Biology. After college, Marley hopes to pursue a graduate degree in biomedical engineering, and is eager to learn more about the potential applications of synthetic biology. When she’s not studying or watching Netflix, Marley spends much of her time on the basketball court as a member of the Amherst College Women’s Basketball team. "
Line 181: Line 193:
     "name":"Dr. Christal Gordon",
     "name":"Dr. Christal Gordon",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Dr. Christal Gordon is an engineer and educator.  She received a dual Electrical and Computer Engineering B.S. from Polytechnic University and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (minor in Neuroscience) from the Georgia Institute of Technology.  Her specialties include designing, prototyping, and programming. She has designed bio-inspired and bio-interfacing systems, high-speed electronics, and models of complex systems.  Her work revolves around creating systems for use by the general public, engineers, and neuroscientists.  Applications of these systems include low-power consumer electronics and neural prosthetics.  She's passionate about bringing science to the general public."
     "desc":"Dr. Christal Gordon is an engineer and educator.  She received a dual Electrical and Computer Engineering B.S. from Polytechnic University and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (minor in Neuroscience) from the Georgia Institute of Technology.  Her specialties include designing, prototyping, and programming. She has designed bio-inspired and bio-interfacing systems, high-speed electronics, and models of complex systems.  Her work revolves around creating systems for use by the general public, engineers, and neuroscientists.  Applications of these systems include low-power consumer electronics and neural prosthetics.  She's passionate about bringing science to the general public."
Line 187: Line 199:
     "name":"Miranda Halle",
     "name":"Miranda Halle",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Miranda is a rising sophomore attending the University of Chicago who exists. She does molecular biology things at school, and has been doing similar things at Genspace since 2013. She’s a big Star Trek nerd. Yay science."
     "desc":"Miranda is a rising sophomore attending the University of Chicago who exists. She does molecular biology things at school, and has been doing similar things at Genspace since 2013. She’s a big Star Trek nerd. Yay science."
Line 193: Line 205:
     "name":"Jan Kowalski",
     "name":"Jan Kowalski",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Jan is a 15 year kid with big aspirations and little confusion on how to get there. He hopes to become a geneticist, and but has many backup jobs in mind, ranging from  a saxophone player to professional LEGO builder. He is currently a sophomore at Stuyvesant High School."
     "desc":"Jan is a 15 year kid with big aspirations and little confusion on how to get there. He hopes to become a geneticist, and but has many backup jobs in mind, ranging from  a saxophone player to professional LEGO builder. He is currently a sophomore at Stuyvesant High School."
Line 199: Line 211:
     "name":"Jason Mohabir",
     "name":"Jason Mohabir",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Jason is a rising junior at Stuyvesant High School. He enjoys learning about molecular techniques, and has gained a recent interest in bioinformatics. Jason spends most of his weekends volunteering, and simply out of the house. He is stuck between a hard place and rock when it comes down to career choice, as he is intrigued by medicine, but enjoys the bench work of research. When he has spare time, Jason enjoys reading existential literature and questioning his purpose in life."
     "desc":"Jason is a rising junior at Stuyvesant High School. He enjoys learning about molecular techniques, and has gained a recent interest in bioinformatics. Jason spends most of his weekends volunteering, and simply out of the house. He is stuck between a hard place and rock when it comes down to career choice, as he is intrigued by medicine, but enjoys the bench work of research. When he has spare time, Jason enjoys reading existential literature and questioning his purpose in life."
Line 205: Line 217:
     "name":"Jennifer Phu",
     "name":"Jennifer Phu",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Jennifer Phu is a rising junior at Midwood High School in the science research program. She is interested in math and science and plans to pursue a career in medicine. She plays the guitar during her free time and enjoys volunteering at the library. "
     "desc":"Jennifer Phu is a rising junior at Midwood High School in the science research program. She is interested in math and science and plans to pursue a career in medicine. She plays the guitar during her free time and enjoys volunteering at the library. "
Line 211: Line 223:
     "name":"Raul Rodriguez",
     "name":"Raul Rodriguez",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
Line 217: Line 229:
     "name":"Blacki Migliozzi",
     "name":"Blacki Migliozzi",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Blacki Migliozzi is a data visualization developer for Bloomberg Graphics. He has studied Human-Computer Interaction, Discrete math and nano-materials. He has previously spent time designing and prototyping small-scale agricultural technologies. As a member of Genspace he is currently interested in the intersection of biotech and agrarian practices."
     "desc":"Blacki Migliozzi is a data visualization developer for Bloomberg Graphics. He has studied Human-Computer Interaction, Discrete math and nano-materials. He has previously spent time designing and prototyping small-scale agricultural technologies. As a member of Genspace he is currently interested in the intersection of biotech and agrarian practices."
Line 223: Line 235:
     "name":"Will Shindel",
     "name":"Will Shindel",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Will is a Genspace member with a degree in Biology.  Having spent a few years in pharmaceuticals, Will now spends his time volunteering at Genspace.  When not practicing synthetic biology, Will has a tendency to build hydroponic systems and brew beer."
     "desc":"Will is a Genspace member with a degree in Biology.  Having spent a few years in pharmaceuticals, Will now spends his time volunteering at Genspace.  When not practicing synthetic biology, Will has a tendency to build hydroponic systems and brew beer."
Line 229: Line 241:
     "name":"Danny Swift",
     "name":"Danny Swift",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Danny is a rising senior at Pomona College, studying molecular biology, applied mathematics, and economics. Never one to say no to the opportunity to take something apart and put it back together, the iGEM competition was a natural draw for Danny. After graduating, he hopes to combine his interests in biology and finance within the emerging biotechnology sector."
     "desc":"Danny is a rising senior at Pomona College, studying molecular biology, applied mathematics, and economics. Never one to say no to the opportunity to take something apart and put it back together, the iGEM competition was a natural draw for Danny. After graduating, he hopes to combine his interests in biology and finance within the emerging biotechnology sector."
Line 235: Line 247:
     "name":"Sid Vadaparty",
     "name":"Sid Vadaparty",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Sid is a rising freshman at Montgomery High School. An engineer of all sorts at heart, he dabbles in robotics and electronics at home. Just for fun. iGem gives him a chance to gain a whole new level of experience. He is determined to contribute to Genspace’s iGem team to help accomplish their goal."
     "desc":"Sid is a rising freshman at Montgomery High School. An engineer of all sorts at heart, he dabbles in robotics and electronics at home. Just for fun. iGem gives him a chance to gain a whole new level of experience. He is determined to contribute to Genspace’s iGem team to help accomplish their goal."
Line 241: Line 253:
     "name":"Dr. Julie Wolf",
     "name":"Dr. Julie Wolf",
     "desc":"Julie has been involved with Genspace since 2012. Her doctorate and postdoctorate work is in medical mycology, but she is a fan of microbiology and molecular biology of all sorts. She enjoys coffee, podcasts, data, citizen science, and infographics."
     "desc":"Julie has been involved with Genspace since 2012. Her doctorate and postdoctorate work is in medical mycology, but she is a fan of microbiology and molecular biology of all sorts. She enjoys coffee, podcasts, data, citizen science, and infographics."
Line 247: Line 259:
     "name":"Whitney Wong",
     "name":"Whitney Wong",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Whitney is a rising junior at Midwood High School. She first developed her interest in biology during her freshman year of high school. After participating and competing in the Urban Barcode Project, she was introduced to iGem through Genspace. When she isn’t in lab or studying, she is playing piano or watching Sherlock."
     "desc":"Whitney is a rising junior at Midwood High School. She first developed her interest in biology during her freshman year of high school. After participating and competing in the Urban Barcode Project, she was introduced to iGem through Genspace. When she isn’t in lab or studying, she is playing piano or watching Sherlock."
Line 253: Line 265:
     "name":"Jennifer Yu ",
     "name":"Jennifer Yu ",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Jennifer Yu is a rising sophomore at Stuyvesant High School. Science and math are her favorite subjects. She is most interested in genetic engineering, and wants to pursue a career in this field when she becomes older. iGem presented itself as a fantastic opportunity to start exploring genomes and to try to mold DNA into a piece of biological machinery. In her spare time away from the lab, she enjoys reading, eating, playing tennis and trying not to fall off her skateboard. "
     "desc":"Jennifer Yu is a rising sophomore at Stuyvesant High School. Science and math are her favorite subjects. She is most interested in genetic engineering, and wants to pursue a career in this field when she becomes older. iGem presented itself as a fantastic opportunity to start exploring genomes and to try to mold DNA into a piece of biological machinery. In her spare time away from the lab, she enjoys reading, eating, playing tennis and trying not to fall off her skateboard. "
Line 259: Line 271:
     "name":"Angel Zou",
     "name":"Angel Zou",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Angel is a rising junior at Midwood High School. She was first introduced to Genspace through this Urban Barcode Competition and later on heard about the iGem competition. She enjoys working in lab and meeting new people. Through working in labs, she learned lab techniques and how to work with each other. To Angel, Genspace is like a second home but instead she’s living under the same roof with colonies of bacteria."
     "desc":"Angel is a rising junior at Midwood High School. She was first introduced to Genspace through this Urban Barcode Competition and later on heard about the iGem competition. She enjoys working in lab and meeting new people. Through working in labs, she learned lab techniques and how to work with each other. To Angel, Genspace is like a second home but instead she’s living under the same roof with colonies of bacteria."
Line 265: Line 277:
     "name":"Daniel Hack",
     "name":"Daniel Hack",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Daniel Hack is a rising junior at Suffern Senior High School. At his school, Daniel took a science research course that led to his involvement in Genspace. While doing research on synthetic biology, he heard of the IGEM competition and was emphatic to hear that Genspace had a team. Daniel is very passionate about biology and is looking forward to the giant IGEM Jamboree."
     "desc":"Daniel Hack is a rising junior at Suffern Senior High School. At his school, Daniel took a science research course that led to his involvement in Genspace. While doing research on synthetic biology, he heard of the IGEM competition and was emphatic to hear that Genspace had a team. Daniel is very passionate about biology and is looking forward to the giant IGEM Jamboree."
Line 271: Line 283:
     "name":"Jane Kaitlin Young",
     "name":"Jane Kaitlin Young",
     "role":"student member",
     "role":"student member",
     "desc":"Kaitlin Young is a rising sophomore at The Dalton School in Manhattan. She is very excited to be on Genspace's iGEM team this year. She really enjoys learning about synthetic biology and meeting new people with similar interests. While not in the lab, she enjoys swimming, writing short stories and learning all things related to technology.  "
     "desc":"Kaitlin Young is a rising sophomore at The Dalton School in Manhattan. She is very excited to be on Genspace's iGEM team this year. She really enjoys learning about synthetic biology and meeting new people with similar interests. While not in the lab, she enjoys swimming, writing short stories and learning all things related to technology.  "
Line 277: Line 289:
     "name":"Dr. Ellen Jorgensen",
     "name":"Dr. Ellen Jorgensen",
     "role":"lead mentor",
     "role":"lead mentor",
     "desc":"Dr. Ellen Jorgensen is co-founder and Director of Genspace, and holds adjunct positions at New York Medical College, Cooper Union, and the School of Visual Arts. She is passionate about increasing science literacy in both student member and genspace member populations, particularly in the areas of molecular and synthetic biology. Her efforts to develop Genspace into a haven for entrepreneurship, innovation and citizen science have been chronicled by Nature Medicine, Science, Discover Magazine, BBC News, Dan Rather Reports, PBS News Hour, the New York Times and her 2012 TEDGlobal talk (Biohacking- you can do it, too). This is the fifth iGEM team she has led, and that just goes to show that memories of fun somehow always overcome memories of pain."
     "desc":"Dr. Ellen Jorgensen is co-founder and Director of Genspace, and holds adjunct positions at New York Medical College, Cooper Union, and the School of Visual Arts. She is passionate about increasing science literacy in both student member and genspace member populations, particularly in the areas of molecular and synthetic biology. Her efforts to develop Genspace into a haven for entrepreneurship, innovation and citizen science have been chronicled by Nature Medicine, Science, Discover Magazine, BBC News, Dan Rather Reports, PBS News Hour, the New York Times and her 2012 TEDGlobal talk (Biohacking- you can do it, too). This is the fifth iGEM team she has led, and that just goes to show that memories of fun somehow always overcome memories of pain."
Line 283: Line 295:
     "name":"Allison Birnbaum",
     "name":"Allison Birnbaum",
     "desc":"Allison Birnbaum is a Ph.D. candidate at Iowa State. After obtaining her Masters degree, she was a  research assistant at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research. She has been volunteering at Genspace for several years and was part of our gold medal-winning 2014 iGEM team. Her background is in genetics and molecular biology, and though being outside in the sunshine is nice, she is a self-described lab rat. When she completes her doctorate she hopes to work in the fields of  gene therapy and genetic engineering"
     "desc":"Allison Birnbaum is a Ph.D. candidate at Iowa State. After obtaining her Masters degree, she was a  research assistant at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research. She has been volunteering at Genspace for several years and was part of our gold medal-winning 2014 iGEM team. Her background is in genetics and molecular biology, and though being outside in the sunshine is nice, she is a self-described lab rat. When she completes her doctorate she hopes to work in the fields of  gene therapy and genetic engineering"
     //god awful hack to get this to work
     //god awful hack to get this to work
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               var rows = el.selectAll('div').data(el.datum().values.sort(d3.ascendingKey('name'))).enter().append('div.row.section')
               var rows = el.selectAll('div').data(el.datum().values.sort(d3.ascendingKey('name'))).enter().append('div.row.section')
               var r = rows.append('div.col-md-5')   
               var r = rows.append('div.col-md-5')   
               r.append('img').classed('bio',true).attr('src',function(d){return 'img/'+d.img})
               r.append('img').classed('bio',true).attr('src',function(d){return d.img})
               var l = rows.append('div.col-md-7',true)   
               var l = rows.append('div.col-md-7',true)   

Latest revision as of 01:59, 19 September 2015

<!DOCTYPE html> Gowanus SuperFUNd - Genspace iGEM 2015

The Genspace team is made up of community members.

There are four adults on our team, all from various walks of life and none with advanced degrees in biological sciences. None of them had ever heard of synthetic biology prior to joining Genspace, and they have learned the science through our classes and through iGEM participation. There are twelve students from local high schools on the team. They came to Genspace because their schools could not afford to support high school teams and they really wanted to learn synthetic biology and be part of iGEM. None of them had any prior independent hands-on research experience. Genspace has a mission to provide for students like this so participation was on a first-come first-serve basis. The final four team members are college students spending the summer in New York, all of whom are majoring in the sciences. We consider all of these people part of the New York community we serve.

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