Difference between revisions of "Team:NAIT Edmonton/Attributions"

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     <center><h1>Kevin Setzer</h1></center>
     <center><h1>Kevin Setzer</h1></center>
  <center><img src="https://media.licdn.com/media/p/8/000/25f/329/06cf107.png" alt=""/></center>
    <p><img src="https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11755101_922472034481283_5820710232004632160_n.jpg?oh=ff1f4644577564e115864246076d8e30&oe=565CBDE2" width="400px"> Throughout the summer, Kevin was extremely busy working full time while also helping out our iGEM team. Though most of his contribution was done outside of NAIT, we could not have grown into the team we are today without Kevin Setzer. <br><br>
Kevin mostly worked with Joy in the coding and designing of Team NAIT's Wiki sites. He was the bug exterminator, the very necessary second pair of eyes involved in editing all the HTML, CSS and dreaded Java that coded our wiki. Additionally, Kevin also helped in the post-production processes of our 3D animation which involved After Effects and Photoshop editing. When he can, Kevin also comes to the lab to help prepare reagents necessary for processes and experiments later in the day. <br><br>
Although busy, Kevin tried his best to find time and help out our iGEM team. Thank you, Kevin! Together we can take our iGEM project to infinity... and beyond!

Revision as of 08:20, 24 July 2015