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<b>Birkbeck, University of London and UCL</b>
<b>Birkbeck, University of London and UCL</b>
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<br>Originally from Brazil, Vitor went to northern Scotland for a gap year and fell in love with the weather. As the second best student in Economics in his year (in a class of two), he decided early that Mathematics was a far better investment – ditching Economics in favour of Further Mathematics. He joined University of Cambridge to do Physics, heard the calling of Chemistry but due to a poor choice of modules in the Natural Sciences Tripos, ended up a biochemist (BA, MSci and the freebie MA).<br>
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<br>He stayed in Cambridge for a PhD in bacterial pathogenesis and for his post-doctoral career in synthetic biology. In his steady march South, he joined UCL and Birkbeck as Lecturer in Synthetic Biology in 2013.<br>
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The Students

Ariana Ariana "the Explora" Mirzarafie-Ahi
BSc Biological Sciences Graduate, Birkbeck, University of London

Ariana was offered a place at Birkbeck in 2011. At this time, higher education reforms took over with tuition fees tripling and the removal of part-time education grants. She feels privileged to have gone to such a distinctive institute at the heart of London and owes her great academic experience to Birkbeck.

Ariana graduated this year from Birkbeck, University of London with a BSc in Biological Sciences. Her final year project was on investigating protein nano cages, and throughout the years had research internships on protein crystallography, tissue engineering and bioinformatics. After iGEM Ariana is starting a PhD in Interdisciplinary Biosciences at UCL.

Team Quiz: Ariana
Ariana Mirzarafie-Ahi at the airport. Ariana Explora on the interwebs.
According to an old Romanian peasant on the train between Timisoara and Iasi? Fifteen.
Where are you from?
Manastur, the neighbourhood with a reputation from Cluj-Napoca.
Post-graduation plan?
Post-graduation degree.
One thing you must do before you die?
Live. (Oh. This got deep quickly).
If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?
Acting in Hollywood.
Biggest pet peeve?
People misplacing things, forgetting things, and god forbid and god help them, losing things.
Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
74.5% of the time.
Least favourite film?
“Devil” was a cryworthy waste of time.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Genetically resurrected mammoth babies. Or a non-GMO banana.
What did you want to be when you were a child?
Chronologically? A lawyer (mum told me my choices were doctor or lawyer), an actress, an advertiser, an actress, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a DON’T-LABEL-ME activist.
Tea or coffee?
Tea. Always and forever.
Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?
I’m taking part in a genetic engineering competition. Hello?

Babrbara Barbara "Babz" Steijl
3rd year BSc Chemical & Molecular Biology, Birkbeck, University of London

Barbara has always had an interest in science. She did not quite meet the criteria for mainstream Universities however was given a chance at Birkbeck, University of London. Barbara previously worked in an office as team leader of media analysis. The flexibility of learning offered at Birkbeck allowed Barbara to continue working while pursuing a BSc in Chemical & Molecular Biology.

Barbara's interests are “general geekery” which includes scientific talks & skeptic meetings. She enjoys travelling and certainly has a few stamps in her passport. One to watch when it comes to pool! After iGEM she intends on completing her BSc and pursue a PhD in synthetic biology.

Team Quiz: Barbara
Barbara, Barbs or Babs – as long as you don’t call me Barbie….
Twice as old as I was 15 years ago.
Where are you from?
I’m a bit of a nomad, I’m from everywhere.
Post-graduation plan?
Be a mad scientist, rule the world.
If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?
Travelling and teaching English, probably.
Biggest pet peeve?
People who stand on the left side of the escalator. Also people who walk slowly while blocking the entire footpath.
Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
Always. I live on a boat, electricity is precious.
Least favourite film?
At the moment, Jurassic World.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Leftovers from the previous evening, usually.
What did you want to be when you were a child?
Grown-up. Ever since I got to that age, all I’ve wanted is to be a child again, of course.
Tea or coffee?
That depends on how much sleep I’ve had…
Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?
See above.

Elliott Elliott Parris
MSci Natural Sciences Graduate, University College London

Elliott is a 2015 University College London MSci Natural Sciences Graduate, where his major was Genetics, Evolution & Environment and his minor was Synthetic Organic Chemistry. iGEM offered a unique opportunity for him to bridge his degree disciplines with invaluable synthetic biology experience; the field in which he wishes to acquire a doctorate position.

The first in his family to go to University, he feels privileged to be a part of the first Birkbeck team and all that it represents – determination, perseverance, progression and success. Besides his desire to implement synthetic biology on healthcare, one long-term goal of his is to engineer organisms that can reverse drivers positively feeding back into climate change. A football fanatic and player alike - he eats like a pig, drinks like a fish and cycles with animosity.

Team Quiz: Elliott
Elliott, Ellson (Ells-son), Parris
Where are you from?
Post-graduation plan?
i) Lab Technician/Assistant ii) Synthetic Biology PhD iii) Solve Climate Change iv) Rule A Better World
One thing you must do before you die?
Know the ending to Game of Thrones
If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?
Scrabbling for a life in the lower leagues of English Professional Football
Biggest pet peeve?
Shy Tories
Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
Is that a question?
Least favourite film?
Avatar: The Last Airbender = crucified childhood cartoon
What do you eat for breakfast?
Enough granola to feed an adolescent horse
What did you want to be when you were a child?
Tea or coffee?
Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?
Do they have to be mutually exclusive?

Luba Luba Prout
BSc Chemical & Molecular Biology Graduate, Birkbeck, University of London

Luba recently completed a BSc in Chemical and Molecular Biology at Birkbeck, University of London. As part of her undergraduate degree, she undertook an experimental research project on directed evolution of XNA ligases and in parallel she also focused on the use of bioinformatics for enzyme engineering. Previously, Luba volunteered and was an intern at a biomedical chemistry lab, gaining experience in organic synthesis and analytical techniques. Her passion for science, synthetic biology and academic scholarship sparked the initiation of the first Birkbeck iGEM team.

Luba’s first degree was in law, yet her strong interest in science has led her to Birkbeck to study for a second degree, whilst taking up a support role at the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development / Birkbeck BabyLab. After the spell with BBKiGEM, Luba will start a PhD on the BBSRC LiDO programme at University College London.

Team Quiz: Luba

Luba Prout
I’d be around 4 years if I were an indoor cat.
Where are you from?
The land of amber, pine trees and thousands of rivers and lakes: latitude 56°57ʹN; longitude 24°10ʹE
Post-graduation plan?
PhD. Postdoc. Fellow. Prof. World domination.
If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?
That’s not possible – I’d still be doing science.
Biggest pet peeve?
Time wasters.
Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
Yes, always, if switching off = sustainability
Least favourite film?
Can’t think of one; I’m infected with the λ phage project…
What do you eat for breakfast?
Continental type breakfast: coffee, croissant, cold meats, cheese, veg (or fruit or veg salad), more coffee...
What did you want to be when you were a child?
A professional athlete and a doctor, simultaneously.
Tea or coffee?
Coffee. And tea.
Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?
World peace through world domination (see my crafty plan above, Q4).

Mervyn Mervyn Richardson
2nd Year BSc Chemical & Molecular Biology, Birkbeck, University of London

For the last 9 years, Mervyn has been working in the logistics industry at DHL Express. He has always been fascinated by genetics and finds the intricacies of the bio-molecular world intellectually stimulating. Now, Mervyn hopes to embark on a new and rewarding career in the biosciences.

Mervyn is currently working at DHL and studying towards a BSc in chemical & molecular biology at Birkbeck University of London. He feels privileged to be in the first iGEM team to represent Birkbeck and is committed to setting a high standard paving the way for successive teams in the future. Mervyn joined the team to improve on lab skills & work towards solving the issue of diagnostics at the point of care in developing countries.

Team Quiz: Mervyn


Where are you from?

Post-graduation plan?

One thing you must do before you die?

If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?

Biggest pet peeve?

Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?

Least favourite film?

What do you eat for breakfast?

What did you want to be when you were a child?

Tea or coffee?

Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?

Rachel Rachel Wellman
3rd year BSc Biomedicine, Birkbeck, University of London

Rachel has worked as a lawyer for several charities, including medical research charities where her interest in science was reawakened. She is taking advantage of the opportunity that Birkbeck provides to combine part time studies with full time work. When not working or studying Rachel enjoys baking - including making vegan macaroons with the liquid from cans of chickpeas and creating evil GM creatures to take over the world (what, you mean that isn't the aim of the project?!).

Team Quiz: Rachel

Rachel Wellman
Where are you from?
Post-graduation plan?
One thing you must do before you die?
If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?
Charity Work
Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
Yes, unless there is someone else in it!
Least favourite film?
Funny Face
What do you eat for breakfast?
What did you want to be when you were a child?
Roasted Chestnut Seller
Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?
World Peace

Sean Sean Ross Craig
BSc Microbiology Graduate, University of Dundee; MRes Microbiology Graduate, Birkbeck, University of London

A University of Dundee BSc Microbiology 2012 Graduate, he worked as a chef for a year and a half after graduation. Birkbeck, University of London gave Sean the opportunity to study the subject that he loves and work at the same time. He was able to complete his MRes due to the flexibility of Birkbeck. Without an institution such as Birkbeck offering the flexibility in study, he would not have been able to obtain a research based post-graduate qualification. Being a part of the iGEM team means a lot to Sean & he hopes to give back to the great institute that provided him with the opportunity to pursue a career in academic science.

When Sean is not looking at Biosynthetic pathways or dreaming up scientific ideas for the good of mankind sean enjoys playing & watching football. He also has a keen interest in nature. He has the pace to keep up with Elliott on the eating front (but doesn’t have the stamina to eat the sheer volume) however, does have the stamina on the drinking front.

Team Quiz: Sean
27 candles.
Where are you from?
Sunny Ayrshire.
Post-graduation plan?
One thing you must do before you die?
Have recognition for a great scientific discovery
If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?
Definitely not anything to do with computer coding!
Biggest pet peeve?
Waste of any kind!
Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
YES (even if someone is in the room haha!).
Least favourite film?
Taken 3 was pretty disappointing, suppose every series of movies gets worse as they progress.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Usually cereal (I tend to be pushed for time).
What did you want to be when you were a child?
A crazy biologist :)
Tea or coffee?
Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?
Peace! love not war!

Shapoor Shapoor Mohamadi
2rd year BSc Chemical & Molecular Biology, Birkbeck, University of London

Shapoor is an accidental would be biochemist. 12 times he has started a university degree and 12 times he decided it wasn’t for him! Along the way Shapoor has gained qualifications in; IT, Business, Mathematics & natural Science. His favourite subject was Natural Science which he choose to take further by studying a BSc in Chemical & Molecular Biology at Birkbeck, University of London. The flexibility of Birkbeck has enabled Shapoor to work full time and study part-time towards a BSc. He has worked hard and stuck to this degree route which he has successfully completed his second year.

Shapoor has an interest in a wide range of academic subjects ranging from philosophy to international relations. One of his main passions is fine literature (particularly poetry). Shapoor has a keen interest in fassion and fancy/colourful hats!

Team Quiz: Shapoor
Myth has It that I was born on the day when the universe was created.
Where are you from?
Post-graduation plan?
Pharmacogenomics if I don’t get distracted!
One thing you must do before you die?
Get my colony work!
If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?
I have tried them all! Don’t tempt me!
Biggest pet peeve?
Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
Only when I was the one who turned it on!
Least favourite film?
Haven’t seen all to decide which one is the worst!
What do you eat for breakfast?
What did you want to be when you were a child?
A poet!
Tea or coffee?
English Breakfast Tea!
Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?
Hate to dominate, and I know achieving peace is not in human’s nature!

Tim Tim Walker
BSc Biological Sciences (Biotechnology) Graduate, University of Edinbrough; MRes Microbiology (Distinction) Graduate, Birkbeck, University of London

Tim is fascinated by the rich diversity of the microbial world, and how this can be utilised for biotechnological and medical usage.

During this time he felt restless and enrolled on the part-time MSc Microbiology course at Birkbeck. Almost immediately he rediscovered his passion for microbiology and the following year he quit recruitment and transferred to a full-time MRes research project. The project was to assess the activity of a light-activated antimicrobial surface. "Despite blowing my life savings and having to also work part-time to support myself, it was the best decision I've ever made". He fell in love with research and his hard work has earnt me a BBSRC PhD scholarship to investigate the biosynthetic capabilities of Actinomycetes."

Tim's effort in the Owligos team is around Practice & Policy and Sponsorship. Tim is proud to be a part of the inaugural Birkbeck iGEM team because, without the flexible learning opportunities they offer to full-time working people, he wouldn't have been able to complete a Masters and wouldn't now be living his dream as a research microbiologist. Tim is very excited by the project we are developing and looks forward to showing everyone at the Giant Jamboree everything we have achieved!

Team Quiz: Tim


Where are you from?

Post-graduation plan?

One thing you must do before you die?

If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?

Biggest pet peeve?

Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?

Least favourite film?

What do you eat for breakfast?

What did you want to be when you were a child?

Tea or coffee?

Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?

Wayne Wayne Pires
BSc Chemical & Molecular Biology Graduate, Birkbeck, University of London

Enter text for the first paragraph

Enter text for the second paragraph

Team Quiz: Wayne


Where are you from?

Post-graduation plan?

One thing you must do before you die?

If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?

Biggest pet peeve?

Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?

Least favourite film?

What do you eat for breakfast?

What did you want to be when you were a child?

Tea or coffee?

Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?

Team Instructor

VP Dr. Vitor Pinheiro
Birkbeck, University of London and UCL

Originally from Brazil, Vitor went to northern Scotland for a gap year and fell in love with the weather. As the second best student in Economics in his year (in a class of two), he decided early that Mathematics was a far better investment – ditching Economics in favour of Further Mathematics. He joined University of Cambridge to do Physics, heard the calling of Chemistry but due to a poor choice of modules in the Natural Sciences Tripos, ended up a biochemist (BA, MSci and the freebie MA).

He stayed in Cambridge for a PhD in bacterial pathogenesis and for his post-doctoral career in synthetic biology. In his steady march South, he joined UCL and Birkbeck as Lecturer in Synthetic Biology in 2013.

Team Quiz: Vitor
Vitor Pinheiro
35 with nearly 3 years experience
Where are you from?
Sao Paulo, Brasil
Post-graduation plan?
I have now put most of it into practice.
One thing you must do before you die?
Successfully transform two little monkeys into human beings.
If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?
There is only science.
Biggest pet peeve?
Wastefulness, inefficiency
Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
Least favourite film?
Life is too short to not walk out of a bad film.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Depends on time and company. At the moment, my porridge, my son’s cereal, my other son’s porridge, some juice and considerable amounts of coffee.
What did you want to be when you were a child?
Tea or coffee?
Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?
Only the last person on Earth will achieve either. I do not want to be that person.

Team Advisors

Pedro Pedro Tizei
Graduate, University

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Team Quiz: Pedro


Where are you from?

Post-graduation plan?

One thing you must do before you die?

If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?

Biggest pet peeve?

Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?

Least favourite film?

What do you eat for breakfast?

What did you want to be when you were a child?

Tea or coffee?

Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?

Yan-Kay Yan-Kay Ho
BBSRC LiDO PhD student
MSc Natural Sciences Graduate, University College London

Yan-Kay has always had a keen interest in science: from genetics and evolution, to developmental biology, and animal behaviour. She's even dabbled a bit into palaeontology, ecology, and systems biology. Now, through the BBSRC London Interdisciplinary Biosciences PhD LiDO Consortium programme, she is seguing* into the exciting field of synthetic biology. That is, having first taken this turn in the road via iGEM on the UCL Team 2014. Of course, the road continues further, and this is why she finds herself advising a new cohort of iGEM students, both on the Birkbeck (and UCL) 2015 Teams.

(*An appreciative nod to all the lovely people at the LiDO 2015 Retreat.)

Team Quiz: Yan-Kay
Nearly reaching the heady heights of 24
Where are you from?
A little bit from the East and a little bit from the West
Post-graduation plan?
A Post-Doc, entering the world of work outside academia? I have a few years before I need to think about this...
One thing you must do before you die?
Travel to all four corners of the world
If you weren’t doing science, what would you be doing?
... Nope, science is all I can think of so far!
Biggest pet peeve?
Honestly, nothing is coming to mind right now
Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
Yes, generally
Least favourite film?
Have been purged from memory
What do you eat for breakfast?
Just a regular piece of toast
What did you want to be when you were a child?
A vet, then a geneticist
Tea or coffee?
Tea. I have not yet succumbed to drinking coffee.
Would you rather have world domination or achieve world peace?
Peace sounds good to me