Difference between revisions of "TemplatesforTeams Code Documentation"

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<li><a href="http://www.colourlovers.com/palettes"> Colour Lovers </a> </li>
<li><a href="http://www.colourlovers.com/palettes"> Colour Lovers </a> </li>
<li><a href="https://color.adobe.com">Abode Kuler</a> </li>
<li><a href="https://color.adobe.com">Adobe Kuler</a> </li>
<li><a href="http://design-seeds.com/">Design Seeds </a></li>
<li><a href="http://design-seeds.com/">Design Seeds </a></li>

Revision as of 23:10, 17 February 2015

Template Documentation

Please note that all information on this page is in a draft version.
Please check back often for details.


This page documents the templates available for iGEM teams to use. The templates use HTML to present information and CSS to style the content.
There are 3 styles available:

Template A
#000000 #565656 #24B694 #59BF92 #E8E8E9 #FFFFFF
Template B
#0E232F #EE3E53 #F4B248 #E8D5B7 #A7A9AB #EEEDEA
Template C
#28221E #DB1E39 #14747D #F4EFD8 #F4EFD8 #FFFFFF

Here are some websites that can help you create your own palette:


We strongly recommend using html rather than wiki code. HTML is highly flexible and is supported on almost every browser.
Wiki code can be used for specific things, like calling a template or creating a table for your team parts, to make a "pause" in your HTML code, you can briefly close and open the < html > tag:

			************** Wiki code can be placed here **************

Creating a new wiki page

Creating a new wiki page is very easy. Simply type the name of the page in your url bar. Be sure to create every page inside your team's name space. The following line creates a page in the 2015 iGEM server, under the Team Example namespace with the page name "ProjectResults".


Applying templates

To apply the template to your page, use the following code:


				************** Your html content will be placed here **************

  1. Call the template you wish to apply to the page - in this case we are calling TeamTemplateA.
  2. Open an < html > tag- this tells the page that the code in between tags will be html.
  3. This is where you will write the content for your page.
  4. Close the < div > tags - In the template, #contentContainer and #mainContainer were created, this marks where they end.
  5. Close the < html > tag - this is the end of the page.

The menu for wiki exists inside your team's template. You can add more menu items and submenus items and link them to other pages.

Adding menu items

Go to the #menuContainer and add < li > item to your < ul > list.

<a href=" link "><li>MENU ITEM 1</li></a>

Your menu list should look like this

		<div id="menuContainer">
				<a href=" link "><li> MENU ITEM 1</li></a>

				<a href=" link "><li> MENU ITEM 2</li></a>

Adding submenu items

To create submenu items you will need to create a list inside an existing list item.

		<div id="menuContainer">
				<a href="#"><li> MENU ITEM 1</a>
						<a href=" link "><li> SUBMENU ITEM 1</li></a>
						<a href=" link "><li> SUBMENU ITEM 2</li></a> 

Make sure you close the < li > tag after the sublist.


To create text simply call the < p > tag:

 <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vis in paulo munere, mel commune ocurreret ex. </p>

Links can be created with the < a > tag:

 <a href="  link url "> name of the link </a>


To create a simple list you will need to open a < ul > tag and then create < li > list item for every bulleted item you wish to create. You can also use < ol > (ordered list) instead of < ul > (unordered list) to replace the bullet points with numbers


				<li> List item 1 </li>
				<li> List item 2 </li>
				<li> List item 3 </li>


Lists can also be nested within themselves, here is an example:


				<li> List item 1 
						<li> sublist item 1 </li>
						<li> sublist item 2 </li>
						<li> sublist item 3 </li>



Tables are styled and ready to use with any of the 3 templates. To create on, use the following code:


				<th> Header 1  </th> 
				<th> Header 2 </th> 

				<td> Content A 1 </td>  
				<td> Content B 1 </td>  

				<td> Content A 2 </td>  
				<td> Content B 2 </td> 


This code will create a table with 3 rows and two columns, you can add as many as you like.

Highlight Boxes

You can create a highlight box by calling the class "highlightBox", this will create a box with a different background and a smaller width.

		<div class="highlightBox">
			<h4> Title of Highlight Box  </h4 >
			<p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vis in paulo munere, mel commune ocurreret ex. </p>

Changing colors

You can edit any of the colors of the templates. You can use your school's colors or any other palette you like.

Here are some websites that can serve as inspiration:

Here is an example with Template B.
The color you wish to replace is the body background color. For template B, this color is #A7A9AB.
You can look for the color by it's hexadecimal code (the numbers are listed on the top of this page) and replace with any other color you like.

The line of code that you need to replace is the following:

		/* Set up a width, height and color of the body wrapper*/
		body { 
			background-color: #A7A9AB;

This table can help you locate what part of the template you wish to modify:

Class / Id Description Line of code
body Background color of the page background-color: #
#mainContainer Color of main container background-color: #
#mainContainer Color of the borders in the main container border- (right/left/top/bottom) : width px solid #
#contentContainer Color of content container background-color: #
#contentContainer Color of the border on top of the content container border-top : width px solid #
#menuContainer Background color of content container background-color: #
#menuContainer Color of the border on top of the content container border-top : width px solid #
#menuContainer a Text color of links inside the menu (before hover state) color: #
#menuContainer li:hover Background color when you hover on the menu and submenu buttons background-color: #
#menuContainer li ul liBackground color of the submenu buttonsbackground-color: #
#menuContainer li ul liText color of the submenu buttonscolor: #
#contentContainer h1,h2,h3,h4,h4,h6Color of the titles color: #
#contentContainer aColor of links (before hover) color: #
#contentContainer a:hoverColor of links on hovercolor: #
#mainContainer pColor of the textcolor: #
.highlightBoxBackground color of the highlight boxbackground-color: #

Changing fonts

		/* Main content wrap  */
		#mainContainer {  
			font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif;

Here is a small list of web safe fonts:

  • Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif
  • Century Gothic, sans-serif
  • Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif
  • ‘Trebuchet MS’, Helvetica, sans-serif
  • Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
  • Georgia, Serif
  • ‘Palatino Linotype’, ‘Book Antiqua’, Palatino, serif

Here is where fonts are defined:

Class / Id Description Line of code
#contentContainer Font family for text inside the main container font-family:
#contentContainer Font family for text inside the content container font-family:
#contentContainer h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 Font family for the titles font-family:

Styling tables

You can modify the style of the tables in your template. You can change the border, the background color of the cells and the table headers.

Class / Id Description Line of code
#contentContainer table Border of the table border: width px solid #
#contentContainer td Border for the cells inside the table border: width px solid #
#contentContainer th Background color for the table header cells background-color: #
#contentContainer th Border for the cells for the table header cells border: width px solid #

Creating classes

You can create your own classes and use them throughout your wiki. Classes are useful because you can declare them once in your template code and simply call them on your other pages

Example "button" class

In the following box we will create a class called "button". This class has a definite height, width

    	    	 /*Normal state*/
    	    	.button {
    	    	    	/* Layout */
    	    	    	width: 130px;
    			height: 30px;
    			text-align: center;
        		border-radius: 5px;
        		padding: 10px 5px 0px 5px;
        		margin: auto;

			/* Styling*/
    			border: 1px solid #cccccc;
    			background-color: fff;

Here we add a hover state to the "button" class. The color will change when your mouse is over the "button" div.

    	    	 /*Hover state*/
    	    	.button:hover {
			/* Styling*/
    			background-color: #c1dfa6;
Calling the "button" class

To call the class you just created you simply create a < div > tag and specify that it's class is going to be "button"

			<div class="button"> 	

This is how the class will display: