Difference between revisions of "Team:Nanjing-China/Attributions"

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              <li>Yang Huiying, Wang Qi</li>
              <li>Sun Yang, Lin Yijun, Zhang Xin, Chang Hanwen, Liu Miao, Wang Qi, Xiao Hui, Yue Nan, Luo Yaogan, Chen Chen</li>

Revision as of 16:01, 18 September 2015

Team Page

Team Introduction

We are a group of enthusiastic and persistent Chinese students from Nanjing University. We started our iGEM tour as sophomores and seniors in 2014. At first, most of us were unfamiliar with synthetic biology and relevant experimental skills in molecular biology. However, we made the resolution to face this challenging but rewarding course. Our team consists of students from Life Science Department and College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The interdisciplinary team has made it possible to fully realize our vision due to a variety of special skills we harbor. We have tried to make the most of everyone’s strengths when assigning tasks, yet each team member still have the chance to keep learning something new. The iGEM competition is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to get fully involved in scientific research, from coming up with a new idea, operating experiments to carrying out human practices, designing wiki and posters. During the past year, it has become our daily routine to meet up with each other, brainstorming to polish our project. What we have gained during this period of time is not only professional knowledge, but also enthusiasm for science and how to work as a team. Other than every incredible team member, we have also received amazing support from our advisors, instructors and sponsors. Here comes our team profile.


Team Members

Zhang Xin
Nanjing University

She is the leader of the team. She arranged the team work and organized the team to obtain knowledge on Synthetic biology. She took part in experiments, such as gene circuits’ construction work. She also participated in human practice.



Chang Hanwen
Nanjing University

She handles the finance for our team and takes part in the wet lab work. She constructed parts for the team and did part of work on the gene circuits’ construction. She also did some Human Practice work.

Luo Yaogan
Nanjing University

He mainly takes part in the lab work. He is in charge of the gene circuits' construction work and constructed plenty of parts for the team. He is a talented guy who solved plenty of troubles we met in the experiment.



Yu Luyao
Nanjing University

He is responsible for the building of parts and the testing of the engineering bacterium's adsorption ability.

Xue Shijie
Nanjing University

He mainly takes part in the wet lab work, which include not only the gene circuits’ construction work, but also the construction work of many parts. What is more, he designed the primers of parts.



Xiang Shuman
Nanjing University

She is a member of the team. She gave some suggestions about the project. She worked on taking the meeting records. She also took part in the gene circuits’ construction and genetic recombination in Bacillus subtilis.

Yang Huiying
Nanjing University

She is a senior student from College of Engineering and Applied Science, major in Biomedical Engineering. Mostly in charge of biological modeling, she finds working in iGEM a challenging but rewarding experience.



Liu Miao
Nanjing University

She is in charge of designing the wiki and preparing for the presentation. She also participated in some human practice activities. As a fantastic fan of the iGEM competition, she deeply believes that this once-in-a-life-time experience will definitely enlighten her a lot! She is willing to dedicate her youth and passion to our team and to iGEM!

Wang Qi
Nanjing University

She is talented in Photoshop and is in charge of our poster, banner, handout and other designing. She participated in writing text on wiki, poster and handout. She assisted Yang Huiying in working out models. She went through many references to find proper protocols and methods for experiments. She is responsible for presentation during 2015 iGEM Jiant Jamboree. She also participated in human practices.



Chen Chen
Nanjing University

She mainly participates in our web pages. She is always willing to learn something from scratch, and she wrote our wiki mostly by self-instruction. Meanwhile, she takes part in our lab work and human practice as well.

Wei Haoyang
Nanjing University

He is the junior. He is one of the three students who are the presenter and in charge of writing all the text about our project in English. He also provided noble ideas about the design of our project, such as the logo and the mascot.



Song Kuisong
Nanjing University

He is one of the main experimenters. He is the hardhat builder of the whole experiment mansion with a blueprint in the heart, dealing with inserts and vectors, and successfully finished most gene circuits.

Sun Yang
Nanjing University

He is in charge of Human Practice and did the cooperation work with SJTU-China. He also helped with some of the lab work.



Yue Nan
Nanjing University

She mainly takes part in the wet lab work, which includes not only the gene circuits’ construction work, but also the functional verification work. What is more, she also helps with the work related to plate resistance experiment.

Gao Yawen
Nanjing University

She is a member of the team. She designed the name and mascots of the team. She also took part in the gene circuits' construction work.



Xiao Hui
Nanjing University

She is mainly involved in the experimental section. She constructed several parts for the team and took part in our Human Practice in Beijing.

Lin Yijun
Nanjing University

He is a member of Nanjing-China, responsible for the interviews of human practice. He also takes part in experiments, especially the part of homologous recombination and the tests of engineering bacteria.



Feng Yanghan
Nanjing University

He is a junior student in the team, takes part in the former experiments and test of the device, also helps doing the vedio.



Wei wei
Research assistant
Nanjing University

Research: Surface display of metalloproteins for metal ion adsorption and environmental remediation.


Sun Peiqing
Nanjing University

He is the instructor of our team. He is in charge of the work related to the gold ions. He also helped us to learn the protocols used in our project and designed some of the primers for us. What is more, he gave us useful advice when we met difficulties in the experiments.



Zhao Jing
Nanjing University

Nanjing University

Research: Cell-based sensors and fluorescent probes for metals, gasotransmitters, and small RNA.


Lab work

  1. Gene circuits’ construction
    Chang Hanwen, Luo Yaogan, Song Kuisong, Gao Yawen, Xiang Shuman
  2. Homologous combination
    Xue Shijie, Xiao Hui, Lin Yijun, Xiang Shuman
  3. Bacterium engineering & device
    Yu Luyao



    • Yang Huiying, Wang Qi


Human practice

    • Sun Yang, Lin Yijun, Zhang Xin, Chang Hanwen, Liu Miao, Wang Qi, Xiao Hui, Yue Nan, Luo Yaogan, Chen Chen


Design work

  1. Wiki
    Chen Chen
  2. Poster, banner & handout
    Wang Qi
  3. PPT
    Liu Miao
  4. Others
    Wei Haoyang, Gao Yawen, Song kuisong