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<p class="text-justify">20. Riemann H, J Takao, YG Shellman, WA Hines, CK Edwards, DA Norris and M Fujita, Generation of a prophylactic melanoma vaccine using whole recombinant yeast expressing MART-1, 2007, ExperimentalDermatology, 16: 814-822</p>
<p class="text-justify">20. Riemann H, J Takao, YG Shellman, WA Hines, CK Edwards, DA Norris and M Fujita, Generation of a prophylactic melanoma vaccine using whole recombinant yeast expressing MART-1, 2007, ExperimentalDermatology, 16: 814-822</p>
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<p class="text-justify">21. Franzusoff A, RC Duke, TH King, Y Lu and TC Rodell, Yeasts encoding tumour antigens in cancer immunotherapy, 2005. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 5: 565- 575</p>
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<p class="text-justify">24. Bonifaz LC, Bonnyay DP, Charalambous A, Darguste DI, Fujii SI, Soares H, Brimnes MK, Moltedo B, Moran TM, Steinman RM, In vivo targeting of antigens to maturing dendritic cells via the DEC-205 receptor improves T cell vaccination. 2004, J. Exp. Med. 199, 815–824</p>
<p class="text-justify">25. Demangel C, J Zhou, A BH Choo, G Shoebridge, GM. Halliday, WJ Britton, Single chain antibody fragments for the selective targeting of antigens to dendritic cells, 2005 May, Mol Immunol. 42(8):979-85</p>
<p class="text-justify">26. Petrovsky N, Aguilar JC, Vaccine adjuvants: current state and future trends Immunol Cell Biol. 2004;82:488–496</p>

Revision as of 21:40, 18 September 2015

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