Difference between revisions of "Team:EPF Lausanne/Software"

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<a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/bf/Code2html.zip" class="btn btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-down"></span></a></div></center>
<a href="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/b/bf/Code2html.zip" class="btn btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-down"></span>Download</a></div></center>

Revision as of 18:43, 30 July 2015



The following Python script allows to generate HTML (and CSS) code from source files in C++ and Python languages. It is based on Pygment, a Python syntax highlighter. All code in our Wiki is formatted using this script.

from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
from pygments.lexers import CppLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter

# C++ extensions
cpp = ["cpp","cxx","cc","h"]

# Python extensions
py = ["py"]

def load_file_as_sting(fname):
    Open the file FNAME and save all its content in an unformatted string
    content = ""
    with open(fname,'r') as f: # Open the file (read only)
        content = f.read() # Read file and store it in an unformatted string
        # The file is automatically closed
    return content
def save_string_as_file(fname,string):
    Save the unformatted string STRING into the file FNAME
    with open(fname,'w') as f: # Open the file (write only)
        # The file is automatically closed
def lexer_formatter(language,css=False):
    Return the lexer for the appropriate language and the HTML formatter
    L = None
    if language in py:
        # Python Lexer
        L = PythonLexer()
    elif language in cpp:
        # C++ Lexer
        L = CppLexer() 
        raise NameError("Invalid language.")
    HF = HtmlFormatter(full=css,style="monokai")
    return L, HF

def code_to_htmlcss(code,language):
    Transform CODE into html and css (separate files)
    # Obtain lexer and HtmlFormatter
    L, HF = lexer_formatter(language,css=True)
    # Create html code
    html = highlight(code,L,HF)
    # Create css code
    css = HF.get_style_defs('.highlight')
    return html,css
def code_to_html(code,language):
    Transform CODE into html and css (all in the same file)
    # Obtain lexer and HtmlFormatter
    L, HF = lexer_formatter(language)
    # Create fill html code
    html = highlight(code,L,HF)
    return html

import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
        python code2html INPUTFILE [CSS]
    INPUTFILE: name (with path) of the file to convert to html
    CSS: write "true" in order to obtain separate .html and .css files ("false" by default)
    # Command line arguments
    args = sys.argv
    # Check command line arguments
    ncla = len(args) # number of command line arguments
    if ncla != 2 and ncla != 3 :
        raise TypeError("Invalid number of command line arguments.")
    css_bool = False
    if ncla == 3 and args[-1].lower() == "true":
        css_bool = True # Export css separately
    # Input file
    fname_code = sys.argv[1] # Name of the file containing the code to convert in html
    # Input file extension
    language = fname_code.split('.')[-1]
    # Output files
    fname_html = fname_code.split('.')[0] + ".html" # Name of the file where the html code will be stored
    fname_css = fname_code.split('.')[0] + ".css" # Name of the file where the css code will be stored
    # Save code into a unformatted string
    code = load_file_as_sting(fname_code)
    if css_bool == False: # Convert to standalone html
        html = code_to_html(code,language)
    else: # Convert to html and css separately
        html,css = code_to_htmlcss(code,language)
    # Save html
    if css_bool == True:
        # Save css

Still under construction