Difference between revisions of "Team:Warwick/Modelling2"

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<script src="../build/three.min.js"></script>
<script src="../build/three.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/libs/tween.min.js"></script>
<script>// tween.js - http://github.com/sole/tween.js
<script src="js/controls/TrackballControls.js"></script>
'use strict';var TWEEN=TWEEN||function(){var a=[];return{REVISION:"7",getAll:function(){return a},removeAll:function(){a=[]},add:function(c){a.push(c)},remove:function(c){c=a.indexOf(c);-1!==c&&a.splice(c,1)},update:function(c){if(0===a.length)return!1;for(var b=0,d=a.length,c=void 0!==c?c:Date.now();b<d;)a[b].update(c)?b++:(a.splice(b,1),d--);return!0}}}();
<script src="js/renderers/CSS3DRenderer.js"></script>
TWEEN.Tween=function(a){var c={},b={},d=1E3,e=0,f=null,h=TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None,r=TWEEN.Interpolation.Linear,k=[],l=null,m=!1,n=null,p=null;this.to=function(a,c){null!==c&&(d=c);b=a;return this};this.start=function(d){TWEEN.add(this);m=!1;f=void 0!==d?d:Date.now();f+=e;for(var g in b)if(null!==a[g]){if(b[g]instanceof Array){if(0===b[g].length)continue;b[g]=[a[g]].concat(b[g])}c[g]=a[g]}return this};this.stop=function(){TWEEN.remove(this);return this};this.delay=function(a){e=a;return this};this.easing=
function(a){h=a;return this};this.interpolation=function(a){r=a;return this};this.chain=function(){k=arguments;return this};this.onStart=function(a){l=a;return this};this.onUpdate=function(a){n=a;return this};this.onComplete=function(a){p=a;return this};this.update=function(e){if(e<f)return!0;!1===m&&(null!==l&&l.call(a),m=!0);var g=(e-f)/d,g=1<g?1:g,i=h(g),j;for(j in c){var s=c[j],q=b[j];a[j]=q instanceof Array?r(q,i):s+(q-s)*i}null!==n&&n.call(a,i);if(1==g){null!==p&&p.call(a);g=0;for(i=k.length;g<
TWEEN.Easing={Linear:{None:function(a){return a}},Quadratic:{In:function(a){return a*a},Out:function(a){return a*(2-a)},InOut:function(a){return 1>(a*=2)?0.5*a*a:-0.5*(--a*(a-2)-1)}},Cubic:{In:function(a){return a*a*a},Out:function(a){return--a*a*a+1},InOut:function(a){return 1>(a*=2)?0.5*a*a*a:0.5*((a-=2)*a*a+2)}},Quartic:{In:function(a){return a*a*a*a},Out:function(a){return 1- --a*a*a*a},InOut:function(a){return 1>(a*=2)?0.5*a*a*a*a:-0.5*((a-=2)*a*a*a-2)}},Quintic:{In:function(a){return a*a*a*
a*a},Out:function(a){return--a*a*a*a*a+1},InOut:function(a){return 1>(a*=2)?0.5*a*a*a*a*a:0.5*((a-=2)*a*a*a*a+2)}},Sinusoidal:{In:function(a){return 1-Math.cos(a*Math.PI/2)},Out:function(a){return Math.sin(a*Math.PI/2)},InOut:function(a){return 0.5*(1-Math.cos(Math.PI*a))}},Exponential:{In:function(a){return 0===a?0:Math.pow(1024,a-1)},Out:function(a){return 1===a?1:1-Math.pow(2,-10*a)},InOut:function(a){return 0===a?0:1===a?1:1>(a*=2)?0.5*Math.pow(1024,a-1):0.5*(-Math.pow(2,-10*(a-1))+2)}},Circular:{In:function(a){return 1-
Math.sqrt(1-a*a)},Out:function(a){return Math.sqrt(1- --a*a)},InOut:function(a){return 1>(a*=2)?-0.5*(Math.sqrt(1-a*a)-1):0.5*(Math.sqrt(1-(a-=2)*a)+1)}},Elastic:{In:function(a){var c,b=0.1;if(0===a)return 0;if(1===a)return 1;!b||1>b?(b=1,c=0.1):c=0.4*Math.asin(1/b)/(2*Math.PI);return-(b*Math.pow(2,10*(a-=1))*Math.sin((a-c)*2*Math.PI/0.4))},Out:function(a){var c,b=0.1;if(0===a)return 0;if(1===a)return 1;!b||1>b?(b=1,c=0.1):c=0.4*Math.asin(1/b)/(2*Math.PI);return b*Math.pow(2,-10*a)*Math.sin((a-c)*
2*Math.PI/0.4)+1},InOut:function(a){var c,b=0.1;if(0===a)return 0;if(1===a)return 1;!b||1>b?(b=1,c=0.1):c=0.4*Math.asin(1/b)/(2*Math.PI);return 1>(a*=2)?-0.5*b*Math.pow(2,10*(a-=1))*Math.sin((a-c)*2*Math.PI/0.4):0.5*b*Math.pow(2,-10*(a-=1))*Math.sin((a-c)*2*Math.PI/0.4)+1}},Back:{In:function(a){return a*a*(2.70158*a-1.70158)},Out:function(a){return--a*a*(2.70158*a+1.70158)+1},InOut:function(a){return 1>(a*=2)?0.5*a*a*(3.5949095*a-2.5949095):0.5*((a-=2)*a*(3.5949095*a+2.5949095)+2)}},Bounce:{In:function(a){return 1-
TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.Out(1-a)},Out:function(a){return a<1/2.75?7.5625*a*a:a<2/2.75?7.5625*(a-=1.5/2.75)*a+0.75:a<2.5/2.75?7.5625*(a-=2.25/2.75)*a+0.9375:7.5625*(a-=2.625/2.75)*a+0.984375},InOut:function(a){return 0.5>a?0.5*TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.In(2*a):0.5*TWEEN.Easing.Bounce.Out(2*a-1)+0.5}}};
TWEEN.Interpolation={Linear:function(a,c){var b=a.length-1,d=b*c,e=Math.floor(d),f=TWEEN.Interpolation.Utils.Linear;return 0>c?f(a[0],a[1],d):1<c?f(a[b],a[b-1],b-d):f(a[e],a[e+1>b?b:e+1],d-e)},Bezier:function(a,c){var b=0,d=a.length-1,e=Math.pow,f=TWEEN.Interpolation.Utils.Bernstein,h;for(h=0;h<=d;h++)b+=e(1-c,d-h)*e(c,h)*a[h]*f(d,h);return b},CatmullRom:function(a,c){var b=a.length-1,d=b*c,e=Math.floor(d),f=TWEEN.Interpolation.Utils.CatmullRom;return a[0]===a[b]?(0>c&&(e=Math.floor(d=b*(1+c))),f(a[(e-
1+b)%b],a[e],a[(e+1)%b],a[(e+2)%b],d-e)):0>c?a[0]-(f(a[0],a[0],a[1],a[1],-d)-a[0]):1<c?a[b]-(f(a[b],a[b],a[b-1],a[b-1],d-b)-a[b]):f(a[e?e-1:0],a[e],a[b<e+1?b:e+1],a[b<e+2?b:e+2],d-e)},Utils:{Linear:function(a,c,b){return(c-a)*b+a},Bernstein:function(a,c){var b=TWEEN.Interpolation.Utils.Factorial;return b(a)/b(c)/b(a-c)},Factorial:function(){var a=[1];return function(c){var b=1,d;if(a[c])return a[c];for(d=c;1<d;d--)b*=d;return a[c]=b}}(),CatmullRom:function(a,c,b,d,e){var a=0.5*(b-a),d=0.5*(d-c),f=
* @author Eberhard Graether / http://egraether.com/
* @author Mark Lundin / http://mark-lundin.com
* @author Simone Manini / http://daron1337.github.io
* @author Luca Antiga / http://lantiga.github.io
THREE.TrackballControls = function ( object, domElement ) {
var _this = this;
this.object = object;
this.domElement = ( domElement !== undefined ) ? domElement : document;
// API
this.enabled = true;
this.screen = { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
this.rotateSpeed = 1.0;
this.zoomSpeed = 1.2;
this.panSpeed = 0.3;
this.noRotate = false;
this.noZoom = false;
this.noPan = false;
this.staticMoving = false;
this.dynamicDampingFactor = 0.2;
this.minDistance = 0;
this.maxDistance = Infinity;
this.keys = [ 65 /*A*/, 83 /*S*/, 68 /*D*/ ];
// internals
this.target = new THREE.Vector3();
var EPS = 0.000001;
var lastPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
var _state = STATE.NONE,
_prevState = STATE.NONE,
_eye = new THREE.Vector3(),
_movePrev = new THREE.Vector2(),
_moveCurr = new THREE.Vector2(),
_lastAxis = new THREE.Vector3(),
_lastAngle = 0,
_zoomStart = new THREE.Vector2(),
_zoomEnd = new THREE.Vector2(),
_touchZoomDistanceStart = 0,
_touchZoomDistanceEnd = 0,
_panStart = new THREE.Vector2(),
_panEnd = new THREE.Vector2();
// for reset
this.target0 = this.target.clone();
this.position0 = this.object.position.clone();
this.up0 = this.object.up.clone();
// events
var changeEvent = { type: 'change' };
var startEvent = { type: 'start' };
var endEvent = { type: 'end' };
// methods
this.handleResize = function () {
if ( this.domElement === document ) {
this.screen.left = 0;
this.screen.top = 0;
this.screen.width = window.innerWidth;
this.screen.height = window.innerHeight;
} else {
var box = this.domElement.getBoundingClientRect();
// adjustments come from similar code in the jquery offset() function
var d = this.domElement.ownerDocument.documentElement;
this.screen.left = box.left + window.pageXOffset - d.clientLeft;
this.screen.top = box.top + window.pageYOffset - d.clientTop;
this.screen.width = box.width;
this.screen.height = box.height;
this.handleEvent = function ( event ) {
if ( typeof this[ event.type ] == 'function' ) {
this[ event.type ]( event );
var getMouseOnScreen = ( function () {
var vector = new THREE.Vector2();
return function ( pageX, pageY ) {
( pageX - _this.screen.left ) / _this.screen.width,
( pageY - _this.screen.top ) / _this.screen.height
return vector;
}() );
var getMouseOnCircle = ( function () {
var vector = new THREE.Vector2();
return function ( pageX, pageY ) {
( ( pageX - _this.screen.width * 0.5 - _this.screen.left ) / ( _this.screen.width * 0.5 ) ),
( ( _this.screen.height + 2 * ( _this.screen.top - pageY ) ) / _this.screen.width ) // screen.width intentional
return vector;
}() );
this.rotateCamera = (function() {
var axis = new THREE.Vector3(),
quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(),
eyeDirection = new THREE.Vector3(),
objectUpDirection = new THREE.Vector3(),
objectSidewaysDirection = new THREE.Vector3(),
moveDirection = new THREE.Vector3(),
return function () {
moveDirection.set( _moveCurr.x - _movePrev.x, _moveCurr.y - _movePrev.y, 0 );
angle = moveDirection.length();
if ( angle ) {
_eye.copy( _this.object.position ).sub( _this.target );
eyeDirection.copy( _eye ).normalize();
objectUpDirection.copy( _this.object.up ).normalize();
objectSidewaysDirection.crossVectors( objectUpDirection, eyeDirection ).normalize();
objectUpDirection.setLength( _moveCurr.y - _movePrev.y );
objectSidewaysDirection.setLength( _moveCurr.x - _movePrev.x );
moveDirection.copy( objectUpDirection.add( objectSidewaysDirection ) );
axis.crossVectors( moveDirection, _eye ).normalize();
angle *= _this.rotateSpeed;
quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle );
_eye.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
_this.object.up.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
_lastAxis.copy( axis );
_lastAngle = angle;
else if ( !_this.staticMoving && _lastAngle ) {
_lastAngle *= Math.sqrt( 1.0 - _this.dynamicDampingFactor );
_eye.copy( _this.object.position ).sub( _this.target );
quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( _lastAxis, _lastAngle );
_eye.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
_this.object.up.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
_movePrev.copy( _moveCurr );
this.zoomCamera = function () {
var factor;
if ( _state === STATE.TOUCH_ZOOM_PAN ) {
factor = _touchZoomDistanceStart / _touchZoomDistanceEnd;
_touchZoomDistanceStart = _touchZoomDistanceEnd;
_eye.multiplyScalar( factor );
} else {
factor = 1.0 + ( _zoomEnd.y - _zoomStart.y ) * _this.zoomSpeed;
if ( factor !== 1.0 && factor > 0.0 ) {
_eye.multiplyScalar( factor );
if ( _this.staticMoving ) {
_zoomStart.copy( _zoomEnd );
} else {
_zoomStart.y += ( _zoomEnd.y - _zoomStart.y ) * this.dynamicDampingFactor;
this.panCamera = (function() {
var mouseChange = new THREE.Vector2(),
objectUp = new THREE.Vector3(),
pan = new THREE.Vector3();
return function () {
mouseChange.copy( _panEnd ).sub( _panStart );
if ( mouseChange.lengthSq() ) {
mouseChange.multiplyScalar( _eye.length() * _this.panSpeed );
pan.copy( _eye ).cross( _this.object.up ).setLength( mouseChange.x );
pan.add( objectUp.copy( _this.object.up ).setLength( mouseChange.y ) );
_this.object.position.add( pan );
_this.target.add( pan );
if ( _this.staticMoving ) {
_panStart.copy( _panEnd );
} else {
_panStart.add( mouseChange.subVectors( _panEnd, _panStart ).multiplyScalar( _this.dynamicDampingFactor ) );
this.checkDistances = function () {
if ( !_this.noZoom || !_this.noPan ) {
if ( _eye.lengthSq() > _this.maxDistance * _this.maxDistance ) {
_this.object.position.addVectors( _this.target, _eye.setLength( _this.maxDistance ) );
if ( _eye.lengthSq() < _this.minDistance * _this.minDistance ) {
_this.object.position.addVectors( _this.target, _eye.setLength( _this.minDistance ) );
this.update = function () {
_eye.subVectors( _this.object.position, _this.target );
if ( !_this.noRotate ) {
if ( !_this.noZoom ) {
if ( !_this.noPan ) {
_this.object.position.addVectors( _this.target, _eye );
_this.object.lookAt( _this.target );
if ( lastPosition.distanceToSquared( _this.object.position ) > EPS ) {
_this.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
lastPosition.copy( _this.object.position );
this.reset = function () {
_state = STATE.NONE;
_prevState = STATE.NONE;
_this.target.copy( _this.target0 );
_this.object.position.copy( _this.position0 );
_this.object.up.copy( _this.up0 );
_eye.subVectors( _this.object.position, _this.target );
_this.object.lookAt( _this.target );
_this.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
lastPosition.copy( _this.object.position );
// listeners
function keydown( event ) {
if ( _this.enabled === false ) return;
window.removeEventListener( 'keydown', keydown );
_prevState = _state;
if ( _state !== STATE.NONE ) {
} else if ( event.keyCode === _this.keys[ STATE.ROTATE ] && !_this.noRotate ) {
_state = STATE.ROTATE;
} else if ( event.keyCode === _this.keys[ STATE.ZOOM ] && !_this.noZoom ) {
_state = STATE.ZOOM;
} else if ( event.keyCode === _this.keys[ STATE.PAN ] && !_this.noPan ) {
_state = STATE.PAN;
function keyup( event ) {
if ( _this.enabled === false ) return;
_state = _prevState;
window.addEventListener( 'keydown', keydown, false );
function mousedown( event ) {
if ( _this.enabled === false ) return;
if ( _state === STATE.NONE ) {
_state = event.button;
if ( _state === STATE.ROTATE && !_this.noRotate ) {
_moveCurr.copy( getMouseOnCircle( event.pageX, event.pageY ) );
} else if ( _state === STATE.ZOOM && !_this.noZoom ) {
_zoomStart.copy( getMouseOnScreen( event.pageX, event.pageY ) );
} else if ( _state === STATE.PAN && !_this.noPan ) {
_panStart.copy( getMouseOnScreen( event.pageX, event.pageY ) );
document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', mousemove, false );
document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', mouseup, false );
_this.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
function mousemove( event ) {
if ( _this.enabled === false ) return;
if ( _state === STATE.ROTATE && !_this.noRotate ) {
_moveCurr.copy( getMouseOnCircle( event.pageX, event.pageY ) );
} else if ( _state === STATE.ZOOM && !_this.noZoom ) {
_zoomEnd.copy( getMouseOnScreen( event.pageX, event.pageY ) );
} else if ( _state === STATE.PAN && !_this.noPan ) {
_panEnd.copy( getMouseOnScreen( event.pageX, event.pageY ) );
function mouseup( event ) {
if ( _this.enabled === false ) return;
_state = STATE.NONE;
document.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', mousemove );
document.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', mouseup );
_this.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
function mousewheel( event ) {
if ( _this.enabled === false ) return;
var delta = 0;
if ( event.wheelDelta ) { // WebKit / Opera / Explorer 9
delta = event.wheelDelta / 40;
} else if ( event.detail ) { // Firefox
delta = - event.detail / 3;
_zoomStart.y += delta * 0.01;
_this.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
_this.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
function touchstart( event ) {
if ( _this.enabled === false ) return;
switch ( event.touches.length ) {
case 1:
_moveCurr.copy( getMouseOnCircle( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY ) );
case 2:
var dx = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - event.touches[ 1 ].pageX;
var dy = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - event.touches[ 1 ].pageY;
_touchZoomDistanceEnd = _touchZoomDistanceStart = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
var x = ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX + event.touches[ 1 ].pageX ) / 2;
var y = ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageY + event.touches[ 1 ].pageY ) / 2;
_panStart.copy( getMouseOnScreen( x, y ) );
_panEnd.copy( _panStart );
_state = STATE.NONE;
_this.dispatchEvent( startEvent );
function touchmove( event ) {
if ( _this.enabled === false ) return;
switch ( event.touches.length ) {
case 1:
_moveCurr.copy( getMouseOnCircle(  event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY ) );
case 2:
var dx = event.touches[ 0 ].pageX - event.touches[ 1 ].pageX;
var dy = event.touches[ 0 ].pageY - event.touches[ 1 ].pageY;
_touchZoomDistanceEnd = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
var x = ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX + event.touches[ 1 ].pageX ) / 2;
var y = ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageY + event.touches[ 1 ].pageY ) / 2;
_panEnd.copy( getMouseOnScreen( x, y ) );
_state = STATE.NONE;
function touchend( event ) {
if ( _this.enabled === false ) return;
switch ( event.touches.length ) {
case 1:
_moveCurr.copy( getMouseOnCircle(  event.touches[ 0 ].pageX, event.touches[ 0 ].pageY ) );
case 2:
_touchZoomDistanceStart = _touchZoomDistanceEnd = 0;
var x = ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageX + event.touches[ 1 ].pageX ) / 2;
var y = ( event.touches[ 0 ].pageY + event.touches[ 1 ].pageY ) / 2;
_panEnd.copy( getMouseOnScreen( x, y ) );
_panStart.copy( _panEnd );
_state = STATE.NONE;
_this.dispatchEvent( endEvent );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'contextmenu', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); }, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', mousedown, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousewheel', mousewheel, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', mousewheel, false ); // firefox
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchstart', touchstart, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchend', touchend, false );
this.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchmove', touchmove, false );
window.addEventListener( 'keydown', keydown, false );
window.addEventListener( 'keyup', keyup, false );
// force an update at start
THREE.TrackballControls.prototype = Object.create( THREE.EventDispatcher.prototype );
THREE.TrackballControls.prototype.constructor = THREE.TrackballControls;
* Based on http://www.emagix.net/academic/mscs-project/item/camera-sync-with-css3-and-webgl-threejs
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
THREE.CSS3DObject = function ( element ) {
THREE.Object3D.call( this );
this.element = element;
this.element.style.position = 'absolute';
this.addEventListener( 'removed', function ( event ) {
if ( this.element.parentNode !== null ) {
this.element.parentNode.removeChild( this.element );
} );
THREE.CSS3DObject.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
THREE.CSS3DObject.prototype.constructor = THREE.CSS3DObject;
THREE.CSS3DSprite = function ( element ) {
THREE.CSS3DObject.call( this, element );
THREE.CSS3DSprite.prototype = Object.create( THREE.CSS3DObject.prototype );
THREE.CSS3DSprite.prototype.constructor = THREE.CSS3DSprite;
THREE.CSS3DRenderer = function () {
console.log( 'THREE.CSS3DRenderer', THREE.REVISION );
var _width, _height;
var _widthHalf, _heightHalf;
var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
var cache = {
camera: { fov: 0, style: '' },
objects: {}
var domElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
domElement.style.overflow = 'hidden';
domElement.style.WebkitTransformStyle = 'preserve-3d';
domElement.style.MozTransformStyle = 'preserve-3d';
domElement.style.oTransformStyle = 'preserve-3d';
domElement.style.transformStyle = 'preserve-3d';
this.domElement = domElement;
var cameraElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
cameraElement.style.WebkitTransformStyle = 'preserve-3d';
cameraElement.style.MozTransformStyle = 'preserve-3d';
cameraElement.style.oTransformStyle = 'preserve-3d';
cameraElement.style.transformStyle = 'preserve-3d';
domElement.appendChild( cameraElement );
this.setClearColor = function () {
this.setSize = function ( width, height ) {
_width = width;
_height = height;
_widthHalf = _width / 2;
_heightHalf = _height / 2;
domElement.style.width = width + 'px';
domElement.style.height = height + 'px';
cameraElement.style.width = width + 'px';
cameraElement.style.height = height + 'px';
var epsilon = function ( value ) {
return Math.abs( value ) < 0.000001 ? 0 : value;
var getCameraCSSMatrix = function ( matrix ) {
var elements = matrix.elements;
return 'matrix3d(' +
epsilon( elements[ 0 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( - elements[ 1 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 2 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 3 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 4 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( - elements[ 5 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 6 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 7 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 8 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( - elements[ 9 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 10 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 11 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 12 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( - elements[ 13 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 14 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 15 ] ) +
var getObjectCSSMatrix = function ( matrix ) {
var elements = matrix.elements;
return 'translate3d(-50%,-50%,0) matrix3d(' +
epsilon( elements[ 0 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 1 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 2 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 3 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( - elements[ 4 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( - elements[ 5 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( - elements[ 6 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( - elements[ 7 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 8 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 9 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 10 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 11 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 12 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 13 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 14 ] ) + ',' +
epsilon( elements[ 15 ] ) +
var renderObject = function ( object, camera ) {
if ( object instanceof THREE.CSS3DObject ) {
var style;
if ( object instanceof THREE.CSS3DSprite ) {
// http://swiftcoder.wordpress.com/2008/11/25/constructing-a-billboard-matrix/
matrix.copy( camera.matrixWorldInverse );
matrix.copyPosition( object.matrixWorld );
matrix.scale( object.scale );
matrix.elements[ 3 ] = 0;
matrix.elements[ 7 ] = 0;
matrix.elements[ 11 ] = 0;
matrix.elements[ 15 ] = 1;
style = getObjectCSSMatrix( matrix );
} else {
style = getObjectCSSMatrix( object.matrixWorld );
var element = object.element;
var cachedStyle = cache.objects[ object.id ];
if ( cachedStyle === undefined || cachedStyle !== style ) {
element.style.WebkitTransform = style;
element.style.MozTransform = style;
element.style.oTransform = style;
element.style.transform = style;
cache.objects[ object.id ] = style;
if ( element.parentNode !== cameraElement ) {
cameraElement.appendChild( element );
for ( var i = 0, l = object.children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
renderObject( object.children[ i ], camera );
this.render = function ( scene, camera ) {
var fov = 0.5 / Math.tan( THREE.Math.degToRad( camera.fov * 0.5 ) ) * _height;
if ( cache.camera.fov !== fov ) {
domElement.style.WebkitPerspective = fov + "px";
domElement.style.MozPerspective = fov + "px";
domElement.style.oPerspective = fov + "px";
domElement.style.perspective = fov + "px";
cache.camera.fov = fov;
if ( camera.parent === undefined ) camera.updateMatrixWorld();
camera.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( camera.matrixWorld );
var style = "translate3d(0,0," + fov + "px)" + getCameraCSSMatrix( camera.matrixWorldInverse ) +
" translate3d(" + _widthHalf + "px," + _heightHalf + "px, 0)";
if ( cache.camera.style !== style ) {
cameraElement.style.WebkitTransform = style;
cameraElement.style.MozTransform = style;
cameraElement.style.oTransform = style;
cameraElement.style.transform = style;
cache.camera.style = style;
renderObject( scene, camera );
<div id="container"></div>
<div id="container"></div>

Revision as of 12:41, 5 August 2015

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