Difference between revisions of "Template:Team:Groningen/CONTENT/LOGBOOK/Grow a Biofilm on a Carrier Material"

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|description=<html>Grow B. subtilis 3610 ComI on different carrier materials and with different media to find the ideal conditions for its biofilm growth.
|description=<html>Grow B. subtilis 3610 ComI on different carrier materials and with different media to find the ideal conditions for its biofilm growth.
|conclusion=<html>Nulla pellentesque odio sit amet orci sollicitudin vulputate. Nulla aliquet ante a luctus efficitur. Nulla iaculis dolor eget diam tempor, in facilisis nisl placerat. Suspendisse sed felis metus. Sed nibh dolor, hendrerit at nibh vitae, posuere porttitor odio. Sed eget consequat urna. Maecenas a dolor ut massa pulvinar finibus non ac justo. Nam pulvinar, quam quis placerat tincidunt, tortor nunc sagittis orci, sed ullamcorper nulla nibh eu justo. Duis malesuada velit a metus malesuada eleifend. Ut at libero sem. Cras vel magna luctus, tristique mi sit amet, commodo odio. Vestibulum gravida lorem a mi auctor facilisis. Cras sodales aliquet massa sed vestibulum. Aliquam id ornare elit. Aenean vel justo ut nisi tincidunt aliquet et id ex. Mauris tristique velit mollis velit facilisis facilisis a vel nulla.
|conclusion=<html>See pictures.

Revision as of 07:21, 7 August 2015

Grow a Biofilm on a Carrier Material
Grow B. subtilis 3610 ComI on different carrier materials and with different media to find the ideal conditions for its biofilm growth.
Find the best carrier material and medium for the biofilm of B. subtilis 3610 ComI.
See pictures.

<a class="postscriptum protocol" href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Groningen/Protocols_and_Protocols/No_protocol">Finibus sapien, nec cursus...</a>

00:00, 25 March 2015 - 00:00, 26 March 2015

Plate 10 µL B. subtilis 3610 ComI overnight culture (OD: 2,28 (600nm) after 22h growth) on different carrier materials on LB agar and MSgg agar plates. MSgg was prepared according to protocol.
Carrier materials using LB agar as a medium
Nylon positive charge (Boeringer, 1269299)
Nytran Plus 0.45 µm (Schleicher en Schuell, AH0495-1)
PVDF (Rocke, 03010040001)
Nitrocellulose 0.2 µm (invitrogen, LC2000)
Nylon 0.45 µm (Merck Milipore, HNWP04700)
Nitrocellulose 0.025 µm (Merck Milipore, VSWP02500)
Control (no carrier)
Carrier materials using MSgg agar as a medium
Nytran Plus 0.45 µm (Schleicher en Schuell, AH0495-1)
PVDF (Rocke, 03010040001)
Nitrocellulose 0.2µm (invitrogen, LC2000)
Nylon 0.45 µm (Merck Milipore, HNWP04700)
Nitrocellulose 0.025µm ( Merck Milipore, VSWP02500)
Control (no carrier)
All plates with carrier and bacteria were put in the incubator at 30°C.

Harm Ruesink
00:00, 26 March 2015 - 00:00, 26 March 2015

After 24 hours, the biofilm growth was checked.

<img class="image" src="Igem.groningen.2015.figure.small.EXP1LB24H.png"/>

LB plates after 24 hours. A is the control, B: Nitrocellulose 0.025µM, C: Nitrocellulose 0.2µM, D: Nylon 0.45µM, E: Nytran Plus 0.45µM, F: Nylon positive charge and G: PVDF. On all but the PVDF membrane are colonies growing.

<img class="image" src="Igem.groningen.2015.figure.small.EXP1MSGG24H.png"/>

MSgg plates after 24 hours. A: control, B: Nitrocellulose 0.2µM, C: Nitrocellulose 0.025µM, D: Nytran Plus 0.45µM, E: PVDF and F: Nylon 0.45µM. Bacterial growth is seen on all samples, except for PVDF.
Harm Ruesink
00:00, 30 March 2015 - 00:00, 30 March 2015

After 120 hours, the biofilm growth was checked. Biofilm growth thrives better on MSgg as can be seen on the images below. After 120 hours there is a clear difference visible between the LB and MSgg conditions. Furthermore, Nitrocellulose 0.2µM shows an nice and even distribution of biofilm and PVDF doesn't show biofilm growth at all on the MSgg plate.

<img class="image" src="Igem.groningen.2015.figure.small.EXP1LB120H.png"/>

LB plates after 120 hours. A is the control, B: Nitrocellulose 0.025µM, C: Nitrocellulose 0.2µM, D: Nylon 0.45µM, E: Nytran Plus 0.45µM, F: Nylon positive charge and G: PVDF. Bacterial biofilm growth is seen on all the carrier materials.

<img class="image" src="Igem.groningen.2015.figure.small.EXP1MSGG120H.png"/>

MSgg plates after 24 hours. A: control, B: Nitrocellulose 0.2µM, C: Nitrocellulose 0.025µM, D: Nytran Plus 0.45µM, E: PVDF and F: Nylon 0.45µM. Bacterial growth is seen on all samples, except for PVDF.
Harm Ruesink