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<h2>UNITN iGEM 2015</h2>
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<p>Electron-production with <br /> engineered <i>E. coli</i> and <br /> <strong>proteorhodopsin</strong></p>
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<h2><strong>Meet the UNITN Team</strong></h2>
<h2>Electron production with <strong><i>E. coli</i></strong> and proteorhodopsin </h2>
<p>Alessandro, Elisa, Claudio, Silvia, Veronica, Riccardo and Moreno</p>
<br />
<p>The aim of our project is to develop a pseudoautotrophic <span class="i_enph" style="font-style:italic;">E. coli</span>, enabling it to live in the microbial fuel cell anaerobic condition. Our idea is to engineer E. coli with proteorhodopsin, a light-powered proton pump identified in bacteria that live in deep waters. This protein is activated by light and needs retinal molecules to pump protons outward following excitation. Thus we want to engineer our bacteria with blh, that encodes for the enzyme that cleaves beta-carotene and produces retinal.</p>
<p>To increase electron production we plan to overexpress pncB that represents the limiting step in the NAD+ synthesis pathway. The more NAD+ is produced, the more electrons are transported by NADH. In short: light activates proteorhodopsin, increases bacterial viability, and drives to a more efficient electron production. Our bacterial device will give rise to a self-sustainable system, powered by sunlight during the day and by a light bulb at night. Daytime-electricity can be either used or stored to be employed as a power source for the lightbulb at night.</p>
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<p class="pintest">Electricity from E. coli<br/>
<h2> Team Members </h2>
<span>Check out our amazing idea! Have fun!<br/>
<a class="btn" href="#">Project</a></span></p>
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<p class="main_name">Alessandro Turcato</p>
<p class="pintest">Electricity from E. coli<br/>
<span>Check out our amazing idea! Have fun!<br/>
<p>Hi.. I’m Alessandro Turcato I’m from Marano Vicentino in Veneto (Italy). I’m attending the third year of "Biomolecular sciences and technologies" B.Sc. in Trento. I really enjoy playing guitar and playing football furthermore I’m very happy to join the IGEM competition. I’m mainly involved into MFC part of our project and into envelope our own prototype. I hope you guys enjoy our work… see you in Boston!!</p>
<a class="btn" href="#">Project</a></span></p>  
<p class="skill_list"><span>Skills:</span> Biology, Safety</p>
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<p class="pintest">Electricity from E. coli<br/>
<span>Check out our amazing idea! Have fun!<br/>
<a class="btn" href="#">Project</a></span></p>  
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<p class="pintest">Meet the team!<br/>
<span>We are UNITN iGEM 2015 and we are such essence as dNTPs are made on<br/>
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<a class="btn" href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:UNITN-Trento/Team"> Team </a></span></p>
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<p class="pintest">Catch 'em all!<br/>
<span>Many techniques, different strains and so much fluorescence… Enjoy the Measurement Interlab Study<br/>
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<a class="btn" href="#"> Interlab Study </a></span></p>
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<p class="main_name">Elisa Godino</p>
<p class="pintest">Synthetic Biology and mountains<br/>
<span>Admire our lovely city, surrounded by mountains. Trento is waiting for you<br/>
<p>Hi! I'm Elisa Godino, I'm 22 years old and I was born in Cles (TN Italy). I recently graduated in Biomolecular Sciences and Technology at the University of Trento. I love science and I'm having a great time with this incredible iGEM experience. I also like going to the lake with friends and play beach volley. Sometimes I like to make cakes to the delight of my teammates! Mainly I deal with the Measurement Interlab Study and with Human Practices.</p>
<a class="btn" href="http://www.unitn.it/en" target="_blank"> University of Trento </a></span></p>  
<p class="skill_list"><span>Skills:</span> Biology, Safety</p>
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<h4><span style="font-size:2em;">8</span> new BioBricks</h4>
<div class="team_content">
<p>We built and submitted a total number of new BioBricks. Check out our Parts page to know more!</p>
<p class="main_name">Claudio Oss Pegorar</p>
<p>Hi! I am Claudio Oss Pegorar, I am 22 and I was born in Trento (Italy). I am studying "Biomolecular sciences and technologies" as a B.Sc. student at the University of Trento. What I like to do other than staying in the lab is playing the guitar, day tripping and hanging out with my friends. I am grateful I had the chance to participate and contribute to this project and I enjoy every single day as an iGEMer. I am mainly involved into lab work, InterLab Study work and Safety.</p>
<p class="skill_list"><span>Skills:</span> Biology, Safety</p>
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<p class="main_name">Silvia Galvan</p>
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<h4>Improved <span style="font-size:2em;">2</span> Parts</h4>
<p>I’m Silvia Galvan, I’m 22 years and I was born in Borgo Valsugana (Trento), where I live with my family. I am currently a student of the Bachelor of Science in Biomolecular Sciences and Technology at the University of Trento. My passion is running and I do Athletics since I was a child. I enjoy spending time with my two lovely nephews, and with my teammates of course! We’re having such a great summer in the lab, the work is hard sometimes but we have lots of fun together. I feel really lucky to have had the possibility to be an IGEMer and to have found such a great team! I am mainly dealing with the proteorhodopsin part.
<p>Something existing, reshaped better. Now they work better!</p>
Fun fact: I have a dog named Brick, sometimes I call him BioBrick!</p>
<p class="skill_list"><span>Skills:</span> Biology, Safety</p>
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<h4>Measurements Interlab Study</h4>
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<p>We are participating also to the Measurements Interlab Study. Check out our progress in the Interlab Section!</p>
<p class="main_name">Riccardo Corbell<span style="font-size:100px;">ani</span>   <span style="font-size:200px; color:yellow;">ani</span>   <span style="font-size:300px; opacity: 0.4; color:blue;">ani</span></p>
<p>Hi! I’m Riccardo Corbellari, I was born in Verona and I’m 21. I’m a <h1/><font color="red">SEXY and HORNY</font></h1> student of “Science in Biomolecular Sciences and Technologies” at the University of Trento. I thought I was an only child, but during this summer I found out I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers: my iGEM family! I love playing handball and watching movies. I like to fool around, for example I can’t stop teasing Alessandro, but when it’s work time no one’s more serious than me. Mainly i’m involved in pncB construction, in the pMFC realization and into designing our prototype. To sum up: how much is 15 and 18?</p>
<p class="skill_list"><span>Skills:</span> Biology, Safety</p>
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<p class="main_name">Veronica Pinamonti</p>
<p>I am Veronica, I was born in Cles, a small town in a small valley near Trento. I’m attending the third year in ‘Biomolecular Sciences and Technology’  B.Sc. in Trento. I usually spend my free time with my friends at the lake. I really love science and my teammates (more or less) and this summer  I’m having  a great time in the lab with them: we laugh hard but work harder.  Mainly I’m involved in the retinal expression in E.coli. I hope you will appreciate and enjoy our project as much as I did.</p>
<p class="skill_list"><span>Skills:</span> Biology, Safety</p>
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<p class="main_name">Moreno Zolfo</p>
<p>I am Moreno and I am a Master Student at the University of Trento, attending a Degree Program in Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology. I got my B.Sc. in Computer Science in 2010 and have a strong interest in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Microbiology. In the iGEM Team I mainly care of the informatic services and the wiki-building. I love spending my free time reading and enjoying some time doing Photography. I am passionate into asian languages and cultures.</p>
<p class="skill_list"><span>Skills:</span> Computer Science, Web Design, Programming</p>
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Revision as of 08:26, 12 August 2015

Electron production with E. coli and proteorhodopsin

The aim of our project is to develop a pseudoautotrophic E. coli, enabling it to live in the microbial fuel cell anaerobic condition. Our idea is to engineer E. coli with proteorhodopsin, a light-powered proton pump identified in bacteria that live in deep waters. This protein is activated by light and needs retinal molecules to pump protons outward following excitation. Thus we want to engineer our bacteria with blh, that encodes for the enzyme that cleaves beta-carotene and produces retinal.

To increase electron production we plan to overexpress pncB that represents the limiting step in the NAD+ synthesis pathway. The more NAD+ is produced, the more electrons are transported by NADH. In short: light activates proteorhodopsin, increases bacterial viability, and drives to a more efficient electron production. Our bacterial device will give rise to a self-sustainable system, powered by sunlight during the day and by a light bulb at night. Daytime-electricity can be either used or stored to be employed as a power source for the lightbulb at night.


8 new BioBricks

We built and submitted a total number of new BioBricks. Check out our Parts page to know more!

Improved 2 Parts

Something existing, reshaped better. Now they work better!

Measurements Interlab Study

We are participating also to the Measurements Interlab Study. Check out our progress in the Interlab Section!