Difference between revisions of "Team:CityU HK/Notebook"

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<div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;"><font size="5">lacZY plasmid</font></div></div>
<p><a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:CityU_HK/Notebook/lacZY_plasmid">lacZY plasmid</a></p>
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<p>Keys to the table: <br>
[?/?]: Names of restriction enzyme used for digestion:; E, EcoRI; X, XbaI; S, SpeI; P, PstI <br>
- A ribosome binding site (RBS) is linked upstream to each gene <br>
- The host cells used for transformation were competent JM109 <i>E. coli</i> cells </p>
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<p>PCR amplification of the lacZ and lacY genes.</p>
<p><a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:CityU_HK/Notebook/Lysis_plasmid_(%CE%BB_phage)">Lysis plasmid (λ phage) </a></p>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 1 : May 18 – 22</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td>Group 1</td>
    <td>Group 2</td>
    <td>Group 3</td>
    <td>Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 18</td>
    <td colspan="4"><center>==introduction==</center></td>
    <td bgcolor="#FFB2D1">Tuesday 19</td>
    <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#FFB2D1"></td>
    <td>Wednesday 20</td>
    <td><li>PCR amplification of the BBa_S04055 <i>lacZ</i> gene</li></td>
    <td><li>PCR amplification of the BBa_S04055 <i>lacZ</i> gene</li></td>
    <td><li>PCR amplification of the BBa_S04055 <i>lacY</i> gene</li></td>
    <td><li>PCR amplification of the BBa_S04055 <i>lacY</i> gene</li></td>
    <td>Thursday 21</td>
    <td><li>Gel electrophoresis of the amplicon</li> <li><i>lacZ</i> PCR product purification </li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/P] of the vector pSB1C3 & <i>lacZ</i></li></td>
    <td><li>Gel electrophoresis of the amplicon</li> <li><i>lacZ</i> PCR product purification </li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/P] of the vector pSB1C3 & <i>lacZ</i></li></td>
    <td><li>Gel electrophoresis of the amplicon</li> <li><i>lacY</i> PCR product purification </li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/P] of the vector pSB1C3 & <i>lacY</i></li></td>
    <td><li>Gel electrophoresis of the amplicon</li> <li><i>lacY</i> PCR product purification </li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/P] of the vector pSB1C3 & <i>lacY</i></li></td>
    <td>Friday 22</td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of vector pSB1C3 [E/P] digest</li> <li>Ligation of the [E/P] digested <i>lacZ</i> insert into the [E/P] digested vector pSB1C3</li></td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of vector pSB1C3 [E/P] digest</li> <li>Ligation of the [E/P] digested <i>lacZ</i> insert into the [E/P] digested vector pSB1C3</li></td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of vector pSB1C3 [E/P] digest</li> <li>Ligation of the [E/P] digested <i>lacY</i> insert into the [E/P] digested vector pSB1C3</li></td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of vector pSB1C3 [E/P] digest</li> <li>Ligation of the [E/P] digested <i>lacY</i> insert into the [E/P] digested vector pSB1C3</li></td>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 2 : May 25 – 29</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td>Group 1</td>
    <td>Group 2</td>
    <td>Group 3</td>
    <td>Group 4</td>
    <td bgcolor="#FFB2D1">Monday 25</td>
    <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#FFB2D1"></td>
    <td>Tuesday 26</td>
    <td><li>Transformation of May 22 ligation product into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</li></td>
    <td><li>Transformation of May 22 ligation product into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</li></td>
    <td><li>Transformation of May 22 ligation product into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</li></td>
    <td><li>Transformation of May 22 ligation product into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 27</td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR of May 26 transformed cells</li></td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR of May 26 transformed cells</li></td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR of May 26 transformed cells</li></td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR of May 26 transformed cells</li></td>
    <td>Thursday 28</td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-BBa_J23100 </li> <li>Restriction digestion with [S/P] of the vector pSB1C3-BBa_J23100</li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-BBa_J23100 </li> <li>Restriction digestion with [S/P] of the vector pSB1C3-BBa_J23100</li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-BBa_J23100 </li> <li>Restriction digestion with [S/P] of the vector pSB1C3-BBa_J23100</li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-BBa_J23100 </li> <li>Restriction digestion with [S/P] of the vector pSB1C3-BBa_J23100</li></td>
    <td>Friday 29</td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of May 28 digest</li></td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of May 28 digest</li></td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of May 28 digest</li></td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of May 28 digest</li></td>
<p>Groups 1 & 3 and Groups 2 & 4 used different cloning strategies to assemble the biobrick J23100_lacZ-lacY.</p>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 3 : June 1 – 5</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td>Group 1</td>
    <td>Group 3</td>
    <td>Group 2</td>
    <td>Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 1</td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-<i>lacZ</i> (from May 26 transformed cells)</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [X/P] of the insert <i>lacZ</i></li> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-<i>lacY</i> (from May 26 transformed cells)</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [X/P] of the insert <i>lacY</i></li> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-<i>lacZ</i> from Gp1</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/S] of the insert <i>lacZ</i></li> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-<i>lacY</i> from Gp1</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/S] of the insert <i>lacY</i></li> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td>Tuesday 2</td>
    <td><li>Redo the work on June 1</li></td>
    <td><li>Redo the work on June 1</li></td>
    <td><li>Redo the work on June 1</li></td>
    <td><li>Redo the work on June 1</li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 3</td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Ligation of Gp1 [X/P] digested <i>lacZ</i> insert (from June 2) into [S/P] digested vector pSB1C3-BBa_J23100 (from May 29)</li> <li>Transformation</li></td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Ligation of Gp2 [E/S] digested <i>lacZ insert</i> (from June 2) into Gp4 [E/X] digested vector pSB1C3-<i>lacY</i>(from June 2)</li> <li>Transformation</li></td>   
    <td>Thursday 4</td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Colony PCR on June 3 transformed cells</li></td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Colony PCR on June 3 transformed cells</li></td>
    <td>Friday 5</td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Extraction of plasmid pSB1C3-BBa_J23100-<i>lacZ</i> (from June 3 transformed cells)</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [S/P] of the vector pSB1C3-BBa_J23100-<i>lacZ</i></li> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Extraction of plasmid pSB1C3-<i>lacZ</i>-<i>lacY</i> (from June 3 transformed cells)</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [X/P] of the insert <i>lacZ-lacY</i> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 4 : June 8 – 12</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td>Group 1</td>
    <td>Group 3</td>
    <td>Group 2</td>
    <td>Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 8</td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Ligation of Gp3 [X/P] digested <i>lacY</i> insert (from June 2) into [S/P] digested vector pSB1C3-BBa_J23100-<i>lacZ</i> (from June 5)</li> <li>Transformation</li></td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Ligation of [X/P] digested <i>lacZ</i>-<i>lacY</i> insert (from June 5) into [S/P] digested vector pSB1C3-BBa_J23100 (from May 29)</li> <li>Transformation</li></td>
    <td>Tuesday 9</td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Colony PCR of June 8 transformed cells (failed)</li></td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Colony PCR of June 8 transformed cells (failed)</li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 10</td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-BBa_J23100-<i>lacZ</i>-<i>lacY</i> (from June 8 transformed cells)</li> <li>Restriction analysis with [E/P] for confirmation of the insert size</li></td>
    <td colspan="2"><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-BBa_J23100-<i>lacZ</i>-<i>lacY</i> (from June 8 transformed cells)</li> <li>Restriction analysis with [E/P] for confirmation of the insert size</li></td>   
<center><u>Characterization of the lacZY plasmid</u></center>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="3">Week 8 : July 6 – 10</th>
    <td>Monday 6</td>
    <td>Tuesday 7</td>
    <td><li>RNA extraction from the <i>E. coli</i> cells harboring the recombinant plasmid pSB1C3-BBa_J23100- <i>lacZ</i>-<i>lacY</i></li></td>
    <td>Not successful</td>
    <td>Wednesday 8</td>
    <td><li>Redo RNA extraction</li></td>
    <td>Not successful</td>
    <td>Thursday 9</td>
    <td>Friday 10</td>
    <td><li>Redo RNA extraction</li></td>
    <td>Not successful</td>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="3">Week 9 : July 13 – 18</th>
    <td>Monday 13</td>
    <td><li>Redo the RNA extraction</li></td>
    <td>Tuesday 14</td>
    <td><li>Extract RNA from control <i>E. coli</i> cells</li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 15</td>
    <td><li>Redo RNA extraction from control <i>E. coli</i> cells</li> <li>Perform RT-PCR on purified RNA from recombinant and control <i>E. coli</i></li></td>
    <td>Thursday 16</td>
    <td><li>Check the size of the RT-PCR product using gel electrophoresis</li></td>
    <td>Friday 17</td>
    <td><li>Prepare Z-buffer</li></td>
    <td>Saturday 18</td>
    <td><li>Perform qPCR on the control cDNA</li></td>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="3">Week 10 : July 20 – 25</th>
    <td>Monday 20</td>
    <td><li>Perform q-PCR on recombinant cDNA</li></td>
    <td>Tuesday 21</td>
    <td rowspan="4"><li>Perform ONPG assay -characterization on the expression level of LacZ protein</li></td>
    <td rowspan="4"></td>
    <td>Wednesday 22</td>
    <td>Thursday 23</td>
    <td>Friday 24</td>
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<div class="paragraph" style="text-align:left;"><font size="5">Lysis plasmid (λ phage)</font></div></div>
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<p>Keys to the table: <br>
<b>ori</b>: original gene sequence, without codon optimization <br>
<b>co</b>: codon optimized <br>
<b>λ Lysis(o_o_o)</b>: SλWT(ori)-Rλ(ori)-Rzλ(ori) <br>
<b>λLysis(c_c_c)</b>: SλWT(co)-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) <br>
<b>λLysis_Sm(o_c_c)</b>: Sλmut(ori)-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) <br>
<b>λLysis_Sm(c_c_c)</b>: Sλmut(co)-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) <br>
[x/y]: restriction sites digested: E, EcoRI; X, XbaI; S, SpeI; P, PstI <br>
Gene name or plasmid name [x/y]: the gene fragment or plasmid flanked with the restriction sites x and y at the ends <br>
-A ribosome binding site (RBS) is linked upstream of each gene <br>
-Coloring refers to sub-tasks in that particular group <br>
-The cells used for transformation were competent JM109 <i>E. coli</i> cells</p>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 4 : June 8 – 12</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 1</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 2</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 3</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 8</td>
    <td>Tuesday 9</td>
    <td>Wednesday 10</td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pGOv4-Rzλ(co)</li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pGOv4-Rλ(co)</li></td>
    <td>Thursday 11</td>
    <td><li>Preparation of the plasmid pSB1C3</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/P]</li></td>
    <td><li>Restriction digestion with [E/P] on the plasmid pGOv4-Rzλ(co) </li> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td><li>Restriction digestion with [E/P] on the plasmid pGOv4-Rλ(co) </li> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td>Friday 12</td>
    <td><li>Ligation of the [E/P] digested Rzλ(co) insert (from June 11) with the [E/P] digested vector pSB1C3</li> <li>Transformation of the ligaiton product into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</li></td>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 5 : June 15 – 19</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 1</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 2</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 3</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 15</td>
    <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#FFB2D1"></td>
    <td>Tuesday 16</td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR on June 12 transformed cells (Result: no bands amplified)</li></td>
    <td><li>Ligation of the [E/P] digested Rλ(co) insert (from June 12) into the [E/P] digested vector pSB1C3</li> <li>Transformation of the ligation product into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 17</td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR on June 16 transformed cells (Result: no bands amplified)</li></td>
    <td>Thursday 18</td>
    <td><li>Redo the ligation of the [E/P] digested Rzλ(co) insert into the [E/P] digested vector pSB1C3 </li> <li>Transformation of the ligation product into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</li></td>
    <td><li>Redo the extraction of the plasmid pGOv4-Rλ(co)</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/P]</li></td>
    <td>Friday 19</td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR on June 18 transformed cells (Result: seen bands of the expected size)</li></td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of June 18 digest</li></td>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 6 : June 22 – 26</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 1</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 2</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 3</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 22</td>
    <td>Tuesday 23</td>
    <td><li>Redo the extraction of the plasmid pGOv4-Rλ(co)</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/P]</li> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 24</td>
    <td>Thursday 25</td>
    <td><li>Ligation of the [E/P] digested Rλ(co) insert into the [E/P] digested pSB1C3 vector</li> <li>Transformation of the ligation product into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</li></td>
    <td>Friday 26</td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR on June 25 transformed cells (Result: showed no bands)</li></td>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 7 : June 29 – July 3</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 1</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 2</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 3</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 29</td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-Rzλ(co) (from June 18 transformed cells)</li></td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR on June 25 transformed cells (Result: again showed no bands)</li></td>
    <td>Tuesday 30</td>
    <td><li>Sequencing result confirmed the presence of Rλ(co) insert in pSB1C3</li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 1</td>
    <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#FFB2D1"></td>
    <td>Thursday 2</td>
    <td><li>PCR amplification of the BBa_K124017 SλWT(ori) gene</li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">PCR amplification of the BBa_K124017 Rλ(ori) gene</font></li> <li><font color="#D633FF">Rλ(ori) PCR product purification</font></li> <li><font color="#0099FF">Transformation of pGOv4-SλWT(co) into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">PCR amplification of the BBa_K124017 Rzλ(ori) gene</font></li> <li><font color="#D633FF">Rzλ(ori) PCR product purification</font></li> <li><font color="#D633FF">Restriction digestion with [E/P]</font></li></td>
    <td><li>PCR amplification of the BBa_K124017 Rλ(ori) gene</li> <li>Rλ(ori) PCR product purification</li></td>
    <td>Friday 3</td>
    <td><li>Restriction digestion of pSB1C3 vector with [E/X]</li></td>
    <td><li>Restriction digestion of Rλ(co) with [E/P]</li> <li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td>[1]<li><font color="#D633FF">Gel purification of July 2 [E/P] digested Rzλ(ori)</font></li> <li>Ligation of the [E/P] digested <font color="#D633FF">Rzλ(ori) insert </font>into [E/P] digested pSB1C3 vector</li> [2] <li><font color="#0099FF">Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-Rλ(co) (from June 25 transformed cells)</font></li> <li><font color="#0099FF">Restriction digestion with [S/P]</li> <li>Gel purification</font></li> [3] <li><font color="#D633FF">Restriction digestion of June 2 Rzλ(ori) with [X/P] & Heat kill</font></li> <li><font color="#00CC00">Ligation of [X/P] digested Rzλ(ori) insert into [S/P] digested pSB1C3-Rλ(co) vector</li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-Rλ(co) (from Gp3 June 25 transformed cells)</li></td>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 8 : July 6 – July 10</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 1</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 2</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 3</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 6</td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of the [X/P] digested pSB1C3 vector isolated on July 3</li> <li><font color="#D633FF">PCR amplification of the BBa_K124017 Rzλ(ori) gene using a F-primer with SacII restriction site</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#00CC00">Transformation of the ligation product pSB1C3-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(ori) (from July 3 [3])</font></li></td>
    <td><li>Restriction digestion of July 3 Rλ(co) with [S/P]</li><li>Gel purification</li> <br> <li>Restriction digestion of Rzλ(co) (from Gp2 June 29) with [X/P]</li><li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td>Tuesday 7</td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Gel electrophoresis of the SacII digested Rzλ(ori) PCR amplicon</font></li> <li><font color="#0099FF">PCR amplification of SλWT(ori) using a new primer pair</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#0099FF">Extraction of the plasmid pGOv4-SλWT(co)</font></li><li><font color="#D633FF">Restriction digestion with [X] on July 3 [P] digested Rλ(ori)</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#00CC00">Colony PCR on July 6 Rλ(co)-Rzλ(ori) clones showed no bands</li> <li>Redo July 3’s ligation of [X/P] digested Rzλ(ori) insert into [S/P] digested pSB1C3-Rλ(co) vector</li> <li>Transformation</font></li></td>
    <td><li>Ligation of the [X/P] digested Rzλ(co) insert into the [S/P] digested pSB1C3-Rλ(co) vector</li> <li>Transformation</li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 8</td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">PCR purification of July 6 SacII Rzλ(ori) PCR product</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Ligation of [X/P] digested Rλ(ori) into Gp1 July 6 [X/P]</li><li>Transformation of 7/7’s ligation product Rλ(ori) in pSB1C3</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#00CC00">Colony PCR on July 7 Rλ(co)-Rzλ(ori) clones still showed no bands</font></li></td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR on July 7 Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) clones showed no bands</li></td>
    <td>Thursday 9</td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Restriction digestion of SacII Rzλ(ori) with [SacII/P]</font></li><li><font color="#00CC00">Restriction digestion of Gp2 July 7 SλWT(co) with [E/S]</font></li><li><font color="#0099FF">Gel electrophoresis of July 7 SλWT(ori)</li><li>PCR purification of SλWT(ori)</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Colony PCR on Rλ(ori) (from July 8 transformed cells)</font></li> <li><font color="#0099FF">Restriction digestion of July 7 SλWT(co) with [E/P]</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Ligation of [X/P] July 3 digested Rzλ(ori) insert into [X/P] digested pSB1C3 vector</li> <li>Transformation</font></li></td>
    <td>Friday 10</td>
    <td><li>Restriction digestion of SλWT(ori) with [X/P] & Gel purification</li><li>Ligation of [X/P] digested SλWT(ori) insert into July 6 [X/P] digested pSB1C3 vector</li><li>Transformation</li><li>Gel purification of July 9 [E/S] digested SλWT(co)</li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#0099FF">Gel purification of July 9 [E/P] digested SλWT(co)</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Colony PCR on July 9 Rzλ(ori) clones showed no bands</font></li><li><font color="#00CC00">Restriction analysis on July 7 transformed cells</li><li>Another redo of the ligation of July 3 [X/P] digested Rzλ(ori) insert into July 3 [S/P] digested pSB1C3-Rλ(co)</li><li>Transformation</font></li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) (from July 7 transformed cells)</li> <li>Restriction analysis of Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) showed bands of the expected size</li></td>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 9 : July 13 – July 18</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 1</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 2</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 3</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 13</td>
    <td><li><font color="#0099FF">Colony PCR on SλWT(ori) clones showed bands of the expected size</font></li><li><font color="#00CC00">Ligation of [E/S] digested SλWT(co) insert into pSB1C3 vector</li><li>Transformation</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-Rλ(ori)</li><li>Restriction digestion with [X/P]</li><li>Gel purification </font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#00CC00">Colony PCR on 10/7 transformed cells pSB1C3-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(ori)</font></li></td>
    <td>Tuesday 14</td>
    <td><li><font color="#00CC00">Colony PCR on SλWT(co) clones showed bands of the expected size</font></li> <li><font color="#FF3333"> Restriction digestion of Gp2 Rλ(ori) with [X/SacII]</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Restriction analysis of [X/P] digested Rλ(ori)</font></li><li>Restriction digestion of Rzλ(co) with [X/P]</li><li>Gel purification</li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co)</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [X/P]</li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 15</td>
    <td><li><font color="#FF3333">Gel purification of July 14 [X/SacII] digested Rλ(ori)</font></li><br><li><font color="#FF9900">Ligation between</font> <font color="#00CC00">[E/S] digested SλWT(co)</font>, <font color="#FF3333">[X/SacII] digested Rλ(ori)</font>, <font color="#D633FF">[SacII/P] digested Rzλ(ori)</font> and <font color="#FF9900">[E/P] digested pSB1C3 backbone</li><li>Transformation</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-Rλ(ori)</li><li>Restriction digestion with [S/P]</font></li></td>
    <td><li>Extraction of the plasmid pSB1C3-Rλ(co)</li><li>Restriction digestion of Rλ(co) with [E/S]</li><li>Restriction digestion of [E/X] digested Rzλ(ori) with CIP & Gel purification</li><li>Ligation of the [E/S] digested Rλ(co) insert into [E/X] digested pSB1C3-Rzλ(ori)</li><li>Transformation</li></td>
    <td><li>Gel purification of July 14 [X/P] digested Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co)</li></td>
    <td>Thursday 16</td>
    <td><li><font color="#FF9900">Colony PCR on SλWT(co)- Rλ(ori)-Rzλ(ori) showed bands believed to be the desired insert</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Gel purification of July 15 [S/P] digested Rλ(ori)</font></li> <li>Ligation of the [X/P] digested Rzλ(co) insert into <font color="#D633FF">[S/P] digestd pSB1C3-Rλ(ori) vector</font></li></td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR on July 15 transformed cells</li> <li>Redo the ligation of [E/S] digested Rλ(co) insert into [E/X] digested pSB1C3-Rzλ(ori)</li> <li>Transformation</li></td>
    <td>Friday 17</td>
    <td><li>Transformation of July 16 ligation product pSB1C3-Rλ(ori)-Rzλ(co)</li></td>
    <td><li>Colony PCR on 16/7 transformed cells</li><li>Restriction digestion of Sλ(co) with [E/S] & Gel purification</li><li>Redo the ligation of [E/S] digested Rλ(co) insert into [E/X] digested pSB1C3-Rzλ(ori)</li><li>Transformation</li></td>
    <td>Saturday 18</td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF">Extraction of the plasmids pSB1C3-Sλmut(ori) and pSB1C3-Sλmut(co)</li><li>Restriction digestion with [S/P]</font></li></td>
<p>DNA sequencing results later revealed that the genes amplified from the BioBrick, BBa_K124017, did not contain the desired sequences. Genomic DNA from E. coli BL21(DE3) will be used as template (starting from week 10) to create new λ(ori) related BioBricks. Gene sequences of the λ(co) clones were correct.</p>
<table id="t01" border="1">
    <th colspan="5">Week 10 : July 20 – July 25</th>
    <td colspan="5"></td>
    <td width="20%">Date</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 1</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 2</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 3</td>
    <td width="20%">Group 4</td>
    <td>Monday 20</td>
    <td><li><font color="#D633FF"> Gel purification of July 18 [S/P] digested pSB1C3-Sλmut(ori) and pSB1C3-Sλmut(co)</font></li><li><font color="#0099FF">Ligation of July 15 [X/P] digested Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) insert into the [S/P] digested pSB1C3-Sλmut(ori) vector</font></li><li><font color="#FF9900"> Ligation of July 15 [X/P] digested Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) insert into the [S/P] digested pSB1C3-Sλmut(co) vector</font></li></td>
    <td>Tuesday 21</td>
    <td><li>Transformation of pGOv4-Ribo_Sλ(co), pGOv4-Ribo_Rλ(co) and pGOv4-Ribo_Rzλ(co) into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</li><li>Transformation of pGOv4-SλWT(co)-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) (λLysis(c_c_c))</li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#0099FF">Transformation of the pSB1C3-Sλmut(ori)-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) (λLysis_Sm(o_c_c))</font></li> <li><font color="#FF9900"> Transformation of the pSB1C3-Sλmut(co)-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) (λLysis_Sm(c_c_c))</font></li></td>
    <td>Wednesday 22</td>
    <td><li><font color=”#3333FF”>Genomic DNA extraction of BL21(DE3) <i>E. coli</i> cells</li><li>PCR amplification of the Sλ(ori), Rλ(ori) and Rzλ(ori) genes using the extracted genomic DNA as template</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#FF00FF">Redo Gp1 July 21 transformation of the pGOv4-Ribo_Sλ(co) and pGOv4-SλWT(co)-Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) (λLysis (c_c_c)) into competent <i>E. coli</i> cells</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#0099FF"> Colony PCR on λLysis_Sm(o_c_c) clones showed bands of the expected size</font></li> <br> <li><font color="#FF9900">Colony PCR on c clones revealed that that the colonies contained inserts of the wrong sizes</li><li>Redo the restriction digestion of Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) with [X/P] & Gel purification</font></li></td>
    <td>Thursday 23</td>
    <td><li><font color="#FF00FF">Extraction of the plasmids pGOv4-Ribo_Sλ(co), pGOv4-Ribo_Rλ(co) and pGOv4-Ribo_Rzλ(co)</li><li>Restriction digestion of the extracted plasmids with [E/P]</li><li>Gel purification</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#FF00FF">Extraction of the plasmid pGOv4-λLysis(c_c_c)</li> <li>Restriction digestion with [E/P]</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#FF9900">Redo the ligation of the [X/P] digested Rλ(co)-Rzλ(co) insert into the [S/P] digested pSB1C3-Sλmut(co) vector</li><li>Transformation</font></li></td>
    <td>Friday 24</td>
    <td><li><font color="#FF00FF">Ligation of the [E/P] digested Ribo_Sλ(co) and Ribo_Sλ(co) inserts into [E/P] digested pSB1C3 respectively</li><li>Transformation</font></li><br><li><font color="#3333FF">Restriction digestion of the Sλ(ori), Rλ(ori) and Rzλ(ori) amplicons with [X/P]</font></li></td>
    <td><li><font color="#FF9900">Colony PCR on the new λLysis_Sm(c_c_c) clones showed bands of the expected size. However, later sequencing result revealed that the colony was actually a mixed one with both the correct plasmid and the self-ligated RRz(co) plasmid</font></li></td>
    <td>Saturday 25</td>
    <td><li><font color="#FF00FF">Colony PCR on July 24 transformed Ribo_Sλ and Ribo_Rλ clones</font></li><br><li><font color="#3333FF">Ligation of the [X/P] digested Sλ(ori), Rλ(ori) and Rzλ(ori) inserts into [X/P] digested pSB1C3 respectively</li><li>Transformation</font></li></td>

Revision as of 18:41, 19 August 2015

Notebook - City University of Hong Kong 2015