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Sharing and collaboration are core values of iGEM. We encourage you to reach out and work with other teams on difficult problems that you can more easily solve together.
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<h4> Which other teams can we work with? </h4>
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You can work with any other team in the competition, including software, hardware, high school and other tracks. You can also work with non-iGEM research groups, but they do not count towards the <a hreef="https://2015.igem.org/Judging/Awards#Medals">iGEM team collaboration gold medal criterion</a>.
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In order to meet the gold medal criteria on helping another team, you must complete this page and detail the nature of your collaboration with another iGEM team.
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Here are some suggestions for projects you could work on with other teams:
<li> Improve the function of another team's BioBrick Part or Device</li>
<li> Characterize another team's part </li>
<li> Debug a construct </li>
<li> Model or simulating another team's system </li>
<li> Test another team's software</li>
<li> Help build and test another team's hardware project</li>
<li> Mentor a high-school team</li>
<div class="about_box3 title" style="background-color:#ccffff" id="background">
  <h3 class="m_1"><span >Requirement of experiment</span></h3>
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      <div class="grid_3">
        <p style="margin-top:30px;">After communicating with the experiment teams, we find out that they need inspiration when choosing projects, information when starting on projects and tools when processing data and diagram. </p>
      <div class="clearfix"> </div>
<div class="about_box3 title" style="background-color:#ff6699" id="background">
  <h3 class="m_1"><span >Offer of software</span></h3>
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      <div class="grid_3">
        <p style="margin-top:30px;">And then, we consider what software can do to help the experiment teams. After the brainstorming and we get the answer we want. The introduction of previous projects will kindle their inspiration of their projects and give them the chance to stand on the shoulders on their ancestors. The tags help to well classify all the information and save lots of time. And the synsketch will help them draw clear and standardized flow diagrams of experiment. IGEMers can use this tool to consummate their projects.</p>
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<div class="about_box3 title" style="background-color:#66cccc">
  <h3 class="m_1"><span>Collaboration with the experiment teams</span></h3>
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      <div class="grid_3">
        <p style="margin-top:30px;">So, we establish a close connection with the experiment teams.</p>
        <p>This summer, we have a nice collaboration with team SCUT-China. We get a lot of helps from SCUT-China we appreciate so much.</p>
        <li class="promble">Meet-up    2015 July 14th</li>
        <p>In this day, there were three software teams SKLBC-China, SYSU-Software, including our team, SKLBC-GDSYZX, and three laboratory teams SCUT, SCUT-China, SYSU-China gathering together to discuss the relationship and interaction between the software and experiment. At this meet-up, we also showed our projects and exchanged thoughts about software and experiment with teams coming from university. And we shared our experience with two new teams, SKLBC-China and SKLBC-GDSYZX</p>
        <img src="images/meet-up.png" style="display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;margin-top: 40px;max-width: 850px;margin-bottom:40px" class="img-gdsy" alt=""/>
        <li class="promble">Experiment train    2015 August 7th- 9th</li>
        <p>Our project is about an online panel app, which can help the scientists and non-scientists paint their gene circuits in the same model. Since we are a high school team, we do not have a solid knowledge for synthetic biology. And even though we can acquire a concept about synthetic biology by self-learning, we still need an intuitional sense about how the molecules interact in the experiment operations as we expect. So, with the help of experiment, we believe we can make it a great User Experience.</p>
        <img src="images/experiment train.png" style="display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;margin-top: 40px;max-width: 850px;margin-bottom:40px" class="img-gdsy" alt=""/>
        <li class="promble">Gene circuit library</li>
        <p>In order to help the users create more amazing circuits, SCUT-China suggest us to gather previous remarkable design to build up a gene circuit library and intend to consult some novel idea with the library. However, gathering the previous gene circuits is a hard work for us because of our limited knowledge background. Fortunately, SCUT-China is so general that they offer us with clear project summarizing of championship granted for best prize in building and enlarging our library.</p>
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<div class="about_box3 title" style="background-color:#ccffff" id="syn">
  <h3 class="m_1"><span>Collaboration with other software teams</span></h3>
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      <p style="margin-top:30px;">We also cooperate with other software teams. We create a cooperative function with SKLBC-China team. By scanning the QR code, we can view the biobricks that have been stored up in the wechat ID through the project WeiGem 2.0 of SKLBC-China. The function not only links wechat and personal computer, but also connects the two high school teams.</p>
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            <p>Copyright &copy; 2015 SKLBC-GDSYZX.  All rights reserved.</p>
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Revision as of 06:06, 13 September 2015

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Requirement of experiment

After communicating with the experiment teams, we find out that they need inspiration when choosing projects, information when starting on projects and tools when processing data and diagram.

Offer of software

And then, we consider what software can do to help the experiment teams. After the brainstorming and we get the answer we want. The introduction of previous projects will kindle their inspiration of their projects and give them the chance to stand on the shoulders on their ancestors. The tags help to well classify all the information and save lots of time. And the synsketch will help them draw clear and standardized flow diagrams of experiment. IGEMers can use this tool to consummate their projects.

Collaboration with the experiment teams

    So, we establish a close connection with the experiment teams.

    This summer, we have a nice collaboration with team SCUT-China. We get a lot of helps from SCUT-China we appreciate so much.

  1. Meet-up 2015 July 14th
  2. In this day, there were three software teams SKLBC-China, SYSU-Software, including our team, SKLBC-GDSYZX, and three laboratory teams SCUT, SCUT-China, SYSU-China gathering together to discuss the relationship and interaction between the software and experiment. At this meet-up, we also showed our projects and exchanged thoughts about software and experiment with teams coming from university. And we shared our experience with two new teams, SKLBC-China and SKLBC-GDSYZX

  3. Experiment train 2015 August 7th- 9th
  4. Our project is about an online panel app, which can help the scientists and non-scientists paint their gene circuits in the same model. Since we are a high school team, we do not have a solid knowledge for synthetic biology. And even though we can acquire a concept about synthetic biology by self-learning, we still need an intuitional sense about how the molecules interact in the experiment operations as we expect. So, with the help of experiment, we believe we can make it a great User Experience.

  5. Gene circuit library
  6. In order to help the users create more amazing circuits, SCUT-China suggest us to gather previous remarkable design to build up a gene circuit library and intend to consult some novel idea with the library. However, gathering the previous gene circuits is a hard work for us because of our limited knowledge background. Fortunately, SCUT-China is so general that they offer us with clear project summarizing of championship granted for best prize in building and enlarging our library.

Collaboration with other software teams

We also cooperate with other software teams. We create a cooperative function with SKLBC-China team. By scanning the QR code, we can view the biobricks that have been stored up in the wechat ID through the project WeiGem 2.0 of SKLBC-China. The function not only links wechat and personal computer, but also connects the two high school teams.