Difference between revisions of "Team:Paris Saclay/Achievements"

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet lacus vestibulum, cursus nisl non, volutpat nulla. Integer quis nulla nisl. Etiam sagittis sagittis dolor quis sagittis. Proin velit eros, porttitor quis dictum in, blandit eu nulla. Nam eu nibh consectetur, laoreet felis at, consectetur est. Aenean ornare, nisl in tincidunt consequat, arcu justo volutpat lacus, vel placerat orci dolor eu enim. Vivamus vitae mollis dui, sed ultrices sem.
Etiam neque lectus, scelerisque vitae justo at, molestie gravida est. Quisque in nulla tincidunt, maximus nisi sit amet, fringilla velit. Donec id massa diam. Curabitur posuere mi tellus, ut vulputate ligula auctor a. Integer molestie eu metus vitae auctor. Maecenas id suscipit ligula. Vestibulum auctor eget velit at bibendum. Quisque congue sed sapien eget pharetra. Morbi euismod sagittis tortor, cursus commodo augue placerat id. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Your team must convince the judges you have achieved the following 6 goals:
Suspendisse potenti. Aenean ac gravida leo, eget ultrices eros. Nunc quis turpis nec purus aliquam porttitor. Mauris vitae elementum lorem. Praesent molestie congue molestie. Vivamus nec mi sed neque volutpat consectetur. Sed vitae elementum dolor. Aenean quis faucibus sapien, ac tristique magna. Curabitur augue elit, vulputate ut massa at, posuere tempus mi. Vestibulum ullamcorper, augue eget vehicula consectetur, elit ex fringilla justo, eu scelerisque arcu ante sed risus.
*Register for iGEM, have a great summer, and attend the Giant Jamboree.
Sed ac nulla sit amet urna hendrerit ornare ut id odio. Nam euismod consectetur pharetra. Donec facilisis egestas tincidunt. Mauris ut libero nec sapien maximus consequat non varius magna. Donec interdum bibendum urna, vel vehicula sem fermentum vel. Vivamus a semper justo, in porttitor eros. Ut tempus tempus facilisis. Morbi pretium augue ut leo volutpat laoreet. Mauris rhoncus dui non nisl gravida aliquet. Integer a leo ut mi molestie pellentesque id eu orci. Fusce lobortis justo metus, a facilisis orci congue eget. Nunc accumsan eget nunc lacinia eleifend. Nullam mi neque, sodales ac sagittis quis, pellentesque porta orci. Vestibulum ultricies tortor ante, vulputate convallis felis lobortis ornare.
*Complete the Judging form.
Morbi vehicula, lacus a sollicitudin porta, lectus arcu tristique tortor, ut tincidunt sem metus et arcu. Duis non tellus facilisis dui convallis sagittis in in arcu. Proin dictum ligula diam, sit amet ullamcorper diam facilisis sed. Fusce tortor eros, tempus vel dignissim rhoncus, placerat ac lacus. Sed aliquam felis ut lacus aliquet, vel dapibus nisl eleifend. Curabitur sodales justo eget lectus commodo convallis. Fusce eu nibh facilisis, posuere diam a, congue neque. Cras sapien urna, aliquam fringilla ex vel, aliquam porttitor erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc imperdiet mi placerat enim cursus lacinia. Vivamus interdum a sapien sed convallis. Sed et elementum tellus, non accumsan turpis. Duis consequat dolor eros, at posuere libero ultricies id.
*Create and share a Description of the team's project using the iGEM wiki, and document the team's parts using the Registry of Standard Biological Parts.
*Present a poster and a talk at the iGEM Jamboree. See the 2015 poster guidelines for more information.
*Create a page on your team wiki with clear attribution of each aspect of your project. This page must clearly attribute work done by the students and distinguish it from work done by others, including host labs, advisors, instructors, sponsors, professional website designers, artists, and commercial services.
*Document at least one new standard BioBrick Part or Device central to your project and submit this part to the iGEM Registry (submissions must adhere to the iGEM Registry guidelines). You may also document a new application of a BioBrick part from a previous iGEM year, adding that documentation to the part's main page.
In addition to the Bronze Medal requirements, your team must convince the judges you have achieved the following 3 goals:
*Experimentally validate that at least one new BioBrick Part or Device of your own design and construction works as expected. Document the characterization of this part in the Main Page section of the Registry entry for that Part/Device. This working part must be different from the part you documented in Bronze medal criterion #6.
*Submit this new part to the iGEM Parts Registry. This part must be different from the part you documented in Bronze medal criterion #6. (Submissions must adhere to the iGEM Registry guidelines)
*iGEM projects involve important questions beyond the bench, for example relating to (but not limited to) ethics, sustainability, social justice, safety, security, and intellectual property rights. We refer to these activities as Human Practices in iGEM. Demonstrate how your team has identified, investigated and addressed one or more of these issues in the context of your project. (See the Human Practices Hub for more information.)
In addition to the Bronze and Silver Medal requirements, your team must convince the judges you have achieved at least two of the following goals:
*Choose one of these two options:
**Expand on your silver medal Human Practices activity by demonstrating how you have integrated the investigated issues into the design and/or execution of your project.
**Demonstrate an innovative Human Practices activity that relates to your project (this typically involves educational, public engagement, and/or public perception activities; see the Human Practices Hub for information and examples of innovative activities from previous teams).
*Help any registered iGEM team from a high-school, different track, another university, or institution in a significant way by, for example, mentoring a new team, characterizing a part, debugging a construct, modeling/simulating their system or helping validate a software/hardware solution to a synbio problem.
*Improve the function OR characterization of a previously existing BioBrick Part or Device (created by another team, or by your own team in in a previous year of iGEM), and enter this information in the part's page on the Registry. Please see the Registry Contribution help page for help on documenting a contribution to an existing part. This part must not come from your team's 2015 range of part numbers.
*Demonstrate a functional prototype of your project. Your prototype can derive from a previous project (that was not demonstrated to work) by your team or by another team. Show this system working under real-world conditions that you simulate in the lab. (Remember, biological materials may not be taken outside the lab.)

Revision as of 22:07, 13 September 2015



Your team must convince the judges you have achieved the following 6 goals:

  • Register for iGEM, have a great summer, and attend the Giant Jamboree.
  • Complete the Judging form.
  • Create and share a Description of the team's project using the iGEM wiki, and document the team's parts using the Registry of Standard Biological Parts.
  • Present a poster and a talk at the iGEM Jamboree. See the 2015 poster guidelines for more information.
  • Create a page on your team wiki with clear attribution of each aspect of your project. This page must clearly attribute work done by the students and distinguish it from work done by others, including host labs, advisors, instructors, sponsors, professional website designers, artists, and commercial services.
  • Document at least one new standard BioBrick Part or Device central to your project and submit this part to the iGEM Registry (submissions must adhere to the iGEM Registry guidelines). You may also document a new application of a BioBrick part from a previous iGEM year, adding that documentation to the part's main page.


In addition to the Bronze Medal requirements, your team must convince the judges you have achieved the following 3 goals:

  • Experimentally validate that at least one new BioBrick Part or Device of your own design and construction works as expected. Document the characterization of this part in the Main Page section of the Registry entry for that Part/Device. This working part must be different from the part you documented in Bronze medal criterion #6.
  • Submit this new part to the iGEM Parts Registry. This part must be different from the part you documented in Bronze medal criterion #6. (Submissions must adhere to the iGEM Registry guidelines)
  • iGEM projects involve important questions beyond the bench, for example relating to (but not limited to) ethics, sustainability, social justice, safety, security, and intellectual property rights. We refer to these activities as Human Practices in iGEM. Demonstrate how your team has identified, investigated and addressed one or more of these issues in the context of your project. (See the Human Practices Hub for more information.)


In addition to the Bronze and Silver Medal requirements, your team must convince the judges you have achieved at least two of the following goals:

  • Choose one of these two options:
    • Expand on your silver medal Human Practices activity by demonstrating how you have integrated the investigated issues into the design and/or execution of your project.
    • Demonstrate an innovative Human Practices activity that relates to your project (this typically involves educational, public engagement, and/or public perception activities; see the Human Practices Hub for information and examples of innovative activities from previous teams).
  • Help any registered iGEM team from a high-school, different track, another university, or institution in a significant way by, for example, mentoring a new team, characterizing a part, debugging a construct, modeling/simulating their system or helping validate a software/hardware solution to a synbio problem.
  • Improve the function OR characterization of a previously existing BioBrick Part or Device (created by another team, or by your own team in in a previous year of iGEM), and enter this information in the part's page on the Registry. Please see the Registry Contribution help page for help on documenting a contribution to an existing part. This part must not come from your team's 2015 range of part numbers.
  • Demonstrate a functional prototype of your project. Your prototype can derive from a previous project (that was not demonstrated to work) by your team or by another team. Show this system working under real-world conditions that you simulate in the lab. (Remember, biological materials may not be taken outside the lab.)