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         <span>Why do we detect cadmium?</span>
         <span>Why do we detect cadmium?</span>
         <p class="article-p">植物油有很多種製程方式,但是,來源的植物,若有接觸到汙染土壤,即可能含有有毒物質。[1]汙染油,或是未達標準的油,若參雜這些汙染植物,即會在植物油內有汙染物。其中,我們發現到,有鎘汙染的植物,在世界廣泛,尤其是中國,有這個問題[2]。</p>
         <p class="article-p">Vegetable oil can be extracted in various ways. But if the plants’ resources are exposed to polluted soil, the vegetable oil may produces toxins. Once polluted or unstandardized oil is mixed with these polluted plants, those plants will contain pollutants. Moreover, we’ve noticed that the problem of cadmium-polluted planet is a common situation all over the world and especially in that of China. Recycled tainted oil will also contain cadmium. As a result, cadmium can be used as a target of detecting tainted oil. Because of this reason, our group wants to detect cadmium.</p>
        <p class="article-p">另外,重複使用的汙染油,也會含有鎘金屬[3],因此鎘金屬可以做偵測餿水油的好目標,本組想要來檢測鎘金屬。</p>
         <div class="article-img"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/c/c9/2015hsnu-cadmium_1.png"></div>
         <div class="article-img"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2015/c/c9/2015hsnu-cadmium_1.png"></div>
         <span>The harm of cadmium</span>
         <span>The harm of cadmium</span>
         <p class="article-p">有急性、慢性中毒之分。鎘及其化合物均有一定的毒性。吸入氧化鎘的煙霧可產生急性中毒。中毒早期表現咽痛、咳嗽、胸悶、氣短、頭暈、噁心、全身痠痛、無力、發熱等症狀,嚴重者可出現中毒性肺水腫或化學性肺炎,有明顯的呼吸困難、胸痛、咯大量泡沫血色痰,可因急性呼吸衰竭而死亡。用鍍鎘的器皿調制或存放酸性食物或飲料,飲食中可能含鎘,誤食後也可引起急性鎘中毒。潛伏期短,通常經10~20分鐘後,即可發生噁心、嘔吐、腹痛、腹瀉等症狀。嚴重者伴有眩暈、大汗、虛脫、上肢感覺遲鈍、甚至出現抽搐、休克。一般需經3~5天才可恢復。</p>
         <p class="article-p">Cadmium is also an environmental hazard. Human exposures to environmental cadmium are primarily the result of fossil fuel combustion, phosphate fertilizers, natural sources, iron and steel production, cement production and so on. Breads, root crops, and vegetables also contribute to the cadmium in modern populations. There have been a few instances of general population toxicity as the result of long-term exposure to cadmium in contaminated food and water, and research is ongoing regarding the estrogen mimicry that may induce breast cancer. Some members of the agricultural communities consuming the contaminated rice with cadmium developed itai-itai disease and renal abnormalities, including proteinuria and glucosuria.</p>
        <p class="article-p">長期吸入鎘可產生慢性中毒,引起腎臟損害,主要表現為尿中含大量低分子量蛋白質,腎小球的濾過功能雖多屬正常,但腎小管的回收功能卻減退,並且尿鎘的排出增加。[4]</p>

Revision as of 06:03, 15 September 2015



  1. Why do we detect cadmium?

    Vegetable oil can be extracted in various ways. But if the plants’ resources are exposed to polluted soil, the vegetable oil may produces toxins. Once polluted or unstandardized oil is mixed with these polluted plants, those plants will contain pollutants. Moreover, we’ve noticed that the problem of cadmium-polluted planet is a common situation all over the world and especially in that of China. Recycled tainted oil will also contain cadmium. As a result, cadmium can be used as a target of detecting tainted oil. Because of this reason, our group wants to detect cadmium.

  2. The harm of cadmium

    Cadmium is also an environmental hazard. Human exposures to environmental cadmium are primarily the result of fossil fuel combustion, phosphate fertilizers, natural sources, iron and steel production, cement production and so on. Breads, root crops, and vegetables also contribute to the cadmium in modern populations. There have been a few instances of general population toxicity as the result of long-term exposure to cadmium in contaminated food and water, and research is ongoing regarding the estrogen mimicry that may induce breast cancer. Some members of the agricultural communities consuming the contaminated rice with cadmium developed itai-itai disease and renal abnormalities, including proteinuria and glucosuria.

  3. Taiwanese regulation
    • 3-1: The limit of cadmium in vegetable or mushroom
      Vegetable: 0.05~0.2ppm ; mushroom: 2ppm
    • 3-2: The limit of cadmium in rice
      Rice: 0.4 ppm
    • 3-3: The limit of cadmium in oil
      There is no law to standard.
  4. National regulations

    Due to the adverse effects on the environment and human health, the supply and use of cadmium is restricted in Europe under the REACH Regulation. The EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain has set 2.5 μg/kg body weight as a tolerable weekly intake for humans. In comparison, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives has established 7 μg/kg bw as a provisional tolerable weekly intake level.


    1. Restrict the release of cadmium to lack, river, arable land, rubbish tip.
    2. The limit of cadmium in water :10ppm
    3. The limit of cadmium in food coloring :15ppm

Circuit Design

Zintp K896008 is a promoter which is designed by NYMU in 2013.It is a part highly specific to the cadmium. When cadmium attaches to Zintp k896008, the circuit will begins. And the fluorescence protein E1010/E0040 receives the message from zintp k896008,It will result in purple and red fluorescence. Finally, the terminator, B0015 will complete the circuit.



  1. Whether Cadmium can enter e.coli or not
    1. Method
    2. Result
    3. Discussion
  2. Whether e.coli is alive in the poisons, condition or not
    1. Method
    2. Results
    3. Discussion
  3. The relation between the concentration of Cadmium and illumination of RFP
    1. Method
    2. Results
    3. Discussion


  • [1] Metal contamination of soils and crops affected by the Chenzhou lead/zinc mine spill (Hunan, China).(Liu H, Probst A, Liao B.)
  • [2] High levels of heavy metals in rice (Oryza sativa L.) from a typical E-waste recycling area in southeast China and its potential risk to human health (Jianjie Fu, Qunfang Zhou, Jiemin Liu, Wei LiuThanh Wang,Qinghua Zhang,Guibin Jiang)
  • [3]Rancidity of Used Cooking Oil and Heavy Metal Analy ses on Selected Street-Vended Foods (Annabelle A. Callano( University of the Immaculate Conception)
  • [4] Cadmium. (2015,august 02) In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved August 14, 2015, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/cadmium