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<h1>Software Tool</h1>
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<h3>Bio-brick searching engine</h3>
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<h2 align="center">Brief  Introduction:</h2>
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<p>Bio-brick plays a crucial role in the field of synthetic biology; hence the core of WEiGEM is bio-brick. We further developed WEiGEM2.0 based on the popular WEiGEM1.0. Through WeChat, we establish a strong connection among iGEMers, mobile phone, and personal computer.
Suffered by the low-efficiency bio-brick searching engines, we came up with the idea of developing a newer, more unique and more efficient searching engine based on the large bio-brick database from iGEM website. We picked several important attributions such as functions, types, status, etc. and assembled them in one search page, allowing users to fill up whatever search box with pieces of information that they consider necessary. Therefore, we can not only search bio-bricks by their names,but also search them according to certain descriptions. Furthermore, users can choose the binding type of prefix and receive bio-brick information with genetic sequences including prefixes and suffixes. Through redesigned algorithm which fits our engine most, our search engine can respond more quickly and be used more conveniently than those previous searching tools. After attaining the bio-bricks they need, if users consider some bio-bricks important, they can mark them down and review them later for other purposes.</p>
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<h2 align="center">Features:</h2>
<p>In order to be considered for the <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Judging/Awards#SpecialPrizes">Best Software Tool award</a>, you must fill out this page.</p>
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<p>1)Multiple search choice and cross-match
In addition to the common free search mode, we considered the demand of users, and developed various humanized functions. For instance, the function column in the searching page serves to find bio-bricks by keywords in their function and helps an iGEMer match the functions he needs with the bio-bricks that are yet unknown to him but can possibly actualize his goals. This will definitely motivate the researchers’ inspirations when their minds sparkle and need to find bio-bricks immediately, conveniently and accurately. </p>
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<p>2)Auto addition of prefix and suffix<br />
Considering the feedback from wet teams that they find it troublesome to use the original genetic sequences without prefix and suffix during analog piecing experiments with great need of bio-bricks’ sequences, our search engine has the ability to add prefix and suffix according to users’ demands and display them with different color from the usual sequences. With a choice box including various binding types, users can simply choose the type they need and let the program judges the gene order of corresponding bio-bricks. Finally, users can view the genetic sequences with colored prefixes and suffixes and copy these sequences in one click.
This seemingly tiny feature actually helps cut down useless efforts in experiments.</p>
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<p>3)Mark down the bio-bricks you need<br />
“Favorite” is a common feature that we can usually find in the social platforms. They’re implanted into the WEiGEM 2.0 now, making it more convenient for users to look up the former searching data and avoid searching repeatedly. One can mark down the bio-bricks he/she find them likely to be useful in the future and review them later for experiment design. </p>
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<p>4)Bio-bricks information sharing by QR code<br />
QR code is another wonderful and significant tool to the optimization of our search engine. First off, each bio-brick has its unique QR code, and one can share the detailed information to others in a scan. Imagine a situation like this: team members are working together and need to search for bio-bricks. Once one member receives the result, others will be able to scan the QR code and view the details about the bio-bricks. Besides, the QR code also works as a syncing tool. Since we had cooperation with team SKLBC-GDSYZX, we allow the Forum users to scan the QR code pop up automatically in the “Favorite” section of SKLBC-GDSYZX’s website and sync their marked bio-bricks data to the website. </p>
<img src="http://9.igemchina.sinaapp.com/sklbc_china/images/Screenshot1.png" class="screenshot">
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<h3>Article pushing, learning and sharing</h3>
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<p>For new learners in synthetic biology and other biology lovers, we expand the influence of WEiGEM 1.0 by various offline promotions and the improvement of articles’ quality. Each article is evaluated carefully to meet the interests of our users while it provides expertise or up-dated discoveries in the field of synthetic biology. At the end of each article, there are quizzes related to the article above available for users to add more fun in their path of learning synthetic biology. After reading the articles, users and share them to their friends or make personal comments on a specific topic so that more people can join the discussion and therefore extend the social impact of synthetic biology.</p>
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<img src="http://9.igemchina.sinaapp.com/sklbc_china/images/lp.png" alt="">
<p>Regardless of the topic, iGEM projects often create or adapt computational tools to move the project forward. Because they are born out of a direct practical need, these software tools (or new computational methods) can be surprisingly useful for other teams. Without necessarily being big or complex, they can make the crucial difference to a project's success. This award tries to find and honour such "nuggets" of computational work.</p>
If you are working on software as your main project, please join the software track. If you are creating software as an addition to your main project, please apply for this award.
Here are a few examples from previous teams:
<li><a href="https://2013.igem.org/Team:TU-Munich/Results/Software">TU Munich 2013</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Heidelberg/Software">Heidelberg 2014</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Aachen/Project/Measurement_Device#Software">Aachen 2014</a></li>
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Revision as of 11:46, 16 September 2015

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Bio-brick searching engine

Brief Introduction:

Bio-brick plays a crucial role in the field of synthetic biology; hence the core of WEiGEM is bio-brick. We further developed WEiGEM2.0 based on the popular WEiGEM1.0. Through WeChat, we establish a strong connection among iGEMers, mobile phone, and personal computer. Suffered by the low-efficiency bio-brick searching engines, we came up with the idea of developing a newer, more unique and more efficient searching engine based on the large bio-brick database from iGEM website. We picked several important attributions such as functions, types, status, etc. and assembled them in one search page, allowing users to fill up whatever search box with pieces of information that they consider necessary. Therefore, we can not only search bio-bricks by their names,but also search them according to certain descriptions. Furthermore, users can choose the binding type of prefix and receive bio-brick information with genetic sequences including prefixes and suffixes. Through redesigned algorithm which fits our engine most, our search engine can respond more quickly and be used more conveniently than those previous searching tools. After attaining the bio-bricks they need, if users consider some bio-bricks important, they can mark them down and review them later for other purposes.


1)Multiple search choice and cross-match In addition to the common free search mode, we considered the demand of users, and developed various humanized functions. For instance, the function column in the searching page serves to find bio-bricks by keywords in their function and helps an iGEMer match the functions he needs with the bio-bricks that are yet unknown to him but can possibly actualize his goals. This will definitely motivate the researchers’ inspirations when their minds sparkle and need to find bio-bricks immediately, conveniently and accurately.

2)Auto addition of prefix and suffix
Considering the feedback from wet teams that they find it troublesome to use the original genetic sequences without prefix and suffix during analog piecing experiments with great need of bio-bricks’ sequences, our search engine has the ability to add prefix and suffix according to users’ demands and display them with different color from the usual sequences. With a choice box including various binding types, users can simply choose the type they need and let the program judges the gene order of corresponding bio-bricks. Finally, users can view the genetic sequences with colored prefixes and suffixes and copy these sequences in one click. This seemingly tiny feature actually helps cut down useless efforts in experiments.

3)Mark down the bio-bricks you need
“Favorite” is a common feature that we can usually find in the social platforms. They’re implanted into the WEiGEM 2.0 now, making it more convenient for users to look up the former searching data and avoid searching repeatedly. One can mark down the bio-bricks he/she find them likely to be useful in the future and review them later for experiment design.

4)Bio-bricks information sharing by QR code
QR code is another wonderful and significant tool to the optimization of our search engine. First off, each bio-brick has its unique QR code, and one can share the detailed information to others in a scan. Imagine a situation like this: team members are working together and need to search for bio-bricks. Once one member receives the result, others will be able to scan the QR code and view the details about the bio-bricks. Besides, the QR code also works as a syncing tool. Since we had cooperation with team SKLBC-GDSYZX, we allow the Forum users to scan the QR code pop up automatically in the “Favorite” section of SKLBC-GDSYZX’s website and sync their marked bio-bricks data to the website.

Article pushing, learning and sharing

For new learners in synthetic biology and other biology lovers, we expand the influence of WEiGEM 1.0 by various offline promotions and the improvement of articles’ quality. Each article is evaluated carefully to meet the interests of our users while it provides expertise or up-dated discoveries in the field of synthetic biology. At the end of each article, there are quizzes related to the article above available for users to add more fun in their path of learning synthetic biology. After reading the articles, users and share them to their friends or make personal comments on a specific topic so that more people can join the discussion and therefore extend the social impact of synthetic biology.