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{{BNU-CHINA/wrapper |0/0b/BNU_CHINA-home-2|SIREN|Plant-parasitic nematodes which are ususlly too tiny to catch sight of, cause serious losses to agricultural crops worldwide, and over 5000 species of 200 genus can parasitize the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, buds and seeds of manifold plants widely. |10|background-image:linear-gradient(-180deg, #F8FAED 0%, #291E16 100%);}}
{{BNU-CHINA/wrapper |0/0b/BNU_CHINA-home-2|SIREN|Plant-parasitic nematodes which are ususlly too tiny to catch sight of, cause serious losses to agricultural crops worldwide, and over 5000 species of 200 genus can parasitize the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, buds and seeds of manifold plants widely. |10|background-image:linear-gradient(-180deg, #F8FAED 0%,#291E16 30% , #291E16 100%);}}

Revision as of 18:15, 16 September 2015

Team:BNU-CHINA - 2015.igem.org