Difference between revisions of "Team:elan vital korea/safety"

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<div class="inner3">
<font color="black">
  <div class="caption4">
<font color="black"> 19 </font>
Inflammable chemicals including acetone, oil, or gas must be kept in the place where ventilation is easy and access is infrequent.
  <div class="caption4">
<font color="black"> 20 </font>
Importing and exporting of high-pressure gas container must be done using transportation equipment.
  <div class="caption4">
<font color="black"> 21 </font>
When storing high-pressure gas containers, they must be safely and firmly fixed, isolated from flammable substances and inflammatory materials.
  <div class="caption4">
<font color="black"> 21 </font>
Experiments using flammable, explosive, toxic, or volatile gases or vapors must be carried out in a hood.
  <div class="caption4">
<font color="black"> 22 </font>
Reagents container or cabinets for storing reagents must be kept in cool, well-ventilated places without direct sunlight, and far away from fire and heat sources.
  <div class="caption4">
<font color="black"> 23 </font>
Experimental drugs shall be stored in a way not to be shaken by outside shock, and so that its storage bottles do not fall
  <div class="caption4">
<font color="black"> 24 </font>
Toxic materials shall be handled using protective films, or other safety tents to prevent damages from splatter, heating or explosion so as to ensure the safety of the experimenter.
  <div class="caption4">
<font color="black"> 25 </font>
Containers for chemical wastes shall not be left in the hallway or on the stairs, and shall not be stored in the corners of the laboratory or other invisible places.
  <div class="caption4">
<font color="black"> 26 </font>
<font color="black">
When performing microbiological tests, gloves shall be worn, and after the experiment, the used glassware shall be
washed through sterilization, and disposable supplies and medium shall be disposed of separately from general garbage.
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<font color="white">
  <div class="caption3">
<font color="white"> 27 </font>
Inflammable chemicals including acetone, oil, or gas must be kept in the place where ventilation is easy and access is infrequent.
  <div class="caption3">
<font color="white"> 28 </font>
Importing and exporting of high-pressure gas container must be done using transportation equipment.
  <div class="caption3">
<font color="white"> 29 </font>
When storing high-pressure gas containers, they must be safely and firmly fixed, isolated from flammable substances and inflammatory materials.
<h5 style="text-align:center;">
                <font color="white">
Other significant Safety Considerations.
<h5 style="text-align:center;">
                <font color="white">
1. Fire Regulations.
<P style="text-align:center;">
<font color="white">
When fire breaks out, the following guidelines shall apply.
<div class="inner3">
<font color="white">
  <div class="caption6">
<font color="white"> 1) </font>
Save lives.
  <div class="caption6">
<font color="white"> 2) </font>
Call the fire brigade.
  <div class="caption6">
<font color="white"> 3) </font>
Alert people in the area.
  <div class="caption6">
<font color="white"> 4) </font>
Extinguish the fire if possible.
  <div class="caption6">
<font color="white"> 5) </font>
Close doors to the area.
  <div class="caption6">
<font color="white"> 6) </font>
  <div class="caption6">
<font color="white"> 7) </font>
Reassemble outside the building at the designated meeting point.

Revision as of 19:31, 16 September 2015


Safety First!

Saving the world starts with saving ourselves. You cannot save the world unless you’re in good shape. We put safety on the top priority
in any lab works. We have been informed accurately of the lab safety rules as well as bio-safety regulations at the
initial stage of the project in order to understand hazards and safety procedures. Also we received safety training from our instructor
before commencing our lab work. Even though our project is included Bio-Safety Level 1, we know very well that
there are still many risks that may be escalated into serious disaster. Furthermore, even when handling those risks that may not pose serious
threats to the experienced scientists, we as young learners should be extra careful.

The rule of thumb is:

Start with reading Safety Questions for overview.


Follow Elan Vital Safety Rules all the time.


Before entering the laboratory, read
GMS General Safety Rules
and GMS Extra Rules again and follow them


If you are unsure of the rules or confused,
ask lab assistant and/or
instructor before doing anything.

To The Top

We have conducted our experiments at Gachon University. Thus, we have always observed safety rules of the lab. We had Safety Education & Training Session
before starting our lab work. Also, when we conducted our experiments, Gachon University staff supervised our work.

Gachon University General Lab Safety Rule


200 mL LB prepared fresh,


3 g agar


Shake until all solids
are dissolved


Autoclave for 20 min within 2 hr


Keep it cool until it reaches
around 40-50 °C


Add 200 μL of 1000x chloramphenicol
and gently stir it. Be careful not
to shake the bottle too long/hard so that bubbles are created.


Pour into empty petri dishes
just enough to cover the surface
(~20 mL per plate).
In case that bubbles are in
the plate, heat the plate surface
carefully with a burner only
until the bubbles are
burst but the solution is heated.


Leave the plates at room
temperature around one hour
until it is solidified.


Solidified plates should be
turned upside down for a
few hours at room temperature,
then stored at 4°C.


Person who leaves the lab last must make sure that power is disconnected, flammable material is isolated, dangerous material is safely kept, water is disconnected, lab is cleaned and locked, and order of the lab must be double- checked.


Power wiring appliance must be properly installed to accommodate the experiments. Cables, and lines must be checked regularly to confirm that they are capable of handling the electrical load.


All equipment must be connected with the proper power Cable and must not be connected in a multiple power socket.


Autoclave for 20 min within 2 hr


Keep it cool until it reaches
around 40-50 °C


Add 200 μL of 1000x chloramphenicol
and gently stir it. Be careful not
to shake the bottle too long/hard so that bubbles are created.


Pour into empty petri dishes
just enough to cover the surface
(~20 mL per plate).
In case that bubbles are in
the plate, heat the plate surface
carefully with a burner only
until the bubbles are
burst but the solution is heated.


Leave the plates at room
temperature around one hour
until it is solidified.


Solidified plates should be
turned upside down for a
few hours at room temperature,
then stored at 4°C.