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Revision as of 02:24, 18 September 2015





Expert Meetings
Visit Fire Station
2015-02-13 Visit Fire Station

We visited the fire station to get more information about the fire extinguishing principles for our project, and we also learned that how terrible the fire disaster could be. The firefighters taught us that there is no possible to prevent all conflagrations, but we can make great effort to prevent or reduce the damage. During this workshop, we not only benefited from it for fire-related knowledge, but also came up with some ideas for our project. Hopefully, our project could let the public understand the fire and its dangerous behavior as well as make good application for fire security in the future.

DLuB Inc
2015-08-28 DLuB Inc
On August 28th, 2015, Jane, Bonnie, Maggie, Jeffrey and Phil, our advisor, visited a local paint company, DLuB in Taichung. The name DLuB is originally from German, the paints were also imported from there. In 2010, they successfully made up the fire-retardent paints. Therefore, we want to visit them and promote our prototype of fire retardant bacteria(proteins). They toured us around their working places, and shared their experiences with R&D on the fire retardant paints. We presented our project and learned a lot from the experts on the difficulties we met. The techanician demonstrated their products and flame test for us. We appreciated their kindness for providing us this opportunity to meet up and discuss.
IGEM Meetups
Missouri-Rolla IGEM Team
2015-07-30 Missouri-Rolla IGEM Team

During this summer, a special guest, Prof. David Westenberg visited us from Missouri University of Science & Technology, and  he is a co-advisor of Missouri-Rolla iGEM team. We introduced to him about our project and demonstrated our fire-burning experiments. We discussed with Prof. David about how we can further not only improve our project, but also outreach to the public. Afterwards, he told some stories about his school and his iGEM team'92s project, which we were all inspired by their creativity and its application. It was a unique and thought-provoking experience for both teams, and we looked forward to more interactions with other iGEMers.

Taiwan iGEM Teams of
NTU-LIHPAO-Taiwan, TAS Taipei, NCTU Formosa
2015-08-27 Taiwan iGEM Teams of
NTU-LIHPAO-Taiwan, TAS Taipei, NCTU Formosa
On August 28th, 2015, Jane, Bonnie, Maggie, Jeffrey and Phil, our advisor, visited a local paint company, DLuB in Taichung. The name DLuB is originally from German, the paints were also imported from there. In 2010, they successfully made up the fire-retardent paints. Therefore, we want to visit them and promote our prototype of fire retardant bacteria(proteins). They toured us around their working places, and shared their experiences with R&D on the fire retardant paints. We presented our project and learned a lot from the experts on the difficulties we met. The techanician demonstrated their products and flame test for us. We appreciated their kindness for providing us this opportunity to meet up and discuss.
IGEM Asian Conference

This summer vacation, we attended to the iGEM Asia conference at NCTU in Taiwan. At first, we were really nervous because there were only three high school teams, while the others were all collegiate teams. However, we became more confident and prepared as we practiced our presentation repeatedly. We came across many amazing ideas and spent a lot of time discussing with other teams during the conference. The iGEM Asia Conference was not only a chance to make friends, but also an experience to share innovative ideas with people.

IGEM Asian Conference
IGEM for Taiwan

  At first, a group of Taichung students planned to bike around the countryside of Taiwan which is originally an entertaining trip. Then, we came up with an idea which is popularizing our project and hope to reinforce kids’ concept of bio-technique. More than that, this can also arouse their interest and creativity in this field.

  As we go along, we picked several elementary schools randomly and introduce ourselves and what we do to the kids. This is quite an impressive information to those children who have never heard of genetic modification, as a result, they found this attractive and meaningful in improving human’s life.

  Once they were told corn can be retransformed and genetcially modified, they came up with many interesting ideas such as shrinking the watermelon or combining some other fruits. This trip takes people in the countryside to reach the modern thought and technology.

IGEM for Taiwan
SynBio & IGEM in Taichung
2015-06-07 SynBio & IGEM in Taichung

National Chung Hsing University


On June 6th, some of our team members visited Chiao Tung University for an iGEM meetup with NCTU-Formosa, while the other members were taking the concept of iGEM and synthetic biology to the public. In order to promote iGEM and synthetic biology to more people, we chose places where Taichung citizens gather for their leisure time such as the plaza in National Chung Hsing University. We talk to people, elder, young and kids we meet in there, from basketball yard to organic farm. We hope that the idea of synthetic biology and iGEM can reach more to the public.



CMP Block Museum of Arts


After stop in Chung Hsing University, our next is to go to the Park Lane by CMP, where is well-known for its shopping malls and green design trail. In order not to disturb people shopping, we promote synthetic biology along the trail. We introduced our project and talked about what we did on fire retardant bio-materials. And we also introduced synthetic biology and iGEM to them.

Biotech Month

Techology Month was held annually in Mingdao High School. During Biotech Week, we introduced our project and showed the students from grades 7 to 12 with some experiments we have learned in bio lab such as DNA gel electrophoresis and plasmid DNA extraction. Hoping that more people could understand synthetic biology and our project. Many students came to our lab, and we demonstrated them how to use the pipette and some lab awareness and skills. With excitement, students are enthusiastic to the experiments, and we have a great time together.

Biotech Month
Public awareness
SynBio Forum for GMO Debate

In recent years, GMO techniques are widely applied in society and GM foods are common to get in the supermarket. However, most of us are not sure whether GM foods are safe. Therefore, we held a forum to discuss the pros and cons on GM foods in school. We were debating whether the society continues or stops the GM foods. One group of students was the affirmative side, and the other was negative side. Both groups showed great debating ability. It was an impressive and fun experience. This forum may make the public aware of the biotech applied in the society.

SynBio Forum for GMO Debate
Academic Visit
& Collaboration
Open House Visit @ Academia Sinica

On November 1st, 2014, we visited the Academic Sinica, which is one of the top academic institutes in Taiwan. We look around the display of research achievement from labs that inspires us how biotech could be. And we also attended academic symposium, in which we discussed specific topic and expressed our idea.  Meanwhile, we went to scientific research lectures, which intrigues our motivation to learn more biotech approaches in the lab.


By the way, we met Dr. Woan-Yuh Tarn in Institute of Biomedical Sciences.  We discussed our project and she is interested in our idea. We acquired the materials for gene cloning from her lab. This visit in Sinica has a significant meaning for us and is also the beginning on our iGEM tour.

Open House Visit @ Academia Sinica
Collaboratoin with NCTU-Formosa
2015-06-07 Collaboratoin with NCTU-Formosa

We visited iGEM team NTCU-Formosa and met a member, CHAO-DI CHANG to learn the approach about data mining. We also looked around their laboratory and the campus. We asked him about the tricks of searching the bacteria or the protein we need. He told us some useful web resources such as NCBI, UniProtKB and dbPTM. He introduced these webs to us and taught us how to use them and find the target we may need. Also, he showed us how to write a programming code to sort out the data we download. As for we, we told him the idea of our iGEM project and exchanged different ideas and experiences in the previous iGEM Jamboree.

& Art Design Film
What's fire?
Since our project is strongly related to fire, we must introduce fire in the first place.The idea is to keep everything simple and easy to understand,and we also added some easter eggs to attract more attention. This time, it features a presenter and with the help of some simple yet important experiment to introduce fire to the people. I’m sure that it can easily let everyone knows more about fire and have a clue about how the project is going to work.
Mingdao project trailer
The main purpose of this trailer is to arise the excitement, and focusing on making it as cinematic as possible. With very limited budget, resources and time, we have to shoot it in a rather experimental way. The biggest challenge is time. We only have about 2 weeks to finish this trailer including, we were in such hurry that we don’t even have time to write a script. With all the barriers to conquer, we still managed to finished this trailer. And hopefully, people will like our trailer and want to lean more about our project.
Sand painting
The reason to choose this particular presentation is because sand painting can be regarded as a possession of distinct artistic style. It focuses on storytelling in a dynamic way rather than static description. Therefore, we take this challenge to apply this special performance in a way to attract audience's eyes. And it will guide all the iGEMers to easily understand the idea, the design, and the goal in our project of making fire retardant bio-materials.
T-shirt &
Logo design
The idea in our design is to present our project, “Fire Retardant Bio-Coating” with the chassis we chose to modify, E.coli and M13 bacteriophage. Our goal is to make fire retardant materials that can be put on the wall or clothes to stop fire spread. The green one with double tails is E.coli, and the light yellow one with some drop-looking shape is M13 phage. In addition, E.coli is put on fire fighter helmet, and M13 wears the fire retardent cloak. Both of them signify how our fire retardant system may look like. We did great work on fire retardant E. coli, but failed to modify phage because the repeated sequence and charges on amino acid (serine and arginine in our case) are diffucult to be synthesized, replied by Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT).
Banner design The fire arouses people’s curiosity about our project. We put our slogan in a lucid way on the banner with a fire burning up from the bottom. It sent the massage that we have a strong ambition to defense against fire in our project.