Difference between revisions of "Template:Team:Penn/CSS"

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/* styling for the slideshow on the homepage */
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/*Dropdown menu hack*/
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background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #585d8a 0%,#2e335f 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #585d8a 0%,#2e335f 100%); /* IE10+ */
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width: 900px;
border-spacing: 0px 5px;
.people_table tr td{
width: 220px;
background-color: #444;
vertical-align: top;
.people_table tr td p{
    padding-top: 10px;
.name {
    font-size: 16px;
.major {
    font-weight: 500;
font-style: normal; 
font-size: 15px;
.protrait {
height: 300px;
font-weight: 500;
font-style: normal; 
font-size: 15px;
.members {
    font-size: 18px;
.sponsor_table {
border-collapse: separate;
.sponsor_table tr {
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background-color: #fff;
vertical-align: middle;
.sponsor_table tr td img{
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<ul id="nav">
<a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn"><li>Home</li></a>
  <li><a style="hover:"href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Overview">Project</a>
      <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Overview"> <li>Overview</li> </a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Magnetism"> <li>Magnetism</li> </a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Microbio"> <li>Microbiology</li> </a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Synbio"> <li>SynBio in AMB-1</li> </a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/CdTolerance"> <li>Cadmium Tolerance</li> </a>
  <li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Specsheet">Human Practices</a>
      <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Specsheet"><li>Spec Sheet</li></a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Outreach"><li>Outreach</li></a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Biomeme"><li>Biomeme</li></a>
  <li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Notebook">Notebook</a>
      <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Notebook"><li>Timeline</li></a>
      <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Safety"><li>Safety</li></a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Protocol"><li>Protocols</li></a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Supplement"><li>Supplementary Materials</li></a>
  <li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Team">About</a>
      <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Team"><li>Team</li></a>
                        <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Achievements"><li>BioBricks</li></a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Sponsors"><li>Sponsors</li></a>
    <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Penn/Resources"><li>References</li></a>
                <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Main_Page"> <img style="margin-left:30px" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/igem.org/6/60/Igemlogo_300px.png" width="40px"></a>
<div style = "background: url('https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014/2/24/JaneText.png'); position: inherited; height:350px; background-size: 80%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position:center top;">

Revision as of 00:29, 23 July 2015