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| + | <h4>John Doe</h4> |
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− | <p style="margin-left:390px">In view of rapid depletion of traditional energy resources and increasing demand of desalination of seawater for fresh water, we aimed to enhance the electrogenic capacity of microbial fuel cells (MFC) by genetically modified bacteria and optimize the traditional microbial desalination cells (MDC) device.</p>
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− | <p>Although members of SCAU-China come from different grades and majors with diverse specialties and interests, we all contribute to accomplish our project. IGEM competition gives us a great opportunity to develop our scientific skills and achieve specific goals in a limited time. We enjoy the ... <a href="Team-SCAU-China/Team.htm" tppabs="https://2014.igem.org/Team:SCAU-China/Team">[more>>]</a></p>
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