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Synthetic biology - Bricks for a healthy life?

We, the iGEM Team Heidelberg 2015 hereby invite you to our discussion regarding the topic, if and how synthetic biology should influence modern health and life and general.

We have made it our goal to inform society about the possibilities that synthetic biology has to offer for modern medicine. In order to offer a stage for the questions this might rise, we organised a discussion about the topic 'Synthetic biology - Bricks for a healthy life?' (german: 'Synthetische Biologie - Bausteine für ein gesundes Leben?'). We invited multiple representatives of different fields of modern life to discuss about that. Amongst them are doctors, politicians, scientists, philosophers ... and YOU! .

In windows above you can on the one hand watch a life stream of our discussion - translated into english in realtime and contribute to our discussion by asking questions via Twitter. In order to do so, you just need to tweet your questions with the hastag '#askigemheidelberg' and they will be show up for us.

Join us in the discussion and ask questions via Twitter!