Team:NCTU Formosa/Description

Cancer has the crucial impact on individuals, family and society around the globe. According to the cancer statistics published by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015, there were approximately 14 million new cases and 8.2million cancer related deaths in 2012. It’s also expected that cancer cases will rise from 14 million to 22 million within the next two decades.
Even though governments and health-care organizations try hard to prevent and reduce the rising number of cancer cases, cancers still risk everyone’s life. As the result, the notion of precise and efficient personal therapy─targeted drug therapy arises.
TStudies show that targeted drug therapy can attack cancer cells more precisely and enhance the efficiency of treatment by a large margin. According to the statistics, the usage rate of targeted drug therapy has increased within ten years. In Figure, in 2003, targeted drug therapy is not commonly used compared with other therapies, accounting for only 11% usage. Over one decade, it is estimated that the usage of targeted drug therapy dramatically increases to 46%. By this estimation, targeted drugs will become the commonly used therapy in cancer treatments among others in the future.
Targeted drugs therapy utilize compounds that are capable of inhibiting targeted molecules on cancer cells which send message along signaling pathways in cell growth, cell division or cell death. Via specific binding to targeted biomarkers, targeted drugs show more accurate attack to cancer cells and less harmful damage to normal tissues, bringing a new perspective in the treatment of cancer. [1] Although targeted drugs treatments can lead to the dramatic regressions of solid tumors, the responses are often short-lived because resistant cancer cells arise after a period of treatment. The major strategy proposed for overcoming the resistance is combination therapy. The clinical and preclinical researches further indicated that the combination therapy which treats cancer with multiple drugs can attain greater effects than using only one. There are less probability that a single mutation will cause cross-resistance to both drugs.[2] Furthermore, the targeted therapy is a major step forward for many cancers, especially advanced cancer. Physicians and researchers are now focusing on the development of targeted drugs, and creating a new era of personalized cancer treatment.[3]
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  Engineering Building 6 EF455, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, ROC.