Meetups/NCTU Formosa/agenda

Day 1 – 19th July 2015 (Sunday)

Time Activity Remark
15:30~17:00 Transportation from Taoyuan International Airport to NCTU Teams should arrive at the airport before 15:30
17:00~17:30 Arrival Each team receives a Conference Guide
17:30~18:30 Check in Each team check into the dormitories Each team check into the dormitories
19:30~22:00 Welcome Party An introduction to the new campus
Each team introduce themselves (5- 10 miutes)
Talent Show

Day 2 – 20th July 2015 (Monday)

Time Activity Remark
8:00~9:00 Breakfast Posting poster
(Size: 160 cm length x 90 cm Width)
9:00~9:10 Opening Ceremony
9:10~9:30 Addresses by Honorable Guests President of NCTU, Dean and Vice Dean of DBT
9:30~11:00 Addresses by Team Supervisors Each team 5 minutes
11:00~11:40 Team 1 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 2 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
Presentation 20 minutes
Q&A 20 minutes
11:40~13:30 Lunch Buffet and poster time
13:30~14:10 Team 3 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 4 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
14:20~15:00 Team 5 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 6 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
15:00~16:00 Break Snacks and poster time
16:00~16:40 Team 7 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 8 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
16:50~17:30 Team 9 Presentation 、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 10 Presentation 、Q&A @ Room 4
17:30~21:30 Free time

Day 3 – 21stJuly 2015 (Tuseday)

Time Activity Remark
8:00~9:00 Breakfast
9:00~9:40 Team 11 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 12 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
9:50~10:30 Team 13 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 14 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
10:30~11:10 Break Snacks and poster time
11:10~11:50 Team 15 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 16 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
11:50~13:20 Lunch Snacks and poster time
13:20~14:00 Team 17 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 18 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
14:10~14:50 Team 19 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 20 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
14:50~15:30 Break Snacks and poster time
15:30~16:10 Team 21 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 22 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
16:20~17:00 Team 23 Presentation 、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 24 Presentation 、Q&A @ Room 4
17:00~19:00 Dinner Snacks and poster time

Day 4 – 22nd July 2015 (Wensday)




Time Activity Remark
8:00~9:00 Breakfast
9:00~9:40 Team 25 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 26 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
9:50~10:30 Team 27 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 1
Team 28 Presentation、Q&A @ Room 4
10:30~11:20 Break Snacks and poster time
11:20~12:00 NCTU_Formosa iGEM Team
12:00~13:30 Lunch Snacks and poster time
13:30~14:10 Team 3rd Presentation、Q&A
14:15~14:55 Team 2nd Presentation、Q&A
15:00~15:40 Team 1st Presentation、Q&A
15:40~17:30 Closing Ceremony Photo time and award ceremony Photo time and award ceremony
17:30~21:30 Taiwanese Banquet