Team:NTU-LIHPAO-Taiwan/Basic Part


DNA Ligation
Materials and Reagents :
  1. DNA (insert & vector)
  2. Ligation high ver.2
Equipment :
  1. Cooling dry bath incubator
Procedure :
  1. Table
    Components Volume (μL)
    Insert x
    Vector y
    Ligation High 1
    Total 7
            Molar ratio: insert/vector = 3/1
            x + y = 6
  2. Gently mix the solution by pipetting up and down
  3. Incubate
    1. at 16℃ for 2 hours, or
    2. at 37℃ for 1 hour, or
    3. at 4℃ overnight
  4. Proceed with bacterial transformation
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