Team:Birkbeck/Composite Part

Composite Parts

TFA (tail fibre assembly) gene circuit (BBa_K1846001)

The tfa (tail fibre assembly) protein of bacteriophage Lambda assists in the assembly of the stf (short tail fibre) protein into a functional tail fibre. This part provides the gene sequence for tfa, together with a TetR repressible promoter (TetO), ribosome binding site and an rrNB T1 terminator. Presence of the gene in shipping backbone pSB1C3 was confirmed by restriction with enzymes EcoRV and PstI (Fig. 1) and by Sanger sequencing.

a.      b. 

Fig 1. a. Predicted band size of correct (lane 1) and incorrect (lane 2) restriction. b. Observed band sizes of both samples (both the tfa circuit) match correct band sizes of 1133 and 1737 bp.

TetR circuit (BBa_K1846003)

This is a constitutive part creating a circuit for the production of the tetracyline repressor TetR, using a constitutive, medium-copy chloramphenicol promoter, ribosome binding sequence and double terminator (rrnb T1 terminator followed by a T7Te terminator).

Correct cloning of the part into the pSB1C3 shipping vector was confirmed by Sanger sequencing.