Team:SZMS 15 Shenzhen/interlab
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<img src="/gallery/int/INT-1.png">
<img src="/gallery/int/INT-2.png">
A 96 flat bottom black, clear bottom polystyrol plate is used to contain our bacteria during measurements. The distribution of or devices is shown below.
Mode: Absorbance
Wavelength: 600nm
Number of Flashes: 25
Settle Time: 10ms
Temperature: 24.7 °C
<img src="/gallery/int/INT-3.png">
<img src="/gallery/int/INT-4.png">
Mode: Fluorescence Top Reading
Excitation Wavelength: 488nm
Emission Wavelength: 510nm
Excitation Bandwidth: 5nm
Emission Bandwidth: 5nm
Gain: 100 Manual
Number of Flashes: 50
Flash frequency: 400Hz
Integration time: 20µs
Lag Time: 0µs
Settle Time: 0ms
Z-Position (Manual): 20000µm
Temperature: 24.2 °C
1. We obtained 9 technical replicates of liquid culture, so we got the average of fluorescence of the liquid culture .Then we subtracted the average number from the data of fluorescence of the other samples.
2. We divided the data by the OD600 measurement to get that of fluorescence released by a unit of each device.
3. We calculated the standard deviation of each device.
4. We omitted the number after the decimal point of all the data.
1. Because the number we subtracted from the data of fluorescence was the average of that released by liquid culture, some data became below zero which we presented as "/" in the charts below.
2. Because of our own problems, we did not do the "extra credit work" of J23117 + I13504.
The final result is presented below:
The unit is a.u.
<img src="/gallery/int/INT-5.png">
<a href="" >Our Project Description</a>