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  Hi! Here recorded the “significant” stages of our team which we experienced throughout the whole summer. In the initial establishment of our team, we organized various social activities and uneasy demonstrated the project at the first time, which all presents to you here.


March 24th

The establishment of our team!

April 9th

We established the iGEM club in our campus.

April 20th

Determined the project as "magnetotactic E.coli generates electronics."

May 8th

Communicated with professor Hu from Hong Kong University Medicine School.

May 10th

Determined three vectors for co-transferred which are pACYCDuet-1, pET28a and pCDFDuet-1.

June 12th

Amplified the mamGFDC and mms6 with PCR from MSR-1.

June 18th

Presentation and Interactive at The experimental Kindergarden Affiliated to UESTC.

June 19th

Presentation and Interaction at the Primary School Affiliated to UESTC

July 21th

The start of the Summer Training Camp.

July 25th

The establishment of the iGEM Southwest Union of China, also the first meet up.

August 17th

Finished the project video.