
Collecting impressions from the community

It’s done. We’ve finally decided upon a logo. It’s beautiful, it’s blue, it’s fishy *wink*. The next step was to choose a color scheme and a general style for the wiki. As we feared that our own ideas might be too similar we thought of asking a broader public how they would design a website based on our logo. In order to do so, we headed to the ’Neckarwiese’. During summer, a big part of Heidelbergs population decideds to go there and enjoy the sun, have a BBQ or just relax – so we caught them off guard.

The general consens was to go for a blue theme, maybe add a little algae green and generally stick to maritime iconography. Unexpectedly we actually met someone who knew his stuff: Natalie, a student of the history of arts from Berlin. She gave us useful advice on how play with the different colors, what to avoid and even added a little touch of history to it. Lucky catch!

With fresh ideas we headed back to the lab and continued our experiments, being envious of all the people that could continue to sleep in the sun.

Lucky catch: A student of the arts!

We’ve been lucky and actually met someone knowledgable in arts. Her name is Nati and she studies the history of art in Berlin.