

The first step towards good lab safety are personal precautions such as wearing lab coast, gloves in regards to the handled matter and safety goggles. As we’ve been working RNA which is highly sensible to contaminations we cleaned a part of our lab using hydrogenperoxide. During this act of cleaning we wore special mouthgards so we don’t breath in any of the chemical.

We not only separated a RNAsefree part of the lab, but also one for running gels, as we would be handling chemicals like EtBr and SYBR Safe for staining our gels. We tended to use SYBR Safe, as it is proposed to be less toxic. Other dangerous chemicals were of course handled under the fume hood. Not only did we separate a section for working but also one for programming and documentation, as we decided never to handle any electronics wearing gloves.

Used organisms, namely E. coli strains DH5 \alpha and TOP10, yeast strain PY741 and

As a precaution against spread of modified organisms equipment and benches were regularly cleaned using EtOH. Also, we used designated trashcans for any living matter that were then autoclaved afterwards. We were highly sensible regarding possible spillages of E. coli as that might ruin our RNA based experiments, because of which we chose not to use certain parts of equipment for cells.