Team:CHINA CD UESTC/Template:RightStyle.css
/* General Slides */
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/* ________________ //Slide 2 ________________ */
/* ______________ Slide 4 service旋转四列__________ */
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/* ____________ SERVICES_BLOCK ___________ */
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/* ____________ SERVICES_BLOCK ___________ */
/* _______________ //Slide 4 _____________ */
/* _______________ Slide 6 时间轴_________ */
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/* _____________ //exhib_block _______________ */
/* ________________ //Slide 6 _________________ */
/* _______________ Slide 12 左图右文______________ */
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/* ____________ //Slide 12 ________________ */
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.cr-gallery ~,
.cr-gallery ~,
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p {
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} /***********select-gallery*********/ .gallery-container{ width: 80%; margin: 60px auto 30px 170px; display: block; }
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border-radius: 0px 3px 3px 0px;
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/**********select-gallery over*******/
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} /* _______________ Slide 10 照片________________ */ #slide10 { width:90%; padding: 20px 0 0 30px; }
/* _________________ PORTFOLIO ________________ */ .gallery-list { text-align:center; margin-right:-20px !important; } #slide10 .hover_img { overflow:hidden; position:relative; height:291px; width:255px; background:#fff; }
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/* ________________ //PORTFOLIO _______________ */
/* ___________ //Slide 10 ___________________*/
/****************gallery in education**********/ /***************slide gallery***************/
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/****4 windows gallery ***********/
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