Team:Pasteur Paris/Description
Our project is entilted PlastiCure
Europe producted, in 2012, 25,2 million tons of plastic waste, among which only 25 % were recycled and 36 % burned. The remaining 39 % were dumped or buried.
What we want to do?
The iGEM team Pasteur wants to bring a solution to the treatment of plastic waste, by means of a powerful tool: the synthetic biology. Our ambition is to design a system capable of producing a medicine from the products of the digestion of plastic pollutants.
The PlastiCure project so answers two problems:
-Degradation of plastic waste : with a system of bio-degradation of plastic, our bactéria will transforme it to a viable product
-Synthesis of a medicine : with our product and a biosynthesis way, we want to product a medecine.