
/* All javascript needed for the global header and footer, and some utility functions.

  @file        gl-head-scripts.en.js
  @author      marionm
  ========================================================================== */

var gl_Wrapper = '#gl-outer-wrapper'; // outer wrapper element selector var gl_Header = '#gl-header'; // header element selector var gl_HeaderFullHeight = 100; // maximum height of header, should always match height of #gl-header in /common/css/gl-styles.en.css var gl_HeaderCompactHeight = 42; // minimum height of header, should always match height of in /common/css/gl-styles.en.css var gl_HeaderOffset = 60; // clearance needed to properly offset linked elements from the compact header, should always match height of .gl-anchor in /common/css/gl-styles.en.css var gl_Footer = '#gl-footer'; // footer element selector var gl_FooterLanguages = '#gl-footer-lang'; // footer language menu element selector var gl_FooterLangMessages = '#gl-footer-lang-message'; // footer language message element selector var gl_FooterLangLinks = '#gl-footer-lang-links'; // footer language link wrapper element selector var gl_FooterDifference = '#gl-footer-difference'; // footer difference element selector

/* Return an element's "true" top offset that has been adjusted to account for its margin-top, border-top, and (optionally) the header offset.

  @function    gl_GetAdjustedOffset
  @param       elem {string} [default=false] the element to assess, can be any standard jQuery selector
  @param       header {boolean} [default=true] optional, if true, subtract gl_HeaderOffset from the offset value
  @return      {integer} or {float}
  ========================================================================== */

function gl_GetAdjustedOffset(elem, header) {

   var elem = elem || false;
   var header = header || true;
   if (elem && $(elem).length > 0) {
       // element found, calculate its top offset
       var offset = parseFloat($(elem).offset().top);
       var difference = parseFloat($(elem).css('margin-top')) + parseFloat($(elem).css('border-top-width'));
       // difference found, subtract it
       if (difference > 0) offset -= difference;
       // header found, subtract its designated offset
       if (header && $(gl_Header).length > 0) offset -= gl_HeaderOffset;
   } else {
       // element not found
       offset = 0;
   return offset;


/* Return the height of the header or (optionally) subtract the header offset from a specific value.

  @function    gl_GetHeaderHeight
  @param       top {integer} or {float} [default=0] optional, subtract gl_HeaderOffset from this value and return it
  @return      {integer} or {float}
  ========================================================================== */

function gl_GetHeaderHeight(top) {

   if ($(gl_Header).length > 0) {
       // header found
       var top = top || 0;
       var height = gl_HeaderFullHeight;
       // top parameter set, subtract the header offset from it
       if (top > 0 && top >= height) height = top - gl_HeaderOffset;
   } else {
       // header not found
       height = 0;
   return height;


/* Offset scrollTop on hash urls to compensate for the fixed position header.

  @function    gl_SetAnchorOffset
  @bind        $('a').on('click')
  @param       href {string} optional, pass an anchor's href attribute
  @return      nothing
  ========================================================================== */

function gl_SetAnchorOffset(href) {

   // determine which url to use; the anchor's href attribute or the current location
   var url = href || window.location.href;
   // search the url for a hash, quit if blank or not found
   var hash = url.indexOf('#');
   var len = url.slice(hash).length;
   if (hash == -1 || len < 2) return;
   // search for identifiers on the page, quit if not found
   var id = url.slice(hash);
   var name = 'a[name=' + id.replace('#', ) + ']';
   if ($(id).length == 0 && $(name).length == 0) return;
   // determine which element selector to use, quit if no eligible elements found
   if ($(id).length > 0) {
       // use element id
       var select = id;
   } else if ($(id).length == 0 && $(name).length > 0) {
       // use element name (for anchors)
       var select = name;
   } else {
   // insert a dummy span in front of the element so we always get an accurate offset
   // get dummy span offset
   var top = $('.gl-anchor').offset().top;
   // remove the dummy span now that we have the offset
   // scroll to the new offset (the delay makes it more reliable)
   setTimeout(function() {
   }, 1);


/* Limit the rate at which a function can trigger, greatly improves performance in some situations.

  @function    gl_ThrottleFunction
  @param       func {function} function to throttle
  @param       wait {integer} [default=250] maximum rate at which the function is permitted to trigger, in milliseconds
  @param       immediate {boolean} [default=true] if true, trigger the function before the wait; if false, trigger the function after the wait
  @return      function
  ========================================================================== */

function gl_ThrottleFunction(func, wait, immediate) {

   var timeout;
   var wait = wait || 250;
   var immediate = immediate || true;
   return function() {
       var context = this;
       var args = arguments;
       timeout = setTimeout(function() {
           timeout = null;
           // trigger after the wait
           if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
       }, wait);
       // trigger before the wait
       if (immediate) func.apply(context, args);


/* Move the footer to the bottom of the viewport on short pages.

  @variable    gl_SetBodyHeightDifference
  @bind        $(window).on('load resize')
  @return      function
  ========================================================================== */

var gl_SetBodyHeightDifference = gl_ThrottleFunction(function() {

   if ($(gl_Wrapper).length > 0 && $(gl_FooterDifference).length > 0) {
       // remove any existing difference from the calculation
       // get the height difference between the viewport and the outer wrapper
       var difference = parseInt($(window).height() - $(gl_Wrapper).height());
       if (difference > 0) {
           // difference found, set height on a placeholder div (more reliable than a margin)
       } else {
           // no difference found, hide placeholder div


/* Prevent javascript errors on this old, obsolete function call.

  @function    set_domain
  @return      nothing
  ========================================================================== */

function set_domain() {};

$(document).ready(function() {

/* header

  ========================================================================== */
   // only run if the header has been included
   if ($(gl_Header).length > 0) {
   /* enable fixed header only in js-enabled environments ================== */
       $('#gl-header, #gl-header-bg, #gl-header-offset').addClass('gl-header-fixed');
   /* adjust header on page scroll ========================================= */
       var gl_OffsetLeft = $(gl_Header).offset().left + (0 - $(window).scrollLeft());
       var gl_FirstRun = true;
       $(window).on('load scroll resize', gl_ThrottleFunction(function() {
           // create ability to toggle the compact menu
           if ($('').length > 0) {
               // don't use the compact header (the rest is done with css)
               gl_FirstRun = false;
           } else {
               // switch to compact mode when page is loaded/reloaded while scrolled down
               if (gl_FirstRun && $(window).scrollTop() > gl_HeaderFullHeight - gl_HeaderCompactHeight) {
                   $('#gl-header, #gl-header-bg, #gl-header-offset').addClass('gl-compact gl-onload');
                   gl_FirstRun = false;
               gl_FirstRun = false;
               // toggle modes on scroll
               if ($(window).scrollTop() > gl_HeaderFullHeight - gl_HeaderCompactHeight) {
                   // switch to compact mode when user scrolls down
                   $('#gl-header, #gl-header-bg, #gl-header-offset').addClass('gl-compact');
               } else {
                   // use full size mode by default and switch to it when user scrolls up
                   $('#gl-header, #gl-header-bg, #gl-header-offset').removeClass('gl-compact');
           // emulate horizontal scroll effect on fixed position element
               left: gl_OffsetLeft
   /* adjust header offset on named anchors ================================ */
       $('a').on('click', function() {

// gl_SetAnchorOffset($(this).prop('href'));

   /* show submenus ======================================================== */
       if ($('').length === 0) {
           var gl_Doctype = document.doctype; // null in IE9 quirks-mode environments, but not html5
           if (!!(('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.MaxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0))) {
               // only show submenu in js-enabled, non-quirks-mode environments
               if (typeof gl_LTEIE9 === 'undefined' || (typeof gl_LTEIE9 === 'boolean' && gl_Doctype !== null)) {
                   // force touch devices make better use of the :hover and :active pseudo-classes
                       ontouchstart: ,
                   // prevent videos from absorbing click/touch events from the global header
                   var gl_Clicked = false;
                   $('#gl-header a').off('click tap hover').on('click tap', function(e) {
                       if (gl_Clicked === true) {
                           gl_Clicked = false;
                       gl_Clicked = true;
                       // add classes to videos, hiding them so they can't steal focus
                       // make sure they're hidden before triggering the click event
                       setTimeout(function() {
                           $(this).trigger('click tap');
                       }, 1);
                   // show submenus on click/tap for touch-enabled devices
                   $('#gl-menu .gl-has-submenu > a').off('click tap hover').on('click tap', function(e) {
                       // prevent href from triggering
                       // close submenu when clicked/tapped a 2nd time
                       if ($(this).parent().hasClass('gl-open')) {
                           // prevent videos from absorbing click/touch events from the global header
                       // close any other submenus that may be open
                       var gl_IsOpen = $('#gl-menu').find('.gl-open');
                       if (gl_IsOpen) $(gl_IsOpen).removeClass('gl-open');
                       // toggle the submenu
                       if ($(this).parent().attr('id') === 'gl-menu-search') {
                           // focus on the search input field
                       } else {
                           // focus on the submenu
                       // add classes to videos and remove their controls
           } else {
               // convert the search link into a div in submenu-enabled, js-enabled, non-quirks-mode environments
               if (typeof gl_LTEIE9 === 'undefined' || (typeof gl_LTEIE9 === 'boolean' && gl_Doctype !== null)) {
                   // convert search anchor to div so IE9 doesn't try to use it
                   var gl_SearchWrapper = '#gl-menu-search .gl-submenu-wrapper';
' + $(gl_SearchWrapper).html() + '
                   // hide all submenus when mouse leaves the menu wrapper
                   $('#gl-menu').on('mouseleave', function() {
                       $(', #gl-menu .gl-open').removeClass('gl-clicked gl-open');
                   // enable submenu hover functionality on click
                   $('#gl-menu .gl-has-submenu .gl-submenu-wrapper').on('click', function(e) {
                       // prevent href from triggering
                       // enable hover events on the menu
                       // show the submenu on this tab on click
                       if ($(this).parent().attr('id') === 'gl-menu-search') {
                           // focus on the search input field
                       } else {
                           // focus on the submenu
                   // show submenus on timed hover
                   var gl_HoverConfig = {
                       over: function() {
                           if ($('#gl-menu').hasClass('gl-clicked')) {
                               // show the submenu on this tab on mouseenter
                               if ($(this).attr('id') === 'gl-menu-search') {
                                   // focus on the search input field
                               } else {
                                   // focus on the submenu
                       out: function() {
                           if ($('#gl-menu').hasClass('gl-clicked')) {
                               // hide the submenu on this tab on mouseleave
                               $('#gl-menu .gl-open').removeClass('gl-open');
                       interval: 50, // default = 100
                       timeout: 50, // default = 0
                       sensitivity: 500 // default = 6
                   $('#gl-menu .gl-has-submenu, #gl-menu').hoverIntent(gl_HoverConfig);
               } else {
                   // show hover styles instead of submenu in IE9 quirks mode
                   $('#gl-menu .gl-has-submenu > a').hover(function() {
                   }, function() {
   /* search input ========================================================= */
           // ensure default localized placeholder text is being used
          // $('#gl-submenu-search form').get(0).reset();
           var gl_SearchDefault = $('#gl-search').val();
           // change placeholder text to a blank string on submit
           $('#gl-submenu-search form').submit(function(e) {
               var gl_CurrentSearchValue = $('#gl-search').val();
               if (gl_CurrentSearchValue == gl_SearchDefault || gl_CurrentSearchValue == ) e.preventDefault();
           $('#gl-search').focus(function() {
               // deselect input text and change style on focus
               var gl_SearchCurrent = $(this).val();
               if (gl_SearchCurrent !== gl_SearchDefault) {
                   // terms found, un-italicize
                   $(this).removeClass('italics').addClass('normal active');
               } else {
                   // no terms found, italicize
                   $(this).val().val(gl_SearchDefault).removeClass('normal active').addClass('italics');
                   if ($(this)[0].setSelectionRange) $(this)[0].setSelectionRange(0, 0);
           }).keydown(function() {
               // change placeholder text to a blank string and un-italicize on keypress
               if ($(this).val() == gl_SearchDefault) $(this).val().removeClass('italics').addClass('normal active');
           }).focusout(function() {
               // change everything back to default on focusout when input is blank
               if ($(this).val() == ) {
                   $(this).val(gl_SearchDefault).removeClass('normal active').addClass('italics');
                   if ($(this)[0].setSelectionRange) $(this)[0].setSelectionRange(0, 0);
           }).click(function() {
               // refocus on click, fixes bug with flash movies stealing focus in Firefox on OSX
