

After orally ingested, certain amounts of modified probiotic L. casei can survive under acidic condition when passing through the stomach. Owning to gastric acid, bile acid and digestive enzymes, the presence of these bacteria in the intestinal tract only last for a limited time, and then are washed out in faeces.[1] During the process of transition and temporary colonization, CPP-PYY complexes are produced and exert the following effect.
In the first part of Modeling, bacteria distribution in the small intestine was investigated. Data from Y. K. Lee et al. showed bacteria number against time adhered on the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum in mouse after orogastric intubation of 109 L. casei, which were listed in Table 1. [2] The ratio (%) of bacteria number to total ingested number were also indicated.
Fig.2-1 Nisin Selection
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