
// Implements the tag. Requires a "ref" attribute that corresponds to one listed in references.json and that // references.json be included in the global scope

var refLinks = {};

$(document).ready(function() {

 var citation_idx = 1;
 // On first encounter, fill in all <cite> tags on the page with a certain reference
 $( "cite" ).each(function() { 
   if ( $(this).html.indexOf("href") != -1 ) { // tag already been given link in reference list
   else {
     var refID = $(this).attr("ref");
     // Add link with ordinal citation inside <cite> tag of all with refID
     $("cite#"+refID).each( function() {
           $(this).html( "<a class=\"ref-link\" href=\"#" + refID + "\">[" + citation_idx + "]</a>");
     // Add refID to list
     scrollLinks[$(this).text()] = refID;
     // Add appropriate li to the references list
  • " + references[refID] + "
  • ");
         citation_idx = citation_idx + 1;
     }); // end "cite".each
     $(".ref-link").each(function(i, obj) {
         $(obj).click(function() {


    // for smooth scrolling function scrollToAnchor(aid){

       var aTag = $('#'+aid);
         $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(aTag).position().top}, 'slow');
