TemplatesforTeams Code Documentation
Page Title
Please note that all information on this page is in a draft version.
Please check back often for details.
Creating a new wiki page
Creating a new wiki page is very easy. Simply type the name of the page in your url bar. Be sure to create every page inside your team's name space.
The line creates a page in the 2015 iGEM server, under the Team Example namespace with the page name "ProjectResults".
To apply the template to your page, use the following code:
{{TeamTemplateA}} <html> **************Your html content will be placed here ******************* </div></div> </html>
- Call the template you wish to apply to the page - in this case we are calling TeamTemplateA.
- Open an html tag- this tells the page that the code in between tags will be html.
- This is where you will write the content for your page.
- Close the div tasg - In the template, #contentContainer and #mainContainer were created, this marks where they end.
- Close the html tag - this is the end of the page.
Editing the menu
<div id="menuContainer"> <ul> <a href=" link "><li>HOME</li></a> <a href=" link "><li>TEAM</li></a> </ul>