
<!DOCTYPE HTML> Attributions


User experience

Up to September.19th,our website has had over 2729 Page View.We have successfully popularized Synsketch to biology lovers especially high school students and college students.

Science festival

On May.29th in 2015,our school held the Science Festival,and our team took part in it.We divided in two groups so as to popularize iGEM in two different ways.One group focused on creating a pack of cards which was based on synthetic knowledge.We aimed to popularize iGEM as well as teach people some basic knowledge about synthetic.Except cards,we also held a prize-giving quiz.The other group focused on shooting a micro video that introduced some interesting knowledge about biology.Our promotional activity was quite successful,we attracted many students and teachers to know more about iGEM.


On July.19th,we had a meetup with another high school team iGEM-SKLBC-China and four teams from Sun Yat-san University and Institutes Of Technology Of South China.We showed our project and communicated with each other.

Cooperation with Andrew

On August 6th,we had a meeting with Andrew’s team,a team which concentrated in charity.

Offline promotion at APP Company

On August.12th,we began our first offline activity called iParty.