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Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description..

Gradient PCR of „pCAG with CMV-Enhancer FWD/Cβ-Actin REV. Primers” (29.06.2015)

Gradient PCR from pCAGGS
MgCl₂ (NH₄)2SO₄ VR fwd VR rv dNTP Tag ddH₂O DNA Total
1x 2.5 ul 2.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.2 ul 16.3 ul 2.0 ul 25.0 ul
9X 22.5 ul 22.5 ul 4.5 ul 4.5 ul 4.5 ul 1.8 ul 146.7 ul 18.0 ul 225.0 ul


Results weren’t matching with expected results, experiment will be repeated.



Gradient PCR from pCAGGS
MgCl₂ (NH₄)2SO₄ VR fwd VR rv dNTP Tag ddH₂O DNA Total
1x 2.5 ul 2.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.2 ul 16.3 ul 2.0 ul 25.0 ul
9X 22.5 ul 22.5 ul 4.5 ul 4.5 ul 4.5 ul 1.8 ul 146.7 ul 18.0 ul 225.0 ul


Results weren’t matching with expected results, experiment will be repeated.



Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description..

Gradient PCR of „pCAG with CAG FWD/CAG REV. Primers/pCMV REV.” (01.07.2015)

MgCl₂ (NH₄)2SO₄ VR fwd VR rv dNTP Tag ddH₂O DNA Total
1x 2.5 ul 2.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.2 ul 16.3 ul 2.0 ul 25.0 ul
9X 22.5 ul 22.5 ul 4.5 ul 4.5 ul 4.5 ul 1.8 ul 146.7 ul 18.0 ul 225.0 ul


Results weren’t matching with expected results, experiment will be repeated.


Gradient PCR from pCAGGS (CAG FWD – Chicken β Aktin REVERSE)
MgCl₂ (NH₄)2SO₄ VR fwd VR rv dNTP Tag ddH₂O DNA Total
1x 2.5 ul 2.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 0.2 ul 16.3 ul 2.0 ul 25.0 ul
9X 22.5 ul 22.5 ul 4.5 ul 4.5 ul 4.5 ul 1.8 ul 146.7 ul 18.0 ul 225.0 ul


Results weren’t matching with expected results, experiment will be repeated.


Protocols of „Phusion Pol, and Q5 Polymerase” (02.07.2015)

Phusion DNA Polymerase
dNTP Fwd primer Rev primer Buffer Phusion Pol. ddH₂O DNA Total
1x 0.4 ul 2.0 ul 2.0 ul 4.0 ul 0.2 ul 10.4 ul 1.0 ul 20.0 ul
98˚C 98˚C ???˚C 72˚C 72˚C Cycle
Time 2’ 10’’ 30’’ 1’ 5’ ???x

Q5 DNA Polymerase
dNTP Fwd primer Rev primer Buffer Q5 Pol. ddH₂O DNA Total
1x 0.5 ul 2.5 ul 2.5 ul 5.0 ul 0.25 ul 8.25 ul 1.0 ul 20.0 ul
98˚C 98˚C ???˚C 72˚C 72˚C Cycle
Time 2’ 10’’ 30’’ 1’ 5’ ???x

Defterde jel görüntüsü yok.

Gradient PCR of „pCAG with CAG-FWD/CAG REV. Primers and Phusion Pol.” (07.07.2015)

Gradient PCR from pCAGGS
dNTP Fwd primer Rev primer ?????
Buffer Phusion Pol. ddH₂O DNA Total
1x 0.4 ul 2.0 ul 2.0 ul 4.0 ul 0.2 ul 10.4 ul 1.0 ul 20.0 ul


Result: Gel extraction was performed. PCR (+): 680 bp


# Sample ID User name Date and Time Nucleic Acid Conc. Unit A260 A280 260/280 260/230 Sample Type Factor
1 eb biospec 7/8/2015 1:56:43 AM 0.1 ng/ul 0.002 -0.009 -0.25 -0.19 DNA 50.00
2 pCAG biospec 7/8/2015 1:58:14 AM 13.7 ng/ul 0.275 0.138 1.98 0.15 DNA 50.00

Creating “Plasmid pCAG” via “pTRE” and “Promoter pCAG” (09.07.2015)

Digestion of “pTRE” and “Promoter pCAG”
pTRE (1536 ng/ul) pCAG (promoter) (13.7 ng/ul) EcoRI XhoI Neb 3.1 Buffer ddH₂O Total
1 3.2 ul - 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 2.0 ul 13.8 ul 20.0 ul
2 - 10.0 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 2.0 ul 7.0 ul 20.0 ul

pTRE-delta-TRE was made after digestion.

Concentration: 99.9 ng/ul

The final concentration of pCAG is 6.855 ng/ul.

Ligation of „pTRE TRE“ and „Digested promoter pCAG“
pCAG T4 DNA Ligase Buffer ddH₂O Total
1:1 3.0 ul 7.0 ul 0.5 ul 2.0 ul 7.5 ul 20.0 ul

Ligation products were transformed into E.Coli/BL321 strain.

Result: No colonies were observed.

Digestion of “pTEToff and pET45 Vectors” (10.07.2015)

Digestion of “pTEToff and pET45 Vectors”
pTEToff (1141 ng/ul) pET45 (485 ng/ul) XhoI (Neb) BamHI (Neb) SalI (Thermo) HindIII (Thermo) Cut Smart Buffer Fast Digest Buffer ddH₂O Total
1 3.1 ul - - - 0.5 ul 0.5 ul - 2.0 ul 13.9 ul 20.0 ul 37˚C 1h
2 - 4.1 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul - - 2.0 ul - 12.9 ul 20.0 ul 37˚C 2h

Result: Bands were at the expected section. Gel extraction was made.


# Sample ID User name Date and Time Nucleic Acid Conc. Unit A260 A280 260/280 260/230 Sample Type Factor
1 eb biospec 7/10/2015 11:37:54 PM -0.4 ng/ul -0.008 -0.015 0.58 -0.39 DNA 50.00
2 pET45 x+b biospec 7/10/2015 11:40:59 PM 59.0 ng/ul 1.180 0.612 1.93 0.74 DNA 50.00
3 pTEToff s+h biospec 7/10/2015 11:41:58 PM 55.5 ng/ul 1.110 0.581 1.91 0.25 DNA 50.00

Creating “Plasmid pCAG” via “pTRE” and “Promoter pCAG” – Repeat (08.07.2015)

Digestion of “pTRE with EcoRI/XhoI”
pTRE XhoI EcoRI Neb 2.1 Buffer ddH₂O Total
1 3.2 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 2.0 ul 13,8 ul 20.0 ul 37˚C 2h
2 3.2 ul 0.5 ul 0.5 ul 2.0 ul 13,8 ul 20.0 ul 37˚C 2h/0.5 ul CIP/37˚C 30’/50˚C 30’

Result: Gel extraction was made.


# Sample ID User name Date and Time Nucleic Acid Conc. Unit A260 A280 260/280 260/230 Sample Type Factor
1 eb biospec 7/9/2015 6:32:17 PM -0.7 ng/ul -0.015 -0.022 0.66 0.21 DNA 50.00
2 hre cmv mini biospec 7/9/2015 6:34:10 PM 13.8 ng/ul 0.277 0.141 1.97 0.03 DNA 50.00
3 ptre delta tre cip - biospec 7/9/2015 6:34:54 PM 88.7 ng/ul 1.774 0.941 1.88 0.24 DNA 50.00
4 ptre delta tre cip + biospec 7/9/2015 6:35:35 PM 86.0 ng/ul 1.721 0.947 1.82 0.25 DNA 50.00

Creating “Plasmid pCAG” – Continue (12.07.2015)

Ligation of „pTRE TRE“ and „Digested promoter pCAG“
pTRE TRE CIP (+) pTRE TRE CIP (-) pCAG (6.85 ng/ul) T4 DNA Ligase Buffer ddH₂O Total
1 3.0 ul - 7.0 ul 0.5 ul 2.0 ul 7.5 ul 20.0 ul
2 - 3.0 ul 7.0 ul 0.5 ul 2.0 ul 7.5 ul 20.0 ul

Room Temperature 1h

Sonuc: Transformation was made. No colonies were observed at first plate. At the second plate there was five colonies. Colony PCR will be made.

Creating “Plasmid pCAG” – Continue (13.07.2015)

Colony PCR from “pCAG” with “pTRE Luc fwd/SV40 polyA re. primers”
MgCl₂ (NH₄)2SO₄ pTRE Luc fwd SV40 rev dNTP Tag ddH₂O DNA Total
1x 2.5 ul 2.5 ul 1.0 ul 1.0 ul 0.5 ul 0.2 ul 12.3 ul 5.0 ul 25.0 ul
6X 15.0 ul 15.0 ul 6.0 ul 6.0 ul 3.0 ul 1.2 ul 73.8 ul 120.0 ul
95˚C 95˚C 55˚C 72˚C 72˚C Cycle
Time 5’ 30’’ 30’’ 1.5’ 5’ 35x

Result: All bands were observed around 700 bp, results were negative. Ligation will be repeated.

(+) bant: 923 bp

(-) bant: 705 bp


Creating “Plasmid pCAG” – Repeat (19.07.2015)

Ligation of „pTRE TRE“ and „Digested Promoter pCAG“
pTRE TRE CIP (+) pTRE TRE CIP (-) pCAG (6.85 ng/ul) T4 DNA Ligase Buffer ddH₂O Total
1 3.0 ul - 2.5 ul 0.5 ul 2.0 ul 12.0 ul 20.0 ul
2 - 3.0 ul 2.5 ul 0.5 ul 2.0 ul 12.0 ul 20.0 ul



RT 2h

Transformation at BL21.

CIP (+): No colonies were absorved.

CIP (-): Colony PCR will be made.

Creating “Plasmid pCAG” – Continue (20.07.2015)

Colony PCR from “pCAG” with “pTRE Luc fwd/SV40 polyA re. primers”
MgCl₂ (NH₄)2SO₄ pTRE Luc fwd SV40 rev dNTP Tag ddH₂O DNA Total
1x 2.5 ul 2.5 ul 1.0 ul 1.0 ul 0.5 ul 0.2 ul 12.3 ul 5.0 ul 25.0 ul
6X 15.0 ul 15.0 ul 6.0 ul 6.0 ul 3.0 ul 1.2 ul 73.8 ul 120.0 ul
95˚C 95˚C 55˚C 72˚C 72˚C Cycle
Time 5’ 30’’ 30’’ 1.5’ 5’ 35x

Result: All bands were observed around 700 bp, results were negative. Ligation will be repeated.

(+) bant: 923 bp

(-) bant: 705 bp


Creating “pCAG (Plasmid) – Repeat (23.07.2015)

PCR from “pCAGGS”
dNTP CAG fwd CAG rev Chicken β Akt. Rev pCAGGS Phusion Pol 6C??
Buffer ddH₂O Total
1 2.0 ul 10.0 ul 10.0 ul - 5.0 ul 1.0 ul 20.0 ul 52.0 ul 100.0 ul
2 2.0 ul 10.0 ul - 10.0 ul 5.0 ul 1.0 ul 20.0 ul 52.0 ul 100.0 ul
98˚C 98˚C 64/68˚C 72˚C 72˚C Cycle
Time 2’ 10’’ 30’’ 1’ 5’ 35x

Gel Extraction will made.


# Sample ID User name Date and Time Nucleic Acid Conc. Unit A260 A280 260/280 260/230 Sample Type Factor
1 eb biospec 7/23/2015 6:56:38 PM 0.2 ng/ul 0.005 0.005 0.92 0.14 DNA 50.00
2 pcag e biospec 7/23/2015 6:58:03 PM 42.9 ng/ul 0.858 0.450 1.91 1.97 DNA 50.00
3 pcag y biospec 7/23/2015 6:58:53 PM 23.3 ng/ul 0.466 0.233 2.00 1.94 DNA 50.00


Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description..

Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance..

Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance..

Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance..

Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance..


Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description.. Some description..

Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance.. Background of acid resistance..

Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance.. Design of acid resistance..

Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance..

Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance.. Results of acid resistance..