


[Chemwiki]: Chemwiki article on fluorescence.

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[Hippler2003]: Hippler, M. (2003). Advanced Chemistry Classroom and Laboratory Photochemical Kinetics : Reaction Orders and Analogies with Molecular Beam Scattering and Cavity Ring-Down Experiments. Journal of Chemical Education, 80(September), 1074-1077.

[Zhou2012]: Zhou, Xin X., et al. (2012). Optical Control of Protein Activity by Fluorescent Protein Domains. Science, 338(November), 810-814.

[Kim2012]: Kim, H., & Gelenbe, E. (2012). Stochastic gene expression modeling with hill function for switch-like gene responses. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 9(April), 973-979.