Team:NCTU Formosa/Practices

Human Practice
About Project
Experience the side effect of chemotherapy- Bald&nbsp See more!

Took part in Amoy Newsletter

ApexBio Consultation&nbsp See more!

Lecture iGEM and Sythentic Biology in Biocamp

Inqure Science and Tech Law expert with patent

Visit Cancer Doctor and Recovered Patient
iGEM, Sythentic Biology and Project Promoting&nbspSee more!
Team exchange&nbspSee more!
Host iGEM Asia Meetup&nbspSee more!
27teams 210 participants

Skype Meetups
KAIT_ Japan, Amoy_ China, TU Delft, and Oxford

Host mini conference for iGEM high school team Mingdao & HSNU

Conference with iGEMers and Professors