Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Vilnius15 Script

function myWikiReady() {

// put the footer in the right place


function gotop(e){

 if ($(window).scrollTop() != 0) {
 } else {


$(window).load(function () {

   $('head').append('<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="">');

$(window).load(function () {

   $('head').append('<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />');

$("a#gotop").hide(0); gotop();

$(window).scroll(gotop); $("a#gotop").click(function(e){

 $(window).off('scroll', gotop);
 $('html, body').animate({scrollTop : 0},500,'swing',function(){$(window).scroll(gotop);$("a#gotop").fadeOut(400);});


// Slideshows

       responsive: false,
       auto: true,
       autoHover: true,
       captions: true

$("div.thumbinner > a img").slimbox({}, function(el) { url = el.src; if (url.indexOf('thumb') != -1) { url = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/')); url = url.replace('/thumb/', '/'); } description = $(el).parents("div.thumbinner").children("div.thumbcaption").text(); return [url, description]; }, function(el) { return (this == el); });

       captions: true,
       slideMargin: 10,
       minSlides: 3,
       maxSlides: 3,
       moveSlides: 1,
       slideWidth: 5000

