

Here is where we should put a brief description of the content that fits under the Surveys category:

it lives?

Here is where we should put a brief description of the content that fits under the Explore category:

April 26th-May 2nd
This week we assembled our team for the summer, and ended the week out with a BBQ to get to know each other!

April 26th-May 2nd
A brainstorming meeting occurred and we had a great time formulating our lab work, wiki, and policy & practices parts of our projects. Committees will be important for us to accomplish everything.

May 3rd – May 9th
A brainstorming meeting occurred and we had a great time formulating our lab work, wiki, and policy & practices parts of our projects. Committees will be important for us to accomplish everything.

May 10th – May 16th
Speakers for our summer camp were finalized and rooms reserved! XXX

May 17th – May 23rd
We had a final meeting in our committees before breaking for summer. Projects were started and last details decided upon so we could make the most of our summer!

May 24th - May 30th
Bioengineering Summer Camp lead coordinators, Matt and Sierra met with MSOE to discuss what activities and models we would use for our students at the summer camp.

May 31st – June 6th

June 7th – June 13th

June 14th – June 20th

June 21st – June 27th
Matt and Sierra proposed a final wiki design which the team agreed upon. Onto coding!

June 21st – June 27th

June 28th – July 4th

June 28th – July 4th

July 5th – July 11th
The student lecturers, Matt and Sierra, at our summer camp began formulating their presentations about viruses and antibiotic resistance! We are pumped to share our knowledge to help high schoolers understand antibiotics and use them appropriately in the “real world”.

July 12th – July 18th
This week was all about finding questions to ask our experts: Sierra focused on doctors, Christa focused on industry specialists, and Anna focused on foundations that all work with antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, or bacteriophages.

July 19th – July 25th
Preparations were made for our summer camp next week! Food, name tags, lab manuals, and binders are waiting for our campers and staff members! We are so excited to meet our students and work with them over the week!

July 26th – August 1st
Summer Camp week! Read about the blast that we had with our students HERE***. Unfortunately, lab progressed fairly slow due to our staff dedicating a majority of their time to the summer camp, but no regrets, as our students had a wonderful time.

August 2nd – August 8th
This was a major background research week. Sierra, Christa, and Matt focused on source gathering, journal reading, and article writing galore! Phage therapy and bacteriophages are fascinating to read about, find our sources around the rest of the wiki!

August 9th – August 15th
Jordyn proposed, and Sierra finalized drafts of surveys for our WELS high school teachers and WLC students. Now onto sending them out and collecting responses and data.

August 16th – August 22nd

August 23rd – August 29th
We welcomed new freshman on our campus this week! Sierra and Harrison had a table at "Org Smorg" to recruit for next year's iGEM team as well as survey the freshmen about their knowledge and opinions regarding GMOs. Jack made sure we looked great with a new poster board made up for the event. Matt, Sierra, and Dr. Werner also decided on the program we would pursue. ***

August 30th – September 5th
We were back on campus this week! It was great to see the entire team again. We had a team meeting on September 1st and got caught up with our tasks ahead of us. We prepared for Biotechnology Info Night, designing the coffee lids and deciding the content of our session. We also prepared for having lunch tables to gather survey data.

September 6th – September 12th
This week was a big week for Policy & Practices. We had lunch tables at our school for students to have conversations with us regarding biotech and take our survey. We also encouraged them to come to Biotechnology Info Night.

September 13th – September 19th
This week, unfortunately, was a large wiki building week. We focused a lot as a team on uploading content and finalizing all of our Policy & Practices data. Zach, Anna, and Jack analyzed surveys while Sierra coordinated who was responsible for what content. Christa focused on wiki proof reading, and Ryan contributed to graphic design. Jordyn and Harrison ensured that all of our requirements were fulfilled and documented. Matt, the wiki master coder, made sure that we had pages to upload content to. In lab, ***.