Team:TCU Taiwan/Modeling/Protein structure
To increase efficiency in isolating our AMPs, we introduced a signal peptide upstream of the N-terminal of mature antimicrobial peptides. This signal peptide is obtained from chitinase C of S.lividans (MGFRHKAAALAATLALPLAGLVGLASPAQA). When the premature peptides enter the periplasmic space, peptidase will identify the cleavage site Ala-Gln-Ala and cut at the double Ala between the signal and mature peptide. To ensure and verify this process, we have attached an Ala at the N-terminal of AMPs. When applying a protein secondary structure prediction software base on the known peptide structure, we can analyze whether the attached Ala may have an effect on the peptide folding process. |
The first column shows the amino acid sequence that we predict. The second column shows that AMPs corresponding secondary structure state are still a-helix. The third column shows the probability of correct prediction. |
The first column shows the amino acid sequence that we predict. The second column shows that AMPs corresponding secondary structure state are still a-helix. The third column shows the probability of correct prediction. |
Through the analysis of the peptide secondary structure and confirmation of the -helix structure, the results show whether Ala is attached to Signiferin or Epinecidin-1, the peptide did not affect the peptide folding process. process. |
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