The 2015 iGEM team dedicates this page to all the wonderful people who helped make our project such a success this year!
RHIT Faculty Members
Shannon Tieken:BBE Laboratory Technician and Greenhouse Manager
Shannon was the team's primary contact for supply management
Lisa Knott: BBE Department Secretary
Lisa helped with many of the administrative tasks that the team needed.
Dr. Kay Dee: Interim Head of the BBE Department
Dr. Dee helped the team get access to labs and tools on the Roses-Hulman Campus
Lou Johnson:Chemistry Department Lab Manager
Mathematics Department
Dr. Goulet
Computer Science and Software Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering Department
Chemical Engineering Department
Lou Johnson-lab manager-help us to find buffers etc, Cindy Irwin-Stockroom manager, same help
Each team must clearly attribute work done by the student team members on this page. The team must distinguish work done by the students from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, and individuals not on the team roster.
What should this page have?
- General Support
- Project support and advice
- Fundraising help and advice
- Lab support
- Difficult technique support
- Project advisor support
- Wiki support
- Presentation coaching
- Human Practices support
- Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team
Take a look at what other teams have done:
- 2011 Imperial College London (scroll to the bottom)
- 2014 Exeter
- 2014 Melbourne
- 2014 Valencia Biocampus