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The 2015 iGEM team dedicates this page to all the wonderful people who helped make our project such a success this year!

Team Advisors

Dr. Ric Anthony Dr. David Goulet

RHIT Faculty Members

Shannon Tieken:BBE Laboratory Technician and Greenhouse Manager
Shannon was the team's primary contact for supply management

Lisa Knott: BBE Department Secretary
Lisa helped with many of the administrative tasks that the team needed.

Dr. Kay Dee: Interim Head of the BBE Department
Dr. Dee helped the team get access to labs and tools on the Roses-Hulman Campus

Lou Johnson:Chemistry Department Lab Manager
Lou supplied the iGem team with many of the chemicals and equipment that the team required for the experiments. Cindy Irwin: Chemistry Stockroom Manager
Cindy was also involved in providing chemicals and equipment necessary for experiments.

What should this page have?
  • General Support
  • Project support and advice
  • Fundraising help and advice
  • Lab support
  • Difficult technique support
  • Project advisor support
  • Wiki support
  • Presentation coaching
  • Human Practices support
  • Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team


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