
A gleam from our trip to Langeland where we went to brainstorm and get to know each other. The first lecture about iGEM-2015 took place on the 10th of February 2015. Students from multiple branches of studies attended to hear more about the concept of iGEM. For many attendees, it was the first time hearing about iGEM. Not all that attended applied for the SDU iGEM team 2015. But at least 9 of us did.

The first meetup happened on the 4th of March. The team was gathered to enjoy a nice meal together, with the purpose of getting familiar with each others faces. The SDU iGEM team 2015, were now ready to get started.

On March 20-22th the entire team and their supervisors went to stay in a little summer cabin on Langeland for the weekend. The goal was to get to know each other and to initiate the brainstorming process. When the weekend was over we had our final idea even though the deadline was not until the 1th of April. Now the real work could begin for the SDU iGEM team 2015. Danish meetup at the Technical University of Denmark

To get more familiar with general methods used in microbiology and common conduction in laboratories, our supervisors hosted an introductory lab course during the easter holidays. After this introduction we were ready to spread our wings and fly into many hours of independent laboratory work.

Collaboration and open source is a big part of participating in iGEM. The last weekend of April, the iGEM team from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invited us to their campus. We went to visit them together with the other Danish iGEM from the University of Copenhagen (KU). This was the first time we experienced the open source principle of iGEM - and we love it.