

This page is devoted to everyone that helped the iGEM Team Heidelberg 2015 make this years project come true. Numerous individuals, research groups, departments and companies supported us throughout the entire project and here we want to say thank you for this!
Prof. Dr. Eils, Dr. Irina Lehmann and Dr. DiVentura made this project possible. Lukas Brenner, Katharina Hölfer, Stefan Kallenberger, Ilia Kats and Phillip Walch mentored us this year as advisors. We would like to thank both mentioned groups of people for explaining various techniques and providing much needed experience with the whole iGEM procedure. Additionally they often asked the right questions or made us notice our own mistakes.

Following procedures were performed exclusively by members of the iGEM team: PCRs, minipreps, making cells competent, making cryostocks, designing primers, cloning, making and running gels, nanodropping, fluorescnece measurments, preparation of samples, blotting. Procedures not listed were most likely performed by us too, we just forgot them creating this list.

Great thanks to the entire staff of the BioQuant for tolerating us and making our daily lab live a lot easier. Also we would like to thank Jan Flessau, Silvan Schmitz, Moritz Przybilla, Lara Schlegel, Florian Schmidt and Konrad Herbst for advice in the creative process. Oh, and of course stackoverflow.