

The University of Georgia’s iGEM team has worked very hard over the course of the past summer. We have learned much about the field of synthetic biology and have grown significantly as scientists in our attempt to expand the use of Archaea in the field of Synthetic Biology. This would not have been possible without the contributions of the many people and organizations listed below.

Special Thanks to:

The first group that we must thank is the University of Georgia Microbiology Department. They have allowed us to use their equipment and provided us with the lab space needed to conduct our experiments. The Microbiology department has also provided us with essential funding to reach our experimental goals, as well as travel to the Jamboree to present our research. In particular, thank you to all graduate students in Dr. William Whitman’s Lab for equipment handling instruction.

The College of Engineering also played an instrumental role in our success. The graduates students provided us with much needed guidance that to ensure the success of the modeling project. Moreover, Dr. Yan’s lab was useful because of the state of the art equipment, which we were allowed to use. Finally, we are especially grateful for their financial support, which was used to defray the cost of attending the Jamboree.

We would like to thank the following organizations at the University of Georgia for their generous financial support:

The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

The Department of Genetics

Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

The University of Georgia Alumni Association

President Venture Fund

Office of the Vice President of Research


Dr. Zhe Lyu

We are extremely appreciative of LZ. He has put in a lot of time and effort in teaching us techniques ranging from the cultivation of anaerobes to DNA sequencing. His expertise with methanogens has played a significant role in making sure we achieved our goals

Narendran Sekar

Naren has been an integral member of the iGEM team and has helped with numerous tasks. Specifically Naren's expertise in metabolic modeling was instrumental in making sure the project was completed on time and of quality


Dr. William B. Whitman

We would like to thank Dr. Whitman, a world renowned researcher in Archaea for his guidance and support of our projects.

Dr. Yajun Yan

We would like to thank Dr.Yan for his support of our team and for the space he allowed us to use in his lab.

Additional Support

We would like to additionally thank Nishu Goyal and her research group at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the National Institute of Singapore for providing us with support with the original metabolic model for Methanococcus maripaludis S2 (iMM518), which we received from the BioModels Database.